Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Travis Barker’s Sunday Breakfast Ended With Him Slashing Someone’s Tires

Travis Barker is the latest celebrity to fight with the paparazzi over his kids. The former Blink-182 drummer took his munchkins out to grab some breakfast yesterday in LA, but a couple persistent paps made it impossible for him to enjoy his meal. It got to the point where Travis was so pissed that he got up from his meal to throw some punches, except, uh… the offending photographer was gone and Travis just wound up going nuts on some other, more innocent photogs. Travis smashed a camera, spit on them and then proceeded to slash their tires. That’s when the police were called in and Travis started Tweeting (of course.)

When I’m out at breakfast at 8am in the morning the last thing i appreciate is some photographer threatening me 2 a fight while he’s 3 deep

When i defend myself/my kids that don’t make me a tough guy .I was outnumbered and threatened so i did what any man would.

Paparazzi cried like young girls when it was no longer 3 of them against me and my kids. Didn’t they remember threatening me an hr ago??

What happened to the tough guys with the cameras? It was gonna be a fair fight..3 against 3? I mean i weigh a buck 40, your 200lbs and 6’6

Bottom line, take photos at red carpets. Take pics of hungry hollywood starlets and douche bags that are out at clubs and bars that like it.

Bottom line I don’t . I’m not a socialite out begging for that kind of attention. I’m a family man out wit my kids. Don’t get the 2 twisted

And of course all the footage these lames released to the press is one sided cause they edited it.

I feel for Travis because he’s right. He’s not the kind of guy who seeks out that attention. But he’s also been in this game long enough to know that if he throws a punch a cameraman on a Sunday morning, it’s going to get spun the wrong way. Also? Photos of Travis Barker eating pancakes with his kids? Way less valuable than a shot of him winding up to clock the cameraman in the face.

2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Apropos of nothing having to do with this item, I thought I’d mention how tacky and unattractive your new Jack-In-The-Box ads are, popping up so cheesily in what you’re trying to get people to read. I had always thought this was one of the classier columns to read but the sleazy ads are down wind.

  • I’m on Travis’ side about this. He is one of my idols and people should leave him alone if he doesn’t want the attention.