Today's Evil Beet Gossip

More Trouble in Tweet Paradise for Lindsay and Samantha?


I don’t know why I’m up at 3 am. Scratch that. I’m up at 3 am because I have a very serious West Wing addiction. I’m helplessly buying and watching every single episode from iTunes. I was just going to do one tonight, but that turned into two, and now I’m pondering a third. This is, like, the sort of thing that warrants a 12-step program at this point.

The good news about being up at 3 am is that you get to catch Lindsay Lohan’s crazy tweets to Samantha. From this I gather that Samantha told Lindsay she was at home, Lindsay arrived at said home, Samantha wasn’t there and is not answering her cell phone. So the next rational course of action is for Lindsay to publicly tweet about this betrayal. Someone needs to explain the direct message feature to Lindsay. Not that she’d ever use it in an attempt to keep her private life private.

I suspect that around 5 am we’re going to see a scene much like this one.

(BT-dubs, you can follow me on Twitter here.)

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I love that between going to bed and waking up, I have like, five new stories from Beet. That is why she is awesome. Regular updates. That are funny, not mean.

  • I keep reading that one line’s driving me crazy! What is she saying?!

    “..and I am back ur at that guys?”

    Is she saying: You are at that guy’s house? Meaning, Are you at that guy’s house? Is that what she’s saying?

    More importantly..why do I care?

    • I had to read and reread as well. In drug-free English, I think it was:
      You said you’re home (but you’re not). Twitter is my last resort (because you won’t answer my calls) and I am back (home?).
      You’re at that guys?

      She’s cuckoo. I love it.

      • What I understood –

        You said you’re home, but you’re not and I don’t know where you are or where to find you.

        Therefore, Twitter is my last resort. This is why I am back on here (Twitter).

        You’re at that guy’s place?

  • Evil Beet! I watch the 8:00am and 9:00am of West Wing on Bravo, and then set my alarm for the 3:00am show. But check the listings, ’cause sometimes there’s a stray Housewives of Whoever. Next week I might get a life.

    • You wake up at 3 am for West Wing? Get a dvr! It’ll make your life so much more manageable. And you’ll be more awake to better enjoy your favorite show.

  • I carry her twitter, and the fake Dina Lohan one too, between the both of them my twitter is hilariously funny. In other words I will emotionally blackmail you by writing embarrassing tweets if you don’t contact me, or I don’t know where you are. But we have a normal healthy relationship, except of course that Samro hates Lindsay and will move while she’s filming in Austin to an undisclosed location… on Mars.

    Two crazy lesbian gals doing the 4 year break up in public!

  • During the Dark Ages of the George W. Bush years, my wife used to say that she was mentally living in “West Wing World”!

  • I am an Australian and I’m addicted to the West Wing. The idea that the American people would elect a leader who has a doctorate in Economics tickles me.