Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Gaga Makes Up Cancelled Show, Announces Huge Donation to Haiti

Lady Gaga made up that concert she cancelled at Purdue University the other night (only one student returned their ticket instead of opting to see the make-up show, BTW), and she made a very special announcement in the middle of her performance. Apparently her fans from all over the world have helped raise a half-million dollars to donate to Haiti, a very generous amount to come from the pockets of concert-goers. Lady G thanked her fans before wow-ing them all with a rendition of Speechless.

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  • Was anyone else totally annoyed by the constant screaming? I guess that’s why I don’t go to more concerts…

    Which is a shame because I would have loved to see her perform that song live.

  • I’m glad she made the show up, and so quickly after having to cancel. That’s one of the reasons why I like her so much; I feel like she really and truly appreciates her fans. Not always the case with celebs.