Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Conan’s Farewell Speech

“There’s been a lot of speculation in the press about what I legally can and can’t say about NBC. And– this isn’t a joke– to set the record straight–and this is true– tonight, I’m allowed to say anything I want…

And what I want to say is this: between my time at Saturday Night Live, the Late Night show, and my brief run here on The Tonight Show, I’ve worked with NBC for over 20 years.
Yes, we have our differences right now. Yes, we’re going our separate ways. But this company has been my home for most of my adult life. I am enourmously proud of the work we’ve done together and I want to thank NBC for making it all possible. I really do.

A lot of people have been asking me about my state of mind, and to be honest with you, walking away from The Tonight Show is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

Making this choice has been enourmously difficult. This is the best job in  the world. I absolutely love doing it. And I have the best  staff and crew in the history of the medium. And I will fight anybody who says I don’t… but no one would.

But despite this sense of loss, I really feel this should be a happy moment. Every comedian dreams of hosting The Tonight Show. And for 7 months, I got to do it. And, I did it my way, with people I love; I do not regret one second of anything we’ve done.

I encounter people when I walk on the street now who just… give me sort of a sad look. I have had more good fortune than anybody I know. And if our next gig is doing a show in a 7-11 parking lot, we will find a way to make it fun. We really will.

Finally, I have something to say to our fans.

This massive outpouring of support and passion from so many people has been overwhelming for me. The rallies, the signs, all this goofy, outrageous creativity on the internet…The fact that people have travelled long distances and camped out all night in the pouring rain… to be in our audience…

Here’s what all of you have done: you’ve made a sad situation joyous and inspirational.

So to all the people watching, I can never, ever thank you enough for the kindness you’ve shown to me. I’ll think about it for the rest of my life.

All I ask is one thing– and I’m asking this particularly of the young people who watch: Please do not be cynical. For the record, I hate cynicism. It’s my least favorite quality. It doesn’t lead anywhere.

Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard, and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.
I’m telling you… Amazing things will happen.”

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I’m not going to lie: I cried when he got all choked up. That man is a class act.

    I didn’t get a chance to watch the final show live. I watched it earlier today on a DVR recording. Sadly, it’s probably because of jerks like me (who want to watch shows when they actually have the time to do so) that this whole business transpired.

    Conan had a younger audience, and we like to watch things on our DVRs and on Hulu– and I’m not sure that’s something they take into account when calculating a show’s ratings.
    The average age of the live television viewing audience is 50. So I’m sure NBC will be perfectly happy getting Leno– the darling of the senior set– back in their precious 10:30/11:30 time slot.

    I for one will make a conscious effort not to watch one second of The Tonight Show from now until… I forget why I was so mad at NBC and Zucker in the first place. (Let’s be honest.)

    • I cried too. Really hard, actually.
      So happy Will Ferrell was there to cheer me up a bit.

      I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of Coney though.

    • i learned in my mass media class that the ratings took into account if people watched it on their dvrs within a certain time frame (a day or two, i think)
      although, i’m really not sure how nielson or their rating system works entirely…

  • We havent! He will be back on the air – hopefully as soon as this fall? I, too, will never watch Leno again (not that I ever really did to begin with).

  • Regardless of what you might think of Conan as an entertainer, and I’ll be the first to admit that much of his material is pretty juvenile, I don’t think anyone can argue that he isn’t a truly a stand-up guy. One would had to have a heart of ice to watch and listen to that speech and not be touched by it. My bet is that come Sept. / Oct. he’ll be back on the air in full force.

  • You know, I didn’t know who Conan O’Brien was until all the shit touched the fan (I live in Europe and I don’t watch American telly), but the last bit, this:

    “Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard, and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.
    I’m telling you… Amazing things will happen.”

    is truly inspiring.
    Thanks, Mr O’Brien, whoever you are.
    And for the record, I must add you’re strangely attractive.
    Thank you and goodbye.

      • Err… no? I don’t watch American telly, as I said. I knew who Jay Leno and Oprah were, but O’Brien isn’t (wasn’t) as famous. However, I’m sure most Americans don’t know who Jonathan Ross, Jimmy Carr or Frankie Boyle are. And I’m sure you don’t know who Andreu Buenafuente is, but hey, I forgive you anyway.

    • Count me in. Classy, inspiring, and strangely, maddeningly attractive. I’m so glad there’s at least two of us!

  • I too cried a bit during his speech. I tend to do that when people choke up. Nasty habit but I’m not at all ashamed of it for this. Conan is one of those once in lifetime characters that are exactly who they want to be. He worked extremely hard and is gracious to the last bone. I hope that networks fight over him. I hope that he gets paid BOO-COO buck whereever he lands and I seriously hope that Jay Leno TANKS.

    Okay…that might not me such a nice hope but it’s true. Man needs to get off the television. He’s not funny.


  • Best speech ever, especially the end. I love that Conan stayed who he was, even on the Tonight Show, even though that’s probably why this all happened. Most comics are bitter, angry people but I love that Conan isn’t yet he’s still truly funny. And who knew he could play guitar like that?!

  • I Love Conan , he is the funniest man that i know,he cheeres me and now i feel I am so alone without him,anywhere i was at night i tried to get home so I could wach his show, now i am happy with the reruns until gets back ……..LOVE YOU CONAN