Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Claudia Schiffer Makes Me Feel Like I’m Not Trying Hard Engouh

Claudia Schiffer, Caspar Drummond, Clementine Drummond

The Schiff went shopping with her gorgeous spawn Caspar Matthew and Clementine de Vere  Drummond (that’s a big name for such a small girl) in the Notting Hill section of London.

The soon to be 39 year old, tri-lingual mom of two looks so poised and put together, I feel like a total schlub sitting here in my stained jeans and Threadless tee on a Saturday, watching Style network. I’m going to go smear some kind of expensive beauty product on my face and run a brush through my hair so I don’t feel so inadequate.

In a completely unrelated bit of Schiff trivia, did you know that she didn’t get her ears pierced until she was 35?

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