Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Miley Cyrus is Actually David Lee Roth

Probably one of my favorite things about Miley Cyrus is that she sings pop music, but performs it like she’s in some 80s metal band and if you don’t already know what I mean, check out this concert footage from one of her London shows.

The headbanging and hair swinging and jumping and cries of rage… it’s freakin’ hilarious. Is this something her father taught her? Did she pick this up watching a VH1 Countdown of the 100 Best Hairband Videos Ever or something? I can’t seem to make much sense of it because I’m sure her legions of tween fans would be a lot happier if she was just doing some Britney-esque dance routine complete with 12 anorexic back-up dancers than whatever the hell this is. And wasn’t all that metal/rock music from the 80s just funny because it was super apparent how messed up on booze and drugs most of those dudes were? This chick isn’t even old enough to drink, let alone get as fucked up as you’d need to be to think that looks cool.

I’m pretty sure that at :14 she’s just stretching her hamstrings.

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