Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Emma Watson Has Been Hitting The Bottle Since Age Seven, Is Better For It

Usually when a young actor or actress is interviewed about their experience with alcohol, they give some canned answer about how they don’t enjoy partying because they’re so busy with work or how they don’t feel the need because it just never interested them. You know, total bullshit. That’s why I’m crazy about Emma Watson’s recent answer when asked about her parent’s attitude toward drinking:

“My dad wouldn’t have any of this kids stuff. We would never be allowed to order from the kids’ menu in restaurants. He’d always expect me to have adult conversations. I wasn’t babied I was expected to step up when I was told to.”

“I was never not allowed alcohol – I was seven when I had my first glass of wine, mixed with water and with a meal. I found it really strange when I got to school and everyone was like, ‘Ooh, we’ve got alcohol!’ I wasn’t interested.”

Yup. Me too. I remember my mom letting me take small sips of her keg beer at a family friend’s BBQ as early as the age of three. Small sips, you guys. I wasn’t getting tanked. But because of that I always knew what alcohol tasted like (not all that great) and didn’t really understand what happened to you when you drank it in excess. That I learned in college, where every American kid should learn such things.

If that Dina Lohan started introducing sips of her Bartles & Jaymes into Lindsay’s diet at a younger age, she probably wouldn’t be where she is now, basically.

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Alcohol is viewed completely differently in Europe. Also Wine and beer are two completely different things… It’s common in Europe for kids to have watered down wine with meals. Beer on the other hand is not given to kids…

  • i was raised with a tolerant and open view to drinks, my parents let me sip them, i did the home made wine coolers (red wine and sprite) so having a drink wasnt something special or ‘cool’ i didnt care.

  • Alcohol education in most places is pretty bullshit, it’s no wonder people go nuts as soon as they can legally (or not as the case often is) have it.

  • Same here. I was allowed a regular, non-watered down glass of wine with dinner by 10 or 11. Then I went to high school and I was completely uninterested in getting drunk with everyone else. Alcohol lost its appeal from that perspective.