Today's Evil Beet Gossip



I love when Lindsay Lohan takes to Twitter.  Any thoughts on what she finds “most amazing”?  I didn’t think she found anything amazing that wasn’t a derivative of the coca plant.  Shows what I know.

For more interesting, though admittedly less coke-fueled, tweets follow Beet here, Kelly here, and me here.

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • It amazes me she knows how to turn on a computer. She must be using a phone to twitter.

    • If you look close you can see that it says “about ten hours ago from Twitterberry”

  • I’m guessing that’s one thing no one has ever called Lindsay, spelled correctly or not…

  • Did she just use the symbol for the number one in a post criticizing somebody’s spelling? Really?
    Are we supposed 2 take that shit seriously?

  • Hahah, spells “genius” wrong? How about subject verb agreement: “but spell it wrong”. It should be “spells” it wrong. She doesn’t need a comma after “things” either. Way to be adequite, Lindsay.

  • She can rock the MJ Twitter “face” but twiteghost can’t rock the HL one?

    @twiteghost your twitter face is unnecessary. and offensive. :( can you find one different from a symbol of something sad? sorry12:25 AM Jul 4th from web in reply to twiteghost

  • jeennoouss LfL

    PS.adequite is Robert Altman’s (personal)favorite word LL intenionally use the ‘word’ as a respect to him.

    • I wouldnt fallow these twatts twatterings on twitter even if that hostile bitch Wendie gave in to her inner most mom jean rage and was threatening to back over my fucking nanna with her mini van!

  • I think 3 things about this post:
    1. No one has ever called this coke-slut genius, genious or any variation thereof
    2. Twitter still blows
    3. Be adequite and OD already

  • I usually try and put in a nice word for LiLo – but not today. Pots kettles glass houses yada yada.

  • I finally checked out the Twitter links and it only confirmed what I had imagined all along. People that Tweet have way too much time on their hands and will someday be embarrassed that they fell for the Twitter fad.

  • Actually, though I wouldn’t exactly go as far as to call it an amazing thing, I have to agree with Lindsay on this.