Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Hey, Chris Brown! You’ve Just Been Sentenced For Beating Up Your Girlfriend! What Are You Gonna Do Now?

Chris Brown Gets Down

Apparently, he’s going to spend the night shaking his ass a Hollywood night club with a bunch of girls. Ugh.

After his day in court, you’d think Chris Brown would spend a quiet night at home, reflecting, talking with family members and maybe, I dunno… reading a book or something else that doesn’t include grinding on hotties… But no. Chris Brown went out to celebrate his fairly light sentence with a dance party at Guys and Dolls. There he was seen flirting with girls, getting numbers, drinking “water” and other behaviors that are not expected from a man who needs to be showing the world that he is sorry for his actions.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Why any woman would give Chris Brown her number after knowing what he did to his last girlfriend is beyond me. I know we’re talkin’ about Hollywood here, but have these women no dignity?

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  • See this is why I have forgiven Michael (sp?) Vick. He is showing serious 180 turnaround. What he did was horrible, but at least he is putting some effort into cleaning up his image, unlike this asswipe.

  • “have these women no dignity?”

    No, molls, no they do not. Hoes will get in line just to be a starf*cker!

  • “Shequita’s” think this kind of stuff is ‘hot’. Oh shnaps…did I just say that?

    Forgive Michael Vick? Seriously? He only appears to be showing a 180. Its called creating good PR for youself after you have fucked up. That boy is mental and one step away from being a murderer. Oh wait, he is a murderer…but most people don’t think that counts because it was ‘just an animal’. I believe something deep down inside got pleasure out of the torture and killing of those dogs. What a freak!

  • Chris Brown is a piece of shit, and doesn’t deserve any sympathy from his fans or general public. He has no morals or sense of remorse regarding what he has done. I hope no one buys his CD’s or merchandise, and eventually he wastes all his money all the way to bankruptcy. Hey Chris, better find your piece of concrete with all the other low life pieces of shit!!

  • This man’s mother raised him to be a dirtbag, his parents were pigs and he grew up to be a pig and a beater – he’s always going to beat women, one day he’s going to kill one of his victims, he’s not remorseful. He doesn’t think the multiple episodes of injuring Rhianna that were included in the sentencing decision are a problem for him.

    As for Vick, let’s hope on the the ten’s of thousands of animal lovers get a hold of him and he gets some street justice, he’s going to be dog fighting again, and I wouldn’t be surprised if watching it online – he’s an animal torturer, he enjoys hurting animals and killing them, that’s what he does for fun, his enjoyment, he’s not going to stop either.

  • oh my god, no remorse at all. and those skanks should be damn ashamed of themselves. so should keri hilson. why would ANYONE want to work with this douchebag?!!?

  • As the saying goes, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

    Even OJ Simpson was still pulling women, and he did far worse than Chris Brown has (to this point).

  • Because some women are pathetic fame whores who are looking for their 15 minutes of paparazzi love…