Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Largest Gathering of Raging Hormones Ever

All the Disney kids — The Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez — have gathered together to sing “Send It On” in hopes of making saving the planet seem like a cool thing to do.  Because a sofa at the beach is just … cool.  You know, if Jamie-Lynn Spears didn’t effectively end her career by getting knocked up, she so would have been in this video.

Thoughts on this modern-day “We Are The World”?

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I actually like it a lot…. but then again I love most everything the Disney stars do. Most of them can sing pretty well, even if the JoBros are really whiny and breathy when they sing.

  • Um… this isn’t even close to being in the same category as “We are the World”. But, let’s look on the bright side here, maybe the selfish, ignorant kids out there might actually stop think about something other than themselves for a minute.

  • It as ok, Miley sucks but every one knows that. Demi was probably the best of them all. but really some one should tell Miley she really is not as good as she thinks she is…

    • To quote Captain Greengums from that pageant episode of Billy and Mandy, “Argh, she appears to be moving a vessel out to port.”

  • I like it a lot. It’s also for a good cause and I think buying it on itunes the money goes to the charity — if I have it right.

    And Joe Jonas is not only cute, but I love his voice — and his blast of pink shirt. What a cutie!

  • You know what really sucks? The fact that Taylor Swift hangs out with all them pathetic kids. UGH. I just hope TS won’t be influenced by them.

  • Ughh, I would never compare this to We Are the World. That was actually something that helped people. It’s not even clear what the cause is here. Trees….or something?
    Also, I wish there was a comfy sofa waiting for me wherever I went.

  • “We Are The World” (which was well intended, but to be honest, was a rip off of “Do They Know It’s Christmas” by Band Aid) was the gathering of a lot of great musicians from the eighties who decided on their own to help a specific cause. It was not a vehicle for a major corporation (“DISNEY Friends for Change”?) to publicize its talent while looking like they are doing something good for the planet. I don’t know if they are donating money from this song or not but either way the publicity they get will be worth way more than whatever gets donated.
    And the song is lame. “We’ve all got a gift.” “Love isn’t love unless you give it away.” “Smile and the world will smile along with you.”
    I think I read that in a greeting card somewhere. Or heard it in a Coca-Cola commercial. Meh.

  • I didn’t love it but I didn’t think it was the worse thing either. My kids are 6 & 7 & did love it. And I’m glad they do because I also think that saving the planet is ‘a cool thing to do’. And hope that my kids will follow me by doing some of the things that I do. Right now (because they are still young) I am pretty cool to them, but I know I don’t have much longer for them to think that. So if others are encouraging them to do these things maybe they will for longer. Ida know if any of that made sense!

  • I actually like this song, and I think all those kids look cute together. :) At least they’re trying to do something good and not just being around looking like a trainwreck *cough* Taylor Momsen *cough*.

  • I have been a jonas brothers fan since their first single “mandy.” I love them with all my heart and what I saw today on Youtube BROUGHT ME TO TEARS! I never cried so hard in my life. Its this video called Pray For Jonas. I watched it because I thought they were going to be nice to the Jonas Brothers, but it was the complete opposite. They beat up this poor young man who had a jonas brothers poster and then they made him BURN IT! It was so sad. Please we have to stop this, we have to make youtube take it down. THIS IS HORRIBLE! Here is a link, if you watch it you will understand how horrible this is and together we can stop it!

  • Why do you have to pick on the Spears family when the story has nothing to do with them?


  • Okay, well I guess it’s a positive message they’re trying to send so it’s slightly tolerable.

    It is however, very offensive that this song was compared to the masterpiece that is “We are the World”.

  • Two BIG thumbs down.
    The way these kids are singing the song you would think they were curing cancer.

    The worst part is that most of them are not even kids so that makes the dramatics even more nauseating.
    Send this on.