Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Spying on Our Sister Sites


Here’s what’s going on around the rest of our network this week:

From, our go-to site for movie and TV insight:

From Zelda Lily, our women’s issues site:

From Lilly Likes, our women’s entertainment site:

From Rhapsody, our streaming music site:

From GameHouse, our casual gaming site:

And, finally, a reminder that WE ARE GIVING AWAY A FREE TRIP TO NAPA VALLEY OR LAS VEGAS to celebrate the launch of The Proposal on DVD. Click here to find out how to enter.

30 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Wow. Your Sister Sites all have really shitty stories. You’d think there would be at least one that’s half way decent, but no.

  • Beet, almost every post of yours is a plug for some shit or some site or some friend…if you’re done being creative, then leave the writing to those who aren’t.

    • Oh, shut up. Not only is that not true, but believe it or not this site has to make money if I’m going to be able to fund the paychecks of the eight people I employ. I actually spend most of my day focused on that, so that those people can have a job rather than spend their days wandering the Internet making thoughtless comments that add zero value. But I still write plenty on this site; you guys just whine whenever I do anything else.

      • Beet’s gone for the goth look….which is a plus. In addition, we don’t have to look at stupid photos of pets or hear stories about their daily habits anymore. She’s come a long way since she courted Vern the midgets ex girlfriend!

      • I have to agree with those wandering the Internet making thoughtless comments….you spoiled us and now you expect us to accept MOLS,WENDY and KELLY.

      • Yeah guys, chill. Theres plenty of creative writing from all of the writers on here. Just like everything else in this world they have to make money. So chill out, they’re entertaining you for free, dont bitch every time they plug something, if you dont like it, skip it. And I think some of these sister sites are pretty good.

      • :l its true shes gotta work her ass off for all this and you guys bitch all day long about how bad shes doing when she has to put up with you guys also for no reason and then takes time from her job ….idk what im saying rly but all i know is :l try her job for how long shes done it and see how hard it is ( SIGHS AT FAILURES)

    • Oh for fuck sakes! here we go again with you guys insulting the writters again.. If you dont like it then go somewhere else, but why do you have to insult people like that??? Get a fucking life.

    • Also, beet, can you address something I’ve been wondering quite a while? What in the world would cause people who have different names showing up to have the SAME avatar (i.e. the poster of the comment I’m replying to and then the other reply down below)? Is that a glitch in the system allowing the same avatar to be assigned multiple times to different people (which I doubt), or is it, as I think… the same weird person using the same e-mail address and typing different names? God knows why someone would do that, but I notice that same avatar, multiple times on most posts, arguing with itself. Please, please, please. I must know.

      • I think that as they instituted the avatar assignments, they said that they were tied to the poster’s email address or url. So if I change my username, but still send from my email account, I get the same avatar.

        But if this is the case, why someone would argue with themselves, I don’t know, unless they want to make it appear that they aren’t the same person posting all of the comments.

        Of course, the other option is that they’ve run out of unique avatars and have to reuse some of them.

        So now I’ll post another one with a different username so that you can see an illustration of what I just said.

      • It’s tied to email addresses, not screen names. Although there are a finite number of avatars, so sometimes they are used on more than one person.

      • Mmhm. I know.. but it’s this one particular avatar that is always reused multiple time on a post, always with opposing, mostly annoying viewpoints. It’s the weirdest multiple personality little person..

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  • I think it sucks that Rhapsody only works in the states.. I wanted to listen to the BSB album… I still love them lol.. I know, it’s kind of silly… But i do..

    And i have a question… Are those idiots the reason why we dont get to see pictures of Leo and the cats??? Cus i think that’s not fair. I wanna see pictures of your pets, i miss Leo.

    And Beet, have you seen the Snuggie for dogs? lmao it’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen! i think Leo needs one.

      • So true. It’s not like they’re getting chilly reclining on the couch and they need to have their paws free so they can knit in front of the tv. Jesus Christ.

      • Maybe there’s a very cold, but very hungry, chinese crested out there wishing for a snuggie to wear while he chews his bone. Now don’t you feel ridiculous.

      • Some dogs are short haired though. My dogs shiver really bad in the winter so I have to put dumb little dog coats on them.

  • look im pretty down to a femenine sided as a male can be so i cant be bitching about anything but you guys cant judge the storys the have they meen more then you think…..just learn licin love and lough. enjoy the females in the polite way for once show respect?! if you dont then im a superior MALE :D fuck yeah.

  • Blog hosts need to learn about this;
    The Federal Trade Commission, eager to protect us from shoddy media practices, issued new regulations this week requiring full disclosure from a variety of sneaky characters. (Snip)The famous are not the FTC’s only target. The agency declared that “a blogger who receives cash or in-kind payment to review a product is considered an endorsement.” Sounds reasonable enough, until it becomes clear just how expansive the FTC’s concept of an “in-kind payment” is….