Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Your Daily Lohan


Who needs food when you have coke and fingernails to keep you sustained?  Lindsay and her exposed torso were trolling around Manhattan last night because, after all, it is Fashion Week and she is a well-respected designer.

And in case you are still wondering why LL is always doing that stupid pose, the answer is in the gallery.

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Yeah, she looks like a total dumb ass in that pic. Then again, we ARE talking about Lindsay Lohan. It’s best not to expect too much…

  • She is deluded. She doesn’t have a pinky’s worth of MM’s talent. Or looks, for that matter. Not anymore.

  • Seriously, can she take ONE picture without her finger in her mouth? Maybe she should substitute her finger with, oh I don’t know, a burger?

  • God she is dingy. I think she could use a shower. I bet she needs deodorant and undies too. Can we get the girl a safety pin for her dress? How bout a push up bra for the girls?

  • She’s still alive? Fuck. She looks old. No longer can I say she looks to be in her mid-to-late 40’s. She’s officially entered into her early-to-mid 50’s. Gross old lady.

    • Yuck, IMO she either doesn’t brush them or is getting a case of meth mouth. Maybe both? Im going to pay more attention to see if i can see it in other pictures. Barf, I bet her breath is raunchy!

  • Poor Marilyn… why is it all the crackpots want to lay claim to her… as their inspiration? Yet none of them have an once of talent.

    I completely again with the thought of the fact Lindsay looks ill kept… and there she is constantly with her fingers in her mouth.

    Crap you know she is not washing her hands after all those trips to the bathroom stall… to get her boost.

  • MM is much more graceful using the pinky finger in the mouth trick. It’s sort of how you are elegantly suppose to hold your tea cup. Lyns always has her pointer finger in her mouth. Really quite an unsanitary and dirty habit.

  • I always thought the fingers-in-the-mouth thing was related to the always-on-drugs thing somehow. But then again, why limit the answers? It’s probably both.

    Also: someone should tell her that that pose works a little better when you’re seated…and bathed.

  • For Gods sake GET YOUR F***ING FINGERS OUT OF YOUR YAP!!! I hope she gives herself Swine flu! ‘Cause I doubt she washes her nasty hands and is constantly shoving them in her mouth…’s disgusting.

  • OMG! She looks rediculous! She’s a FAR cry from Marilyn Monroe! I can’t believe she did a photo shoot trying to be Marilyn or whatever. It’s just all disgusting. Anna Nicole Smith looked the closest to Marilyn, and Lindsey Lohan doesn’t have the charisma, heart, soul, and defintely NOT the body. The girl needs to eat some potatoes or something- fucking crazy attention whore!