Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jon Gosselin Has Found The Pothead Skank Of His Dreams


Oh, yay for Jon Gosselin! He’s in love! Or that’s what he’s telling People Magazine, anyway.

What we all thought was a fling with an easy lay turns out to be much more. According to Jon, not only are he and Hailey Glassman “boyfriend and girlfriend”, but he’s now in love with her. He said “I love Hailey. I’ll always love Kate. I went through a whole bunch of pictures today, and it’s sad to see something that was good turn bad but we moved in two different directions. We know that.” And while Kate has seemingly run in to the arms of her bodyguard, a claim she denies, Jon has run into the arms of the extremely questionable Glassman, a woman that I can’t imagine brings much to the table except those horrible Ed Hardy clothes they’re both always wearing.

Perhaps now that he’s added some legitimacy to their relationship by talking about their exclusivity and “love”, they’ll start behaving in a more adult fashion. If he really loves Kate, he’ll remember that they had eight children together that are young and impressionable but still not immune to the horrible press their father has been garnering due to his questionable relationships and extra-curricular activities.

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  • I never watched the show itself and only learned about Jon and Kate when Us Weekly broke the story about them. I really do not buy this whole Kate is Sleeping with the Bodyguard thing. People were saying that Jon leaked that rumour so that some of the hate would get get taken off of him and deflected onto her..

    Has there actually been any proof?

  • Well Glassman can teach the kids to roll joints, fetch the the bong and beer on movie night when step monster & unemployed daddy visit. After listening to Hailey it’s hard to believe she graduated from college because she sounds like a flake and not terribly smart or articulate. I wonder how she’s going to like working 9-5 with most of her money going to child support if Jon marries her? He’s going to be worthless, but I do love the backtracking when TLC slapped him down hard and let him know he wasn’t necessary to the show. That’s also when the kids were being difficult – after a visit he coached them, he’s really not a nice guy or a good guy, he’s a manipulative baby.

    I can’t wait to read those kids book when they 18 and don’t have a dime to show for working years, I bet it will be a doozy.

  • I think by this point it shouldn’t be hard to tell who the dolt in the family was. Jon is doing nothing to make himself look innocent in this whole divorce. Every time I see him he is either with Hailey, smoking cig’s, or on his flippin’ cell phone. When do you ever see him doing anything with the kids anymore?? I guess its because he doesn’t have Momma Kate over his shoulder making sure he interacts any longer? No wonder she treated him like crap. If I had to baby sit a man all day long, I’m sure I would be a little more then resentful.

  • The man has eight kids at home and he’s out with some skank looser reject named Hailey. He really downgraded. No wonder people hate him. I’m sorry dude, but you have a responsibility to your children, and if you must date someone so soon, at least find a girl who isn’t such a disgusting whore.