Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kids, Meet Your New Mommy!


Jon Gosselin’s new girlfriend Hailey Glassman hasn’t accepted my Facebook friend request just yet, but she was stupid enough to accept one from someone at HuffPo.  And the pictures behind the pearly gates known as a private profile — and oh, how I hate those.  They hamper my cyber-stalking so much — really tell the story of any average 22-year-old college student.  I also threw in her 2005 mug shot — she was arrested for drug possession and consumption — for good measure.  Let’s hope for everyone involved that Jon Gosselin is just enjoying this chick’s trick pelvis and he isn’t planning on marrying her or anything as illogical as that. 

Do you think Jon Gosselin is sick of himself yet?  I know we’re all totally over Jon, but do you think he’s had a conversation with the douche in the mirror yet?  And didn’t you totally think Kate was going to be the media whore?  As Jon chilled, getting bjs and a sunburn on  a yacht in St. Tropez, Kate was at home sitting on a blanket in her yard while her kids played.  I never would have called it that way, but I’m totally moving to Team Kate.

58 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She is just as smart as your average reader on Evil Beet.

    THIS is who you and Botox Tard pander to with your lame “stories”

    Where’s that dumb bitch with the “myspace face” avie?
    I think those two cunts share the same brain.

  • I think the reality check was good for Kate. But any of the famewhoring she’s done usually has to do with her kids (going out for speeches and book stuff is related to parenting) when Jon was going out it was to clubs. I’ve never seen a picture of Kate at a club (if there are any they seem well hidden).

    • that’s true abbi.. although she’s a terrible mother, at least she tries, and it’s her top priority. jon never wanted the kids in the first place. if you’ve watched earlier seasons, he always says in the couch interviews, “im only 30 and i have 8 kids already” and its obvious he resented it.

      i always rooted for him but now he’s just being an ass and an irresponsible parent

      • Agree with you both. Jon is not thinking about his (8) kids. And I kinda respect Kate now. At least she is trying to make as much $$ as possible to support her family. Its not like she is going to get child support from Jon, who hasn’t had a job in years. What a deadbeat Jon turned out to be. Bummer!

  • What is with this girl’s Chola eyebrows? Her dad is a plastic surgeon, right? Time to get the family discount. That is just fug.

  • Why would a man with 8 kids want to date a kid himself? She must be just as desperate as him. They are both famewhores.

    I don’t think Kate is a bad mom; I think she needs to be medicated. She might even need to light a joint and just calm down :-)

    BTW, when did Jon get sooooo fat? He is just gross.

  • It’s not even the fact that she is 22, I’m 22 (about to be 23) and I know a bunch of my friends that date guys in their late 20’s and early 30’s… Granted non of said gentlemen were married with a kid let alone 8, but this is just ridiculous. Like, has John lost his mind. I watched the show a bit, but the media surrounding it is a complete shit show and now with this degenerate white trash chick is in the mix it’s almost to much to bare. I keep hoping that John is going to release some “haha jk lol” statement, but every time I look at that burnt, pierced ear having, Ed Hardy whoring want to be frat boy goomba, I know deep in my heart he thinks this is true love.

  • check out the abused misshapen overplucked nightmare eyebrows she has! the brows are a definite sign of a mental/emotional imbalance and control/low self-esteem issues on this chick.

  • She’s not even mildly attractive. Kate is hotter then her and that is not saying much. The dude has money and this is the best whore he could get? Sad…

  • Ok, so for anyone who has seen the episodes where they talk about how they met and stuff…doesn’t the mugshot of this chick TOTALLY look like pre-babies Kate?? She has the same bleached perm, plucker eyebrows, very tan look!

    Mugshot Hailey = Pre-kids Kate!

  • Oh, and unless she has changed it, you can view lots of lovely pics if you are part of the NY, NY network! Learned that yesterday from a fellow commenter :) That should solve all your Facebook fun problems Wendie!

  • 20 bucks says before the end of the summer he’s calling himself “her manager” and she’s pushing an album.

    • I’m thinking about the lyrics of her first single, (ahem…):

      I love the way you wear your Ed Hardy shirts,
      the way your fat, tanned face shines,
      I love the way your pierced ears enhance your douche style,
      I would do anything to spend time with you,
      even if it meant to play my electric keybord on fire…(8)

      I’m still working on it, but I’m telling you, this girl and Mel Gibson’s girlfriend will be catfighting over the #1 spot on the music charts! :D

      • and the chorus

        “and he gots me knocked up, so i am gonna have number nine

        I will just take the rest of his money and thats just fine

        I’m his whore and he’s my douche-baaaagggg”

  • Just…ew. She looks trashy. But hey, maybe she’ll give the Gosselin girls makeup and eyebrow plucking tips.

  • Who posts a mugshot on their Facebook page? LOLOLOL

    A N D;

    Most men just out of a marriage are R A D I O-A C T I V E . . . . hot in a bad way. Like a nuclear fallout, all women should runnnnnnnnnnn the other way — as fast as you can, especially when there is a pile of kids in tow! I had to learn the hard way.

    • The teacher is the ex-girlfriend, this is his new girl ;)
      Jon: 2, Kate: 0?
      way to go Jon! Two girlfriends before your divorce papers are released, You are “the man!”

  • Someone needs to get Jon and Hailey a reality show stat. I would tune in to laugh hysterically. Im pretty sure they are engaged she and jon are both wearing rings so it could be their version of Married with Children. When the money starts running out, bc you know Jon is irresponsible.. Jon can work as a shoe salesman at the Ed Hardy store and Hailey can smoke blunts all day at home. This is so bad, I can’t barely believe it. This chick is so stupid. Didnt she learn anything from Deannagate? Why would you make it possible to see all your photos when you know you are going to be murdered by the media?

  • Wow. These comments are hateful. First off, all last year people were talking about how poor Jon needed to get out of that marriage and find a woman that would treat him better. So, he did. Now he’s getting bashed for having done just that. Don’t you think he will be a better father to those kids if given the chance to be happy? And, if not… NONE of it has to do with this girl. Sure, she chose to date him… she has probably seen him on tv for months and thought he was really sweet. She’s 22, right?? She probably doesn’t even KNOW what having 8 kids to deal with means. I sure as hell don’t. Regardless, no one here knows if her motive to date him is fame or because she really think he cares for her. Ladies, you know how we get when a guy sweet talks us! And, as for her eyebrows… She’ll grow out of that, we’ve all had styles from that past that we’re not proud of. And, no one can help their looks. I’m sure she could have some choice words about how you look, too. You just aren’t dating a celebrity. Should no one date stars, then? Sour grapes.

    • He’s having a mid-life crisis, dude! The pierced ears, the Ed Hardy shirts, etc. These aren’t the signs of a happy man!!!!!!! Stop trying to find reason in this, please.

    • When one of your friends comments on your new FB status of “in a relationship” by asking “if this one is going to be on E! too” I think it is safe to assume that she is someone who would not shy away from the spotlight her relationship with Jon has put her in.

  • Can’t believe all the hateful comments. How many of you have attended University lately, with Facebook and MySpace and Beebo running? My Facebook is full of pictures of me OFF MY FACE, after taking several illegal substances and in rather ridiculous poses. That doesn’t mean I am not responsible, I was just pulling faces and having a blast while at University. The girl is a twat for not hiding her photos as I did, but I just see your average University student in those pictures. And if you think this is not true, you haven’t been to Uni lately, or you have been with the boring types.

    • I think everyone here knows that and probably agrees with you. The difference is regular people are smart enough to hide, untag or delete them!

      She has allowed viewing from everyone in the NY, NY network and is now dating a man who’s life is both very public and controversial.

      Since she made no attempt to maintain privacy (not saying it would’ve worked…but she could’ve tried) she is going to have to deal with the backlash.

      • Exactly. The minute I enter into a relationship that is going to put me in the tabloids/public eye is the minute I make my internet profiles private. It already is, but she didn’t make an attempt to keep it private like Nora said so the backlash is going to happen. I also un-tag horrible pictures of me or even ask friends to take down ones that may affect me getting/keeping a job. There are also pics floating around with her pointing what is supposedly a BB gun at her friends head. Those pics and the mugshot alone are going to get backlash, never mind the tree-plant and bad eyebrows.

  • Best picture ever! She can teach the two older girls to do keg stands for next season! Jon is a skeeze ball, that is having some mid life crisis. Because let’s face it no 23 year old is going to date a guy that old, paunchy, bald, jobless, short man with 8 kids unless they want face time and some of that kiddy money. Kate’s a bitch but when she was gone she was hawking books and clothes to make more money, Jon is doing it for young strange, and pleasure trips. He’s never been very motivated to work either, so I think those kids will be his primary source of income, even if it means they don’t get that college fund money. He’s not going to work, support his children they are going to support him and the ditch pig of the month. I am so glad he managed to find a woman with drug and alcohol problems with a criminal past to inflict on the kids though, great daddies are so hard to find, and he isn’t one. Those poor kids, a drill sergeant for a mother and a dead beat for a father and they make all the scratch for the family. That worked out so well for the Jackson family, and the Lohans, so good luck with that.

  • Jon could have still had has piece on the side. He didn’t have to embarrass his kids, his wife and himself like this.

    Way to keep it classy, Jon.

  • A month ago Kate was on vacation with her “bodyguard” and it was fine. He was shirtless and wearing flipflops while the other guy “guarded.”

    They have been apart for at least 8 months.

    He’s human and I’m glad he’s getting some. He’s still a good father and going away for 4 days is not “abandoning” your kids. Kate leaves for weeks at a time and that’s just fine.

    Double standard.

  • I was behind Jon in the beginning. But being caught so openly with another woman just killed it. He complained about how the media ruined his life, now he’s feeding the fire being seen with her. He should have hid in the background and did the dad things on the weekend and looked like the good guy. This actually makes Kate look good. And that ain’t easy.

  • Im sorry but Jon is being a douche. An iresponsible one to boot. He just isnt ready to grow up. I read in People Magazine, that He and Christian Aldgier (sp?) the creator of Ed Hardy are talking about making a clothing line involving Motorcycle style, and this chick is gonna be his “go to” girl for fashion advice etc. they are even thinking about a childrens clothing line, with the KIDS ADVERTISING the clothes!!!!. OMG Jon is nuts, he needs to not get anyone else involved with his mid life crisis. They also said he is in love with her, eeek. REBOUND much!.

    • AND she is the daughter of the surgeon who did Kate’s tummy tuck. SCANLESS!!. Jon has no morals. And what trash. There was a comment somewhere above that said thats “normal” university stuff. Smoking pot and being a whore , partying, getting arrested is normal?!! What is this world coming too!!. IF my daughter who is 3 ends up like this, I will beat her butt!!
      Are you kidding me people!.

      Ps. What a fucking butter face!