Today's Evil Beet Gossip

R.I.P. Boner Stabone

I am sad to report that the search for missing Growing Pains actor Andrew Koenig is over after his body was found in a Vancouver park. Andrew, who Kelly told you was missing last weekend, committed suicide according to his father who spoke with reporters yesterday in the same park where the body was found. Tragically, Andrew was discovered  by his father and a group of friends who decided to give the park one last look over before they continued on their search.

Unfortunately, the months leading up to Andrew’s suicide were pretty tell-tale. He struggled with depression, and about a year after going off of his anti-depressants, he gave away most of his possessions and moved out of his Venice Beach apartment. Andrew’s parents said they also received a letter from their son about a week that had a “despondent tone”.

His father ended the press conference by saying, “If you’re one of those people who can’t handle it anymore, you know, if you can learn anything from this, there are people out there who really care,” he said. “You may not think so and ultimately it may not be enough, but there are people who really care.”

49 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Meh. I don’t think I really care about this one. I saw Growing Pains re-runs on the Disney Channel when I was growing up, but this guy faded away such a long time ago. I feel bad for his family and close friends and it sucks that he felt this was his only way out, but I’m not really effected by this one.

    • Well, how nice for you. These stories scare me so much, as I watch so many of the people I love struggling with depression year after year and do all I can to make them feel loved, appreciated, needed, etc. It’s a scary thought, whether you feel particularly interested by “this guy” or not.

      • Look, I have no personal connection to this guy at all. Should I get emotional over his death? I said that I feel bad for his family and close friends, but his death has no effect on me at all. How many people die daily in this world? Are you guys all heartbroken over them too? Give me a break.

    • wow.

      “i don’t think i really care about this one…this guy faded away such a long time ago.”

      who gives a flying fuck about his name or what he did to pay his bills. it is ALWAYS sad when someone takes their own life. for more reasons than just the death itself.

      i’m sorry his death wasn’t glamorous enough for you and couldn’t provide you with more entertainment.

  • it’s relevant b/c it brings attn to so many suicides out there, esp by people who you think have a lot to live for. sad story. i heard about it yesterday on my friend’s facebook status.

  • wow Roofie. Cold. Here’s hoping no one in your life ever struggles with anything harder to deal with than the common cold. wow.

    • Agreed. Roofie is more of a douche than evilbeetdouche is a douche. Luckily he’s not around here that much.

      • My mom’s not dead, Lisa. I was just helping evilbeetdouche with his nightly jack off session visual.

      • Not around here that much? I’ve been here posting regularly for a couple of years now! I stopped posting for a month because I was vacationing in Europe. But no worries, I’m back.

        And once again, I’m sorry that I don’t have some sort of personal connection with Boner Stabone where his death means more to me than just feeling sorry for his family and close friends.

  • How incredibly sad it is when someone feels they can no longer stand to live.
    And how tragic that it was his father and his friends who found him.
    If you can’t muster up any emotion for this situation, I wonder what kind of human being you are.

  • God has this place ever gone downhill. Where was the update YESTERDAY? It’s not like yesterday was some holiday, and I know for a fact you had nothing else you were doing with your time, Molls.


    • Do you actually read what’s on here?
      Her internet was down.
      I think maybe you’re just a plain moron.

    • maybe I’m missing something here, but wasn’t it just released this morning that his body was found. good grief!

  • The things his father said were very sad. I wish we knew why he’d gone off his anti-depressants, and I wish he’d felt he had someone he could talk to.


  • I am very sad to hear this news. It is always heartbreaking when someone feels they have no way out. I feel for his family and I’m very glad his dad spoke out. I’m sure it was very hard to do. RIP Boner.

    Also, Roofie is an insensitive asshole. Thanks commenters for saying what I wanted to say about his insensitive comments.

    • Congratulations, Grace. Only two paragraphs. Still like drinking bleach, but not the whole gallon.

      • Uh oh, looks like evilbeetdouche couldn’t talk the neighborhood kids into another sleepover tonight.

    • “Always have wanted to say”. Please inform me as to the other super insensitive comments have been.

      And once again, I’m sorry that I don’t have some sort of personal connection with Boner Stabone where his death means more to me than just feeling sorry for his family and close friends.

  • i can’t believe that very first comment there! SOME FUCKING PEOPLE, right??
    i’m about 100,000 times more sad today than when we found out about brittany murphy and michael jackson…just sayin’.

  • Two definitions of Roofie that I found:

    1. flunitrazepam: flunitrazepam, or a dose of flunitrazepam, especially when used as a date-rape drug

    2. Insensitive walking piece of shit that just happens to resemble a human being. Subject to bad karma and typically spends his days masturbating to memories of blowing his priest as a child.

    • Subject to bad karma = just got home from winning $300 at the blackjack tables with friends.

      I really see no problem with my initial comment. I didn’t make jokes about him. I didn’t say that I was happy that he was dead or whatever. Sorry that I don’t have some sort of connection to a guy who was on like 20 episodes of Growing Pains. I feel bad for the family and friends (as I said in that post) but his death hasn’t effected me at all. Any death is sad, sure, but deaths happen all of the time. I’m sorry that I’m not crippled by every single one. God damn

      • Gosh, you travel to Europe for a month and then win at the blackjack table? All you need now is Carly Simon to write a song about you.

      • Well, it did make sense since she just came out saying she wrote the original about a flaming gay. You’d be the perfect followup.

  • This sounds dumb, but he was really good looking. His eyes are just beautiful. Wherever he is, be it heaven, (are we still doing purgatory?) hell or just the ground, I hope he’s at peace.

    Suicide is such a selfish thing. So many people suffer at the hands of the person taking their own life. They never consider the pain they’ll inflict on others. I hope his family sticks together.

    • how would you know how people who commit suicide feel? how do you know that they don’t think about how it could hurt other people? i hate when people say stuff like that.

      if it wasn’t for the very thought of hurting others, SO MANY MORE PEOPLE would kill themselves.

  • This is so sad. He died near where I live. Who knows why he did it but I sure hope his family recovers.

    May he be in peace.

  • I might have done the same thing if I had to go through life being known as a Boner. Too bad it wasn’t that cow Khloe Kardashian. But if she would’ve hung herself, she would’ve lived, because you know the rope would’ve broke.

  • I always feel bad when I read about suicide. I had a botched attempt when I was 16 (I took 90 Pamelor anti-depressant tablets), so I do know the nothingness that people feel when they commit this act. I’ve never been in that dark place since.

    My 37 year old brother tried to hang himself just after Christmas. It is heartbreaking, because, once again, I know the nothingness people can feel. It has torn my mom apart. She feels like a complete life failure to have 2 of her 3 kids try to kill themselves. She has taken to coming to my house to check up on me EVERY DAY to make sure I’m not in the grips of despair as well (she only lives 5 minutes away). I’m terrified to tell her I quit taking my anti-depressant meds several weeks ago…she wouldn’t be able to handle the stress.

    I hope his family will be able to come to terms and not blame themselves.

  • Roofie, I’m bothered not so much by what you said, but the fact that you felt you needed to say it. If this person’s suicide doesn’t particularly matter to you, why not just keep quiet about it? The fact that you felt moved to announce publicly your state of “meh” is what paints you as a bit of an insensitive ass. I would imagine plenty of people don’t care one way or another or feel any connection to him, but why make a point of letting everyone know that you’re not feeling any particular sympathy over his death? That’s what I don’t understand.

    • And you know, I think that’s a perfectly fair point to make. I guess it’s because it’s a celebrity gossip site, and I like sharing my opinions. Granted, I’m on the unpopular side of things this time so people are freaking the fuck out, but I regularly comment on many topics, and I felt like commenting on this one.

  • @ Roofie. Im pretty sure the correct spelling of the word is affected not effected. I could have let it go the first time but you had to go there twice. Try reading a book or the dictionary instead of spending so much time being a cruel bitch. Maybe when you die not too many will be “effected” by it either!

    • My bad. I actually have pretty damn decent grammar, but that word still messes me up sometimes. Please, point out any other spelling errors in any of my posts. Thanks!