Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Knew Mady Would Be The One To Finally Take Down Her Mother

Isn’t Mady the drama queen child on Jon & Kate Plus 8?  I don’t have any personal experience in dealing with dramatic children, but I imagine that it would be difficult to handle.

Even so, I still have a little compassion for bratty children especially when they are dehydrated.  I feel so sorry for this kid as she asks her mother for water and Kate drinks water in front of her and then puts the bottle away.  No wonder these kids resent the cameras.  They’re thirsty!

Doesn’t this clip just show you a little bit of what type of mother Kate really is?  Just…mean.

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      • Wow. I haven’t cared much either way about these people–but after seeing that…I think I’m beginning to actually hate this woman.

  • OMG! I always thought she was such a bitch because she has 8 kids to handle. But no, she is just a bitch, kids or no kids.

  • Foolishly cruel power move mom.. now the complaints will pour in.. you are vulnerable to be charged with an abusive and rejection behavior examination and investigation by DCS, disgruntled husband, press and what was once fans. I know the TV bosses will certainly kick your worthless/ruthless butt for acting so stupid!

  • I was on the fence about Kate, thinking everyone was being overly critical of someone dealing with 8 children. I don’t have any, so how can I judge her? But, in this clip, I think she is clearly putting herself and the image of her family before their true needs. It was just water…it’s not like it would have stained her clothes if she spilled some. The coup de gras was that she actually asked for some for herself! That’s cold….

      • Mady actually looked surprised when her mom asked for water. But low and behold Kate takes a sip first without even offering. How cold. And to think this is going to be be on the internet for all eternity, so Mady can look fondly back on her childhood. Go Gosselins!

  • well that was brutal. kate’s so annoying and she’s horrible. i love how she tells mady ‘no’ because they’re going on air soon.

  • Let’s switch our multiple fascination to the Masche sextuplets on WE tv. Their parents seem really grounded and to actually LIKE each other.

    Of course, once the series runs it course, who knows what will be left of their family dynamics?

  • OMG that was ridiculous!! She clearly had time to give her daughter a sip of water. I would like to think that if I was a mother, I would choose to give my daughter a sip of water over having some myself. That was simply a horrible thing for Kate to do.

  • how the F is she more interested in going “on”, then her kids health?! royal bitch!

  • BFD. If she gave her a drink, she’d have to give ALL of the kids a drink, and they only had a second. She asked if they could get all of the kids water at the break. I have a daughter her age, they’re dramatic about everything.

    • That’s what I was thinking ( I have three- ages 8, 6 and 4)- something as simple as “a sip of water” can turn into a three-ring circus. Although-if I were going to tell my kids “just wait”, I’d have suffered right along with them instead of drinking in front of them.

    • I glad you posted this. I don’t have kids so I don’t know what that age is like, but I am around my niece and nephew alot and I see the “Wait! She got water? Now I want water, NOW!” histrionics.

      But your perspective really does cast this scene in a much less sinister light.

    • They only had a second, but SHE had time to get a drink of water. Obviously the camera and air time comes before her children. While I do agree that children are dramatic, I still think that this is ridiculous. Who cares if she has to give everyone a drink? That’s what happens when you have kids and they are the ones making her all the money.

    • Then Kate should have waited until the break too to get a drink. She’s a cold hearted c-word!

    • So?? Would it be so bad if all 8 of her WORKING kids got a drink of water? They are working and they are under hot lights! SHAME on them for wanting water!!

  • Wow. What a mega bitch! I understand that it would take a lot of time to share the water with all of your kids, but in that case, don’t take a drink yourself right in front of them!
    I love how when Mady first asks for a drink it sounds like she means “a drink” not a drink of water.
    Also, is it just me, or does Kate’s tone of voice sound like she’s really saying, “sit down and knock it off” when she tells Alexis “that’s adorable”?

    • I thought “that’s adorable” was code for “do that for the camera so they can see how well adjusted and completely watchable my children are”.

      • It’s exactly what I thought she meant to, also doubles as a dig at Maddy “you’re not being adorable so I’m going to ignore you”. I understand though how all the kids could have started going nuts for a drink etc. but it was wrong to drink in front of them. She is a cold bitch.

    • HAHAHA!!! I loveeee that clip. I will always remember it from childhood. My mom and I used to play the fool and I would call her “Mommy Dearest” when I wanted something.

  • lmao unbelievable!… Kate is such a bitch… It wouldn’t seem so bad to me, if she’s just waiting for the interview to be over to give them water, because, if she gives water to one, the other 14 children will want it too and probably start crying over nothing, and it would not only be annoying for her, but also for the people watching it.. So that i understand.. Now, when she’s drinking the fucking water infront of the kids, that is evil!!! I just hate her more and more everytime we talk about her..

  • I don’t know anything about Kate Gosselin or her kids. I have never even watched a single show. But that…was just horrible parenting…and straight up mean.

  • You people are crazy! I’m not a fan of Kate, but we’re talking about a sip of water. I bet Maddy made it to the end of the interview without dying from dehydration, then found something else to whine about. I can’t believe any moms would watch this and think it’s a big deal!!!!

    • I don’t think it’s the fact that Mady had to wait. It’s that Kate asked for water for herself after Mady asked Kate for water. That is bitchy and mean. I don’t do that to my kids. It’s a dick move.

      • yeah… as in ‘oh thanks Mady that’s great advice, yeah a bottle of water does sound great right about now… glug glug glug… oh you meant for you?? No way man. If you ask for water everyone will want water, and we can’t possibly have 8 hydrated healthy children around now can we?’

    • I am a mother, and I wouldn’t do that to my child. Yeah, I am quite sure they made it just fine through the interview, but seriously. What a self-centered and sorry thing to do. ‘Are you thirsty, honey? No…you can wait and just watch me drink instead.’ What a bitch.

  • Kate is such a tool and her husband has no spine. These kids are going to grow up soooo screwed up and no one is doing anything to stop it. There’s another show table for 12 or something like that with the same situation and those kids seems normal and well adjusted. They are allowed to be children. Kate popped out a production company, not a family. I would like to see how much of the earnings actually get put away for these kids, and it should be more than just enough to cover college fees. I think that anyone that still watches this show should be ashamed of yourself. It’s not entertaining to see this kids treated like this, if I saw a mother treating her child the way she does in public, I’d call her out on the spot.

  • Wow. I have never seen John and Kate plus 8, and I have tried not to read about any of the affairs, but this was just completely low. She could have made the interviewers wait a second while her kids get a freaking cup of water, or some of her water bottle.

  • Kate didn’t even realize she was thirsty until Maddy brought it to her attention! I can’t wait for Maddy’s tell all book to come out!

  • Some one take those kids away from both of those narcissistic, selfish, entitled, immature, dingbats. Kate and Jon both are effen up their kids and any chance for a normal childhood or adulthood. Jon is the tool, Kate thinks she is this saint and victim because she was a clown car, and the things they are teaching these kids, are setting them up to fail now. God didn’t want Kate to have kids in the beginning, He knew she’d be a terrible mother. So Kate had to take the free will and be the control freak and MAKE it happen, twice, and then whine about it and be a victim and uses that to get love offerings, speaking engagements, books she never writes, and this show to humiliate JOn and the kids, tape the kids BM’s and private showers and tantrums, shove a camera in their face, tell the kids the camera men are their family while discarding their real family for having the kids best interest at heart, the minute some one does not say what Kate likes, boom, they are discarded and out of the lives of the kids. She isolates them, has taught them an unhealthy enmeshment with no personal or private boundaries. Self entitlement, teaching kids to attract abusive mates, or be abusive mates and just use others in life, discard them when they cannot use people. Someone take those kids away from them!!!!!!!!!! All the freebies in the world, vacays and toys, will not raise a healthy child into adulthood, it takes healthy parents and each have displayed how unhealthy they BOTH are. They both play victim, Jon plays a victim to how Kate treats him (if you don’t like it, get out or stand up to the wicked witch and get your kids away from her) and Kate plays victim to the world for being a mom of multiples, constantly whining if others don’t give to her what she wants or bow to her demands, and then bragging what a saint she is, going green, organic, raising all these kids (if that is what you want to call this), she is no saint and I’m tired of no one stepping in for those kids, forcing the show off the air and forcing those parents into parenting classes. Jon and Kate think they are above it all though, that they are high class, their noses are so far up in the air, any further and they both will drown. God giveth, God can taketh away, just watch!!!!

    • Amen and ditto to all you said!!! I have yet to see a clip (I refuse to watch their show & contribute to this trainwreck) of Kate having any compassion, warmth or love. Yeah, maybe it was “just a drink of water” but it was the cruel way Kate purposely enjoyed HER drink while purposely NOT sharing. I’d expect better manners from my cat!!!

  • As a mom I understand how she can ignore the comments like I haven’t had a drink all day, and I am dehydrated… that is total drama. HOWEVER how she can take a drInk in front of them yet make them wait? Sure she is the parent and all, but I think it’s common courtesy not to mention why get them focused on the lack of a drink right before you want to “show off” on tv! bottom line: she sucks.

  • My only problem with the people who keep saying that if she gave Mady a drink then they all would have wanted a drink is why did Kate take a drink of water in front of her obviously thirsty daughter?? If she was going to make her children wait, then she should have waited too. Also, what would have been the problem with the kids each having a bottle of water while the interview was taking place? Or, Kate saying, could you hold off for one second, my children need a quick drink before we go on? There are so many ways that a caring parent would have handled the situation so much better. But, of course Kate is not a caring parent, she is a narcissistic bitch. As for the people who keep saying that Mady is a brat or drama queen? Perhaps, but children model the behavior they see, and from what I have seen of this show, she is clearly emulating her drama queen mother (remember Kate’s reaction to one of the tups dripping a bit of ice-cream on her clothes at Disney – she yelled repeatedly, “SHE’S RUINED! RUINED!” That is just one example of the behavior these kids have witnessed over the years. They really don’t have a hope in hell of becoming well adjusted adults. Karma is a bitch Kate, and she’s coming for you in the form of eight seriously disturbed teenagers.

    • I totally agree with you.
      One even normal teenager is bad enough (We all know it we were all one once) so how is she going to handle 8 fucked up teenagers, I’d love to see how she handles the “I hate you”, the “I’m taking drugs” and the “I have an overwhelming sense of entitlement” stages.

  • that woman should stop trying to get attention through CHILDREN!! WHAT. THE EFF. she’s gonna go down. soon.

    maybe she’ll go crazy and lost custody. blessing to everyone!!!

  • What mother on this earth drinks when her child is thirsty? If a woman has NOTHING for her children to eat or drink–whatever she find will ALWAYS go to the children first. Children First – Adults Last.

  • Okay, I did not stop to read all of the blogs so if someone already post this same comment sorry.. has anyone wondered yet how much if any of the money Kate and Jon are making off these kids, the kids themselves will actually receive later? I mean Kate can say she has trusts funds now for each one till she is blue but the fact that the cold heart, selfish, pathetic excuse for a mother would not even give Mady a drink of water you can now just see that same child asking for money for collage and Kate telling her to go eff herself. I mean think about it, Kate can later tell these kids that she and their father signed the contracts and the money was theirs not the kids even though they would not have one dime if not for the children. I will NEVER EVER EVER watch another episode or any show this family appears on again and from this moment on I am boycotting TLC till J&K+8 IS OFF THE AIR PERIOD and anyone else who has a heart should stop watching this crap as well for the kids sake! SHOVE YOUR BOOK UP YOUR NO NO KATE, IT SHOULD NOT BE THAT DIFFICULT!!!

  • Kate is greedy and self-absorbed, as most of us already know. I have no sympathy for her. I just feel bad that her children will have to grow up with such an anal, cruel woman for a mother…in front of the entire world.

  • honestly you are all blowing this out of proportion, its one of those little slips that people sometimes make and because its caught on camera you all have a shit fit! i agree that maybe it was a little mean of kate but she wasnt exactly paying attention to mady and maybe she didnt hear the request but perhaps the sound equipment did, and im sure most of you watch the show and realize that mady is a bit of a drama queen. i dont like kate that much but this is fucking ridiculous maybe shes not the best parent in the world but who the hell is, if you dont like the way that the show is effecting those kids then maybe you should stop paying attention, the only reason this show is still on air is because people like to tune in every week and see the drama unfold, ive stopped watching because i dont like kates antics and maybe ya’ll should too

  • This woman is really crazy, I don’t understand how she is ready for the interview but her child asks her for a sip of water and she said “no cause we’re going on air in a bit” that’s really f-up. Screw Kate, she is a mean evil shrew.