Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Katherine Heigl Caused “Cruel” 17 Hour Workday

Katherine Heigl is a Hypocrite

I never watched Grey’s Anatomy, so I feel I’m sort of on the outside looking in with the whole Heigl hate train. Don’t get me wrong– I get it. But I just don’t feel the fires of Heigl rage as fervently as some of you. *cough*Wendie*cough*

However, I might be ready to climb aboard if she keeps giving everyone such easy reasons to dislike her (as if her new movie weren’t enough).

Last week, while making the talk show  rounds to promote her odiously misogynistic new film The Ugly Truth, Heigl complained about the length of her first day back on the Grey’s set, saying that the day had lasted 17 hours and that she hoped the studio was embarrassed  for putting the cast & crew through something so “cruel and mean.”

But it turns out that the person responsible for that grueling 17 hour day was…. Katherine Heigl!

A source on the Grey’s set spilled the beans to TV writer Kevin Levine:

Poor Katherine Heigl. What she neglected to add was this: This ‘cruel’ shooting schedule was only to accommodate HER and her needs. The producers graciously shuffled things around so she could go off and do promotion for her new film. Also, with union rules, the producers had to pay a ton of overtime and penalties to make this happen. The thanks they get is Katherine Heigl going on national television hoping to embarrass them.”

If you’d like to hop on the Heigl hate wagon, now might be an opportune time.

19 CommentsLeave a comment

    • Her time is coming. Soon she will be box office bad karma. Too bad she can’t keep her mouth shut. She will follow in the footsteps of Tom Cruise, Sienna Miller, and a slew of others who had a great thing going and ruined it because of their personal behavior.

  • My dad works at the pentagon, and sometimes (most days) works 19 hour days, with no break. He then has to drive home, get a few hours of sleep, then drive back to work. I really have no sympathy for this. and i find her to be a complete bitch.

    • She probably is making a shit-ton more money than your dad too! Even more reason to hate hearing her complaints! Biotch you are earning big bucks to read lines and express emotion. Get over it.

  • In a few years Heigl will be the new Mischa Barton, Caruso, Alba etc. Barton was the same way and now she is a hot mess making nothing.

    All these actors thought that they were too good for TV, then found themselves kissing ass after ass for a role in a shitty movie for 1/20th of what they were making in primetime. Heigl needs to shut the fuck up and be gracious that she is not being targeted by the recession. This chick is a complete bitch and a mediocre actress who is not as pretty as she thinks she is.

  • Where is her ubiquitous ciggie-in-hand in the accompanying photo? As a former smoker, seeing that would have made it much easier for me to hop on the Heigl hate train.

  • I used to like her, but now I just think she’s a bitch. She always has to bite that hand that feeds her, such as talking shit about Knocked Up, and then doing 2 desperate girl needs-a-man movies in succession right after. She also milked the whole Isaiah Washington scandal to prop up her own career.

  • She’s so remarkably average, how does she keep getting roles? She shit talks everyone who has helped her rise in her career, albeit it’s a dreadful career with shit movies and one of the most boring dramas on TV, but still why hire her – she’s a backstabbing complaining bitch.

    I think she talked TR Knight into leaving the show, and he walked away from 14 mil, with almost no acting experience, and no future projects. He’s tainted because of her. Gotta give her credit she is all about herself and if she has to mow you down to keep going, she’s more than happy do it. Her husband must be so miserable with her.

  • i don’t watch grey’s anatomy, and i absolutely adored her in “27 dresses” and “the ugly truth”. I really liked “the ugly truth” actually…but maybe that’s because gerard butler is so effing sexy.
    but this is really obnoxious and i’m not feeling as great about her as i once did. ah well. celebrities…

  • Did I get that right? You suggest jumping on the “hate train”, because so may others have? How sick is this going to get?

  • Logan, you are an idiot. The author does not suggest jumping on the KH hate train because everybody else has. The author suggests jumping on the train because of Hegel’s despicable behavior, which is clearly outlined in the article. Get a grip.

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