Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sisterly Love Gone Oh So Wrong


Oprah is working on a Brady Bunch reunion — and no, I don’t know why — and all surviving members are on board, except one.  According to Marsha, Marsha, Marsha (or, whatever, actress Maureen McCormick), Eve Plumb (Jan) won’t be attending. 

McCormick blogged:  “All of us said yes except for one person, Eve Plumb, who used to be my best friend but now apparently wants to distance herself from the show and, most troubling, from me … I have no idea why, unless she’s mad at the joke I made a few years ago that we’d had a lesbian love affair. I made the crack to be funny — and for shock value. I’m sorry if she took offense.”  Yeah, Maureen McCormick actually made the “joke” last year, just in time for the release of her autobiography “Here’s the Story.”  I’m sure it helped her sell a few books.

Plumb’s agent replied to the blog by stating, “No one from Oprah called. We haven’t turned down anything. There is no feud.”

The most shocking part of this whole story?  Eve Plumb has an agent.

3 CommentsLeave a comment

  • When is that picture from?? It seems like just a few years ago I saw her on some shows and she was looking really good.

  • One person holding out could be a major fee increase for everyone. Kinda reminiscent of the Lisa Kudrow/Friends thing.

    On the other hand, Hollywood is famous for replacements. The two Bewitched Dicks and the New-n-Improved Becky Connor can testify.

  • on Crazy Days and Nights there is a story about this, except it goes on to say that none of the cast members have been comtacted by Oprah and all of this seems to only be happening in McCormicks head.