Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Beyonce Gets Wet


B showed off the goods when she took a dip in the ocean in Miami yesterday. Seriously, though, what’s up with her keeping her shorts on??? We want the WHOLE PICTURE, Beyonce! Why won’t you let us see your full bootyliciousness? It’s the least you can do to repay us for infecting society with that word.

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • wow is it me or she looks kind of..skinny?
    Her left leg on the first photo seems thinner than mine and I thought she’s you know…juicy :D

    • I was just thinking the same thing. She looks good for the first time in a LONG time.

    • I think she’s on tour so that’s probably the reason for the slimdown. Not that she was fat to begin with.

      Still can’t stand her though!

  • maybe she just got her PYRAMID. dayum. can’t everyone have a fat-feeling day once in awhile? she looks good tho you all are right.

  • I also noticed she was wearing a wig…. in the water.

    If anything the girl is committed to the wig.

    I am going to assume it was an old wig that has been kicked out of the wig closet… so she decided it would be okay to get it wet. hahaha!