Today's Evil Beet Gossip

In Other News …

Sandra Bullock gets lost dog back, puts husband in the doghouse. [Celebslam]

Marky-Mark still walks around with his underoos hanging out — and still kind of looks okay. [popbytes]

Sigourney Weaver pushing Aliens to the side and is possibly involved with a new vampire flick project. [Pajiba]

Kate Gosselin denies that she’s a diva and a bad mom. [Celebitchy]

Hey, DC’s giving away free condoms. You know, if you happen to be in the area or whatever. [Zelda Lily]

Jessica Simpson’s new reality show was a flop, I guess. [Litely Salted]

Bret Michaels hearts Miley Cyrus. This is a match made in heaven. [Allie is Wired]

Kendra Wilkinson claims that she won’t pose for Playboy ever again. [Amy Grindhouse]

Amanda Seyfried admits that it’s tough staying skinny. [Betty Confidential]

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