Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ashley Dupre Is Still Talking …

Ashley Dupre

Ashley Dupre, you may remember her as the high-class hooker that had sex with New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, is blogging.  Not just because she has a lot on her mind, but because she’s releasing a single.  No, “a single” isn’t a sex term — she’s a singer now.  

Anyway, Dupre is upset that she hasn’t received the same forgiving treatment that the public seems to have offered to the former gov.  Here’s her kind of lengthy blog entry and I strongly suggest you click here to hear her single, as well:

I read the front page of the NY Post this week and was happy to see that Mr. Spitzer is moving on with his life and considering getting back into politics.  Everyone makes mistakes.  Everyone deserves a second chance.  Me too, right?  Well, apparently not.  Why?  Because many people are liars and hypocrites.  Let me give you just a few examples of what I keep encountering, despite my best efforts to move on.

First, I’m often referred to as the “woman who brought down the Governor” – excuse me people, I didn’t call the tabloids, I didn’t blow the whistle and I didn’t save “the dress.”  I did nothing to shine a light on my indiscretions or to “out” anyone else. 

Second, I keep being accused of “cashing in” on the scandal – wrong again. People think I made money off music that was exploited when the scandal first broke, that I am doing reality television, and that I made millions posing nude for magazines.  The truth is none of those things happened.  This situation closed far more doors than it ever opened.  I didn’t see a dime for my songs, but other people certainly did.  I didn’t pose nude for a magazine, but other people made money off of photos of me that they sold to tabloids.  Even photos I posed for ages ago were sold to the highest bidder.  I never sold any photos of myself – but people who I trusted did.  And the “millions” for the nude pics?  I was offered that, repeatedly – and turned them down because I didn’t want to perpetuate the problem or feed into the stereotype. 

Third, speaking of perpetuating the problem and feeding into the stereotype, let me tell you about most book publishers – they are worse than the tabloids.  I won’t give them the “tell all” they are demanding and won’t glorify and sensationalize “how exciting the life of a high-priced NYC escort must be,” as one major publisher put it.  Sorry folks, my life wasn’t like a “Sex And The City” episode.  I’m not sure that exists anywhere but on television.  Oh, and I also love how some publishers who were interested in my story and had offers on the table suddenly pulled them because executives in the company had “personal and political reasons” about publishing the book.  What does that mean?  Did this hit too close to home for you because your husband cheated on you with an escort?  Or would your wife feel insecure if she heard you were working with me? I will write the book regardless and do it for the right reasons.  
Fourth – ladies, ladies, ladies – so many of you have been cool, supportive and loving.   But there are those of you out there who just love to judge.  Let me say this – most girls, to varying degrees of course, want to be pampered and have nice shoes, designer handbags and gorgeous clothes.  I know many women who target guys with money and use them to get these things.  They toy with them, flirt, go on dates, have sex and then drop hints about that new dress at the store down the street or being short on rent money – and the guys deliver it.  This is a dishonest relationship.  I see this all over New York City.  Some women aren’t as vindictive, but still dive into relationships with wealthy guys who they don’t love or even find attractive, but they stay in it because they have a nice home, a car and spending money – they would rather stay in an unfulfilling or loveless relationship than lose that security.  This, too, is a dishonest relationship. I see this type all over the suburbs of New Jersey with the housewives who are strung out on mood stabilizers or the couples who put all their attention on their children so they don’t have to deal with their own issues.  What about going to those sugar daddy websites?   Is that legal?  Should it be?  Is what I did any more dishonest?  Get real and get over yourself.

You’d be shocked at some of the messes I’ve gotten myself into….and, more importantly, how I got out of them.  I have so much more to say, and I will – but it’s time for Yoga class! Om Shanti!

And while all this is going on, this is what I am really passionate about.  My music.  Here is a rough mix of a song I am working on that tells a little bit of my story.  I hope you like it. :o)

So, Eliot Spitzer landed a job as a college professor and is considering a return to politics  Ashley Dupre is unemployed and hoping someone will buy her song.  Do you think we give men more leeway in these situations than the hookers they hire?

37 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I am actually surprised at how well-written Ashley’s blog was. She does have some valid points in there. While I’m not saying she’s some credible person we should actually be paying attention to, I am saying, “point taken.”

  • There is always a double standard. Monica Lewinsky is still a laughing stock and President Clinton just returned as a hero from N. Korea.

    Sadly, what I am most surprised about is how thoughtful and well-spoken she is. I don’t know why that surprises me. She was paid well for a reason I suppose.

    • Monica Lewinsky was a fat pig. Spitzer has much better taste than Bill Clinton. That’s why the public let him off the hook.

      • Riiiiightttt… So cuz she’s hotter, he’s let off the hook more easily… That makes total sense! Why didn’t I think of that?

      • Clinton was sorta let off the hook. He still has to live the rest of his life with the world knowing he could have been sticking his Presidential Seal into any high class trim he wanted and he instead chose a plain ol’ sow.

    • type ashley dupree onto google and check her myspace page. There’s a song called Inside Out. The link posted on this page didn’t work for me either.

  • She is well-spoken, but she didn’t have a real job before the scandal, and Spitzer did. He had a powerful position that required a great education and lots of work experience. She shouldn’t expect anything from the scandal; if she wants a good job, then she should get a degree or use the one she has.

    • I agree, Nic. Spitzer is a slimeball, but he’s also a smart man, who up until the day he was caught had a lot of interesting things to say that weren’t clouded by scandal. I disagree with the decision to re-enter politics, but I can definitely see him as an engaging college professor. With respect to Dupre, it’s difficult to overlook the logical inconsistencies in her argument. She is famous for having sex with a famous man. That makes her no more qualified for a singing career or a handbag line or a modeling career than anyone else, and yet she expects this sort of silver platter career because of the nature of the scandal and the resulting attention. Spitzer, on the other hand, has made a career change, but not one that is based on the scandal – rather, he now has a career that I doubt he wants, but that he does because he disgraced himself politically. I don’t see their varied treatment as unfair. He’s a smart guy who made dumb personal choices – dumb choices that make him no less qualified to have a career in academia. In the same way, having sex with a politician makes Dupre no MORE (or less) qualified to have a singing career. I guarantee the doors that are “closed” in her face aren’t the doors of temp agencies or paralegal school. Rather, I think she confused “infamy” with “fame,” the aftermath of which is a huge disappointment for her.

      Moreover, what’s with all the surprise that Dupre is well-spoken from those who profess to champion her cause? If she should be treated equally in this situation, then why the surprise? Shouldn’t her ability to articulate have been expected?

      • she was pursuing a singing career prior to being an escort.

        i think she means to say that now that this scandal happened, her chances of a singing career are even lower than before.

  • Nic…
    She did indeed have a real job, probably worked harder than most. Spitzer on the otherhand with his degree and powerful position turned out to be a lying coniving jerk who ruined what could have been a REALLY amazing future. I’ll never understand why Prostitution is illegal to begin with. It’s a business deal, granted a dangerous one for both parties. (Although if it were legalized, I’d bet there would be less crime & disease associated with this profession)
    I’m no raging feminist, but it’s always the woman who comes up smelling like shit. I live in NYC, I know plenty of strippers, etc. They work there asses off & most just want to go home at night and crash. The stereotype that they are sluts, whores & crackheads is just that, a stereotype.

  • Wow. I’m kinda impressed. She’s 100% right calling out the women who use men but won’t admit it. At least she’s got the guts to own what she was doing, and why.

  • Funny thing is, the song isn’t half bad. Not a grammy winner, and Ashley’s voice is a bit whiney, but the song is ok.

  • Her career before this was having sex for money. If there weren’t a “double standard” she’d technically be back to hooking. Is that her point?

  • Ashley is a whore and Eliot is a scumbag piece of shit! End of story. People do not need to make excuses for them. The are both scum. End of story.

    • says who, mother teresa? just shut the fuck up and shove that crown of thorn up your ass while you’re at it. sheesh……

    • Though your words are a bit….harsh, I have to agree with your opinion. Both the prostitute and john are 100% at fault.

    • “she’s pretty eloquent … for a hooker.”

      Some people like money way more than they like not fucking strangers. That doesn’t make them stupid. It just means they have a different set of priorities than most people admit to.

  • Wow
    im glad she wrote this blog.
    She is not as dumb as everyone would like her to be
    And she’s so right about people being hypocrites
    In my neighbourhood probably 80% of the women who are married to rich men did it for the money the husbands had

    It is no different from what she did.

    I might actually buy her CD

  • Hard to believe anyone takes her seriously. She just spent the past 9 months being supported by some married, wealthy dude in New Jersey (i.e. her sugar daddy). Maybe a step up from being a prostitute, in that only one guy is paying her bills.

    The only difference between her and Kim Kardashian is that Kim did a sex tape and was never caught accepting cash for having sex.

  • She’s whining. Can’t turn a whore into a housewife. He’s a sneaky douche bag that had money and important friends. He still does. His next jump-off will be more discreet.

      • Wow Alzaetia….you were a slut and now you wanna be a whore?

        Reply with your address and I’ll be there in a jiffy…….after I scrape some change out of my sofa cushions.

  • Ashley’s a beautiful woman, I love her blog, and yes there’s a double standard where women and men are concerned. I don’t like, but unfortunately, that’s just the way it is.