Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“I don’t think that’s fair at all for people who are going to see the show. I think if you are going to be a singer, you should sing. If you are going to be a dancer, you should dance. If you are going to do a combination of the two, you should make it very clear when you are singing and very clear when you are dancing. I would never do that to my fans. No offense to her specifically but people have asked me before to mime. I have been up at three in the morning for a television show with jet lag but I refuse to mime. It’s treating people as if they are too stupid to realize you are not actually singing. Sometimes it is hard to sing and dance at the same time but I would rather be off and be real and genuine about it to my fans. I don’t want to treat my fans like they are stupid.”

– Ke$ha goes after Britney Spears for lip synching during live shows.

Ke$ha’s got herself a nice little age-old argument, but many would argue that they don’t go to see Britney sing, they go for the show and that it’s the people who show up for the singing that are stupid. Regardless of what you think, Ke$ha needs to rise above making public swipes at people who are more successful than her. It barely worked for Lily Allen, and she’s far more talented and adorable.

13 CommentsLeave a comment

    • I was going to say that too. Uh, duh, Kesha. You are already trying to *trick* your fans. Idiot.

    • I was going to say the same thing. Her songs are auto-tuned to the absolute maximum. Besides, does anyone actually expect “Ke$ha” to have vocal talent? I imagine her concert sounding the exact same as her (only) song on the radio: talking along to a beat.

  • Right, and anyone with a $-sign in their name is going to stand the test of time in the spotlight.

    • You took the words right out of my… fingers? That sounds weird. I mean to say: I agree with you.

  • None of these dames are Barbra Streisand or Judy Garland or Ella Fitzgerald. Can Britney actually sing well? Her voice sounds very synthesized in many of her songs- a classic way to hide a weak voice.

    But I agree. Unless you are Milli Vanilli, sing.

  • think straight – nice points.

    also, who is this Kesha and why is she relevant? What does she actually sing? Gahh…

  • KE$ha (or whatever) has been in the public spotlight for what…5 minutes? Who does she think she is that she can trash talk stars who have sold out hundreds of concerts and have been living that life since before they hit puberty. All Ke$ha should be able to talk about with any authority is how to sound like a trashy drug addict. Shut up and sit down Ke$ha.

  • The only reason she doesn’t mime is because she can’t dance and therefore would be more than a fake to mime in any performance she did! If she could dance (or even rock) then no doubt she’d mime, also I saw Britney’s show at the O2 last year, it was AMAZING, and kesha wishes she could give a performance anywhere near as good!

    Plus kesha’s just a loser that was on the simple life. The end

  • Woow what’s with all the haters? Keisha is awesome and her song is really catchy. Good for her for keeping it real. She’s seems fun, spunky and hip and I would listen to her sing over Britney Spears any day.