Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Lady Gaga in Rolling Stone

“Michael got burned, and he lifted that glittered glove so damn high so his fans could see him, because he was in the art of show business. That’s what we do. I don’t even drink water onstage in front of anybody, because I want them to focus on the fantasy of the music.”

-Lady Gaga on how she’s built her celebrity based off of Michael Jackson in the new Rolling Stone, which is required reading for any and all ballers out there.

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I think I'm a bit disheartened by the news that his next album will be more political. Politics is everywhere, can not we take a break from what we hear music? And there are fans who do not always share political views a pop star, which is a stimulus. Madonna is very angry, and politicians who died in
    sd card

  • ok_ let me just say i consider myself a
    little monster and i love our mother
    monster …this michael incident was
    '84 or '85? & GaGa is 24… her study
    of pop culture amazes me.
    i think she is wonderful

  • sex album
    I love how the shadow of his ass out of the right cheek when moving from the wall of his thigh. And part of his butt crack seems to have been established by a No. 2 pencil. Maybe if Rolling Stone poptards not untalented in their coverage, they could afford to hire a professional retoucher