Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney’s Mom Thinks She’s Found “The One”

Britney's In Love

Britney Spears has been dating her agent Jason Trawick for some time now and the two may be getting even more serious if Britney’s mom has anything to do with it. A friend of the family spoke to Us Weekly and said that not only is Lynne Spears behind the relationship, but she thinks the two should get hitched. “Lynne said, ‘He’s the kind of man you would dream of your daughter marrying. The kids love him, and he’s stable,'” the source told the magazine.

While an agent certainly is a step up from Britney’s last hubby, Kevin Federline, and it would definitely be wise for the pop star to keep her agent’s share of her earnings (10%!) in the family, one has to wonder if Britney is ready to take the leap again. She’s just landed on her feet after one of the craziest downward spirals we’ve ever seen play out in the press. However, those who know the couple say that he was one of the only people that stood by her throughout her crazy times. “Most everyone else abandoned her, but Jason refused to be completely cut out of Britney’s life. He’s very protective of her.” Yeah, or protective of her money. Who knows?

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