Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Will Jeremy Piven’s Food Sensitivities Never End?


Jeremy Piven almost committed sushi suicide last year.  Don’t laugh; it can happen.  He went a little nuts with the Philadelphia rolls and before he knew it, he couldn’t act on Broadway any longer.  (Rest assured, his mercury poisoning did not deter him from partying around town.)

After Piv’s “recovery” from the mercury poisoning as well as the subsequent legal action the Speed The Plow folks tried to levy against him, he is now faced with yet another food aversion that threatened to cause him great discomfort … and breasts.

Piven’s newest whinefest involves soy milk, which makes me wonder if there’s another project he’s trying to weasel his way out of.  “I was the guy that dabbled in soya milk, but now I’ve found out soya milk has enough oestrogen for me to grow breasts; I had to put the soya milk down.   It was a very confusing time.”  Really, Piv?  Because I’m the gal that wants nothing more than to slap you upside with a mercury-laden tuna steak whilst simultaneously pouring a half-gallon of Silk down your throat.  You won’t be confused then.

25 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Was this quote from the Daily Mail, or is speaking like a Brit another side effect of too much soy? (Come to think of it, I’d like to eat something that made my boobs bigger and gave me a British accent.)

  • He is actually right about soy creating estrogen. It is dangerous to eat large amounts of soy. It is linked with girls going through puberty at such young ages, girls 12 and under are having getting their periods at increasing rates. Just google the dangers of soy, nothing is good for you these days! lol But yeah, he is making a point, and he does have man titties….but he’s still a douche.

      • reports an ongoing study involving 3,734 elderly Japanese-Americanmen. That research has found that the men who ate the most tofu during mid-life had up to 2.4 times the risk of later developing Alzheimer’s disease. Lead researcher Dr. Lon R. White said that men who ate tofu at least twice weekly showed brain aging about five years faster than those who seldom ate tofu. Soy has also been implicated in interference with the absorption of zinc, calcium, protein enzymes and amino acids.

    • You’re supposed to naturally start your period at age 10. But in America, we eat so many unhealthy products that it postpones our bodies. Soy is actually healthy for you and is hardly messed with, where as the chicken we eat is heavily induced with chemicals and such, so it just goes with the natural flow of your body.

      I grew up out in the Polynesian islands and I started my period at the age of 10 as did many other girls. It is natural.

      But aside from that, Piv is a douche and needs to stop going on some crazy food binges there.

      • Hundreds of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies link soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders, cognitive, immune system breakdown, and even heart disease and cancer. Contrary to popular belief that soy is a health food, evidence reveals that soy consumption has been linked to numerous disorders, including infertility, increased cancer and infantile leukemia, Type1 diabetes, and precocious puberty in children have been fed soy formula. (early maturation, such as breast development and menstruation as early as 6 years of age). Scientists have known for years that the isoflavones in soy products can depress thyroid function and cause goiters in otherwise healthy children and adults. A combined research team of Cornell University Medical College and Long Island Community Hospital medical experts have found that children who develop Type1 diabetes are twice as likely to have been fed soy formulas as those fed all other foods This confirms concerns based on animal studies raised in the 1980’s and 1990s by Health Canada researcher Dr Fraser Scott and led to the American Academy of Pediatrics issuing their warning to pediatricians against any use of soy based formulas

  • Unless it’s certified organic, soymilk (meat, poultry, dairy, etc) is packed with antibiotics and hormones. It’s gross, really.

  • i love how he’s hiding his tits in the pic! LMFAO man….it reminds me of when my brother was a young fat little kid and when he’d come out of the shower he’d cover up his little fat boy titties hehehe

  • Yea.. soy leads to breast cancer among other horrible cancers and diseases. Women who are pregnant with boys that consume a lot of soy can also end up giving their poor baby boys an itty bitty penis defect. The overwhelming aount of estrogen they’re introduced to is unnatural. There’s a reason that soy is the like the second top allergy among humans.

    • uh, wow doctor, you really don’t know what the fuck you are talking about! milk, wheat, peanuts……yeah, soy is far from the 2nd top allergy. so please don’t share your “opinions” unless you know what your talking about

    • Wow that was stupid. I’ve got three boys (and two girls) who all eat a heavy soy diet as we are vegetarians and the baby has a milk allergy. I can assure you that none of my boys have little “peepers” as they like to call them.

      I say look at all the shit that kids are eating these days and compare the dangers of soy to it.

      • Soy also contains a natural estrogen, which is why it is recommended to women at menopause. The president of the Maryland Nutritionists Association, Mary Enig, Ph.D. stated that “The amount of phytoestrogens that are in a days worth of soy infant formula equals five birth control pills.” Dr. Enig believes that soy infant formula may be associated with early puberty in girls and slower physical growth in boys. Others say it may effect fertility and normal brain development.

  • If soy was that bad, how is the whole continent of Asia thriving? If estrogen supposedly increases breast size, increases rates of breast cancer, and brings early puberty– why do Asian women have smaller breasts, fewer rates of breast cancer, and later onset of puberty? Something’s not right with the “consequences” of soy…

  • Just How Much Soy Did Asians Eat? In short, not that much, and contrary to what the industry may claim soy has never been a staple in Asia. A study of the history of soy use in Asia shows that the poor used it during times of extreme food shortage, and only then the soybeans were carefully prepared (e.g. by lengthy fermentation) to destroy the soy toxins. Yes, the Asians understood soy all right!

    Many vegetarians in the USA, and Europe and Australia would think nothing of consuming 8 ounces (about 220 grams) of tofu and a couple of glasses of soy milk per day, two or three times a week. But this is well in excess of what Asians typically consume; they generally use small portions of soy to complement their meal. It should also be noted that soy is not the main source of dietary protein and that a regime of calcium-set tofu and soymilk bears little resemblance to the soy consumed traditionally in Asia.

    The chief concern we have about the consumption of large amounts of soy is that there is a risk of mega-dosing on isoflavones. If soy consumers follow the advice of Protein Technologies International (manufacturers of isolated soy protein) and consume 100 grams of soy protein per day, their daily genistein intake could easily exceed 200 milligrams per day. This level of genistein intake should definitely be avoided. For comparison, it should be noted that Japanese males consume, on average, less than 10 milligrams of genistein per day (Fukutake M, Takahashi M, Ishida K, Kawamura H, Sugimura T, Wakabayashi K; Food Chem Toxicol 1996, 34:457-61).

    Guess what guys? It goes on and on…check the article below or just google the dangers of soy. It is definetly not as safe as everyone thinks.

    • I thought I should add this as well…note that the article was talking mostly about the myth that Asians have been rabid soy consumers for the last 10,000 years, when it seems from writings 80 years ago that it was a rare thing. Back then, the way to remove the poisons was to use fermentation, which took a lot of time. I would think that self-limited the use of soy because of supply problems. Modern methods have made it a huge industry, able to supply a food-like substance to the billions of people in the world. Soy may be a staple product today, but it appears that it was not less than a century ago. So what it comes down to is that Asians may eat soy much more now, however, most also accompany that diet with some form of meat or seafood. The reason they may not get as “affected” by soy is because traditionally, the soy is fermented which removes the toxins as noted above.

  • yup, niknak is correct. asians do not drink soy milk every single day, hahaha. just like african americans don’t eat fried chicken and watermelon every day. *rolls eyes* Also, chemicals that mimic estrogen can be found in a wide variety of plastic products, such as plastic jugs that water and milk come, etc. Too much unfermented soy products CAN BE bad for you. HOWEVER, TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING is usually bad for you. enough said.

    • hahahahahahahahahahahaha

      i love it. all this crap about soy posts, then I read your post Az. Thanks. That was awesome.