Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Posh is Pumped To Replace Paula


Victoria Beckham is set to replace Paula as “The Nice Judge” on next season of American Idol– at least for one episode. This morning she took to Ryan Seacrest’s radio show to talk about her new gig saying that she’s looking forward most to working with Simon, as she “appreciates his honesty”. She goes on to praise him, mentioning that she understands his humor because of their shared roots. “He has a very tongue-in-cheek British sense of humor, which I have too. I’m looking forward to a bit of banter. I hope he does give me a little bit of a hard time. I love that. I feed off of that.”

She also says that, like Paula, she knows what it’s like to stand on stage and feel judged, so she will more than likely be supportive and kind to all contestants.

While I am more or less indifferent to Posh temporarily stepping in for Paula (although I will kinda sorta miss “the crazy” factor when I happen to tune in to future seasons), I have to wonder– is it fair that our American Idol is being judged by not just one, but two Brits? After all, we are looking for an American Idol. Not to say the Brits have bad taste, but isn’t there an ex-pop star from the States willing to take Paula’s place? Simon was one thing, but Posh hasn’t had a recording career in years and she was never quite as famous here as she was internationally.

How do you feel about Posh stepping in for Paula and do you think Becks will make a cameo at some point next season?

14 CommentsLeave a comment

      • rite so u updated the article as u originally rhought she was permanent not a one ep guest slot…. u should have added an update comment outside of wat u previously wrote…… because it doesnt fit with ur opinions and thoughts in the last 2 paragraphs (c my post below)….

    • I found a great dating site RichKiss–C O M where you have the opportunity dreaming about dating a millionaire and make it true! u dont have to be a millionaire.but u can meet one. I thought everyone needed to meet some miracle after all the terrible stuff in the news and the economy

  • i thpught u said one episode……..

    so wat the helllll with all the questions on comparing to paula like she’s on the show permanently….. u do know it goes for 20plus episodes…. so one ep isnt significant…. especially the way u r trying to compare and question if its a good choice …. its a guest appearance nothing more….

  • i don’t watch this show so…no thoughts.

    but i am going to miss her big fake tittays! she’s not the same now… i still love her but she seems more watered down. )))=

  • “You have to remember that when you are a performer you become a celebrity, but you are not saving lives. It’s not that important.”


  • I love Posh and though she’s not exactly the most talented musician to ever take a stage, neither was Paula, so in that respect, they’re similar. I would much prefer Posh as a judge, instead of Randy Jackson or Simon, however.

  • Fuck Posh and the rest of the guest hosts. Nobody can replace Paula, and I hope their ratings go right into the shitter. Paula deserved more money than Seacrest, that’s for sure.

  • I agree. This is AMERICAN Idol and while I do find Simon amusing I don’t think we need any more foreign full time judges. It’s fun when a foreign artist is mentoring the performers but I would like the keep the judges from stateside.
    I don’t know anything about this but do they have any American judges on any of the similar shows on in the UK?
    And Victoria Beckham the NICE judge!?!?!?!?!?!?!? She is as warm and fuzzy as a popsicle!!!!
    WE WANT PAULA BACK!!!!!!!!