Today's Evil Beet Gossip

That Was Quick!

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus just got rid of her totally virginal and hetero boyfriend Justin Gaston, and already has a new guy in her life.

Any guesses who the new dude is?  Jump for the answer, ladies and gents.

Nick Jonas

Yep, Nick Jonas! 

I knew this was going to happen.  Back in April, when I wrote about these two star-crossed stars having lunch together, it just seemed so obvious.  You do not have lunch with your ex unless you are looking to fellate him or poison his food.  Those are the only two reasons.

For the cynics who don’t think a shared meal is enough evidence, how about these two nitwits being seen jet skiing this weekend?  And before y’all flood EB with “Yeah, they’re recording a duet together,” comments, I’d like to preemptively reply, “Great.  Where’s the sound equipment?”

49 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I met Miley Cyrus about two months ago. The lights are not on upstairs! Surprising, I know.

  • I dont give a fuck about these reatrded ass idiot kids.

    Stop pandering to fucking twatt teens!

  • ok so if miley is so christian then she should know that wearing rosary beads around your neck is actually disrespectful… also i didnt know she was catholic?? and rosary beads are catholic… so unless you are not just following the trends, please dont wear rosary beads around your neck…

    • i know – i really hate that. you’d hope that somebody who makes such a big deal of her presumably religiously-motivated values would be a little more careful of the way she deals with other people’s.

  • Her face in this picture…. it’s like there’s a 300 pound woman just screaming to get out. I mean, I can just see it.

    • Are you talking about the Jonas fagala or Miley? I pictured it as the Jonas first and that made me giggle ;)

    • TOTALLY what i was thinking! such a self-satisfied pudgy mealy mouthed smirk. (and hideous stringy messy hair.) any jonas brother would be lucky to have this prize of a gal. ooowee.

      please stop littering the internet with this insufferable puss.

    • Haha… reminds me of that one scene in the Breakfast Club where John is telling Claire that she as a “fat girl name”.

      “…I can see you really pushing maximum density. See I’m not sure if you know this, but there are two kinds of fat people: there’s fat people that were born to be fat, and there’s fat people that were once thin but became fat… so when you look at ’em you can sorta see that thin person inside.”

      • Exactly!! Except backwards! I give it 15 years before she’s wearing a caftan and doing voice work like Cass Elliott. Give that girl a ham samwich!

  • “You do not have lunch with your ex unless you are looking to fellate him or poison his food.”

    still laughing….u rock wendie

  • We all can see that Justin is wayyy hotter than Nick Jonas, but I think Miley and Nick are actually a pretty cute teen couple :). And they look sooo cute together, seriously. I’m not a Niley obssesive, but I just think they look so cute, lol.

  • Oh, and the duet is already out and it’s called ‘Before the Storm’. It’s a pretty beautiful song, I liked it. So, they’re not doing any project together now.

  • also: i’ve noticed alot of people starting to wear rosary beads after seeing the movie boondock saints. (catholic characters in the movie wore the rosaries as necklacles.) though now that miley is wearing it, maybe it will stop lol.

    • You mean the movie that came out almost 10 years ago? I think it actually really picked up steam after Madonna came out in the 80’s then died then maybe picked up again after Boondock with the “hipster crowd” and died again. Now I just think kids go to Urban Outfitters see “totally cool” bead necklaces and think they are being artsy by wearing them. It will be done again by the end of the year and spring up again most likely a few years down the road, just like most trends.

    • I saw them being sold at forever21 and thought “hmm… that’s not right…”
      blast catholic school for instilling morals and a sense of tradition in me

  • I think it’s better for her to be with someone closer to her own age. Also, the rosary as jewelry trend bugs the crap out of me. I’m not really religious but it just seems disrespectful.

  • Dammit! How come this never happened with Britney and Justin? There is no justice in this world…

  • Actually as far as I know wearing your rosary beads isn’t disrespectful, I’m Catholic and can’t think of anyone who it would bother, even my uncle who is a priest saw no problem with it. A lot of Catholics carry them with them, and wear them for safe keeping. But Miley isn’t Catholic, I’m sure she has no idea she’s wearing rosary beads, she probs thinks it’s just a cute cross with beads.

    And as much as I love Nick and Miley individually, I love them together too. BUT, I think this is all a publicity stunt. The Jonas Brothers CD comes out next week and they probably want to hype it up, especially since people had started to say their star was fading. What better way to do it then by being seen with the reigning tween queen? If Nick and Miley were actually back together it’d make my day, but I think Nick is only doing this to get people excited for their new CD, the one with the Nick and Miley duet on it.

    • If you recieved a Catholic education you would know it is very disrespectful.
      If you Priest Uncle sees no problem with wearing the sacred beads as a fashion accessory then I would dare guess he is NOT a priest at all.

      But you know, thanks for stopping by…

      • I went to Catholic school for K-8 and I was never informed that it’s disrespectful to do that.

        I think it’s ok so long as you’re doing it to bring you closer to God.

      • Additionally, I’ve seen nuns wear them around their necks, you might want to go tell them they’re being disrespectful, because clearly you’re the bigger expert than they are.

      • What the nuns have arent the beads meant for the prayers of The Virgin Mary.

        Im sorry you dont remember YOUR education, but YOU and the other person are in fact, wrong.

      • It *IS* disrespectful if you’re wearing them as an accessory or fashion statement of some sort. If you’re wearing them as a devotional effort, that would be different. Just like a hipster douche wearing a yarmulke “ironically” would be disrepectful.

        Nuns generally get a “pass” because after devoting their lives to the Catholic church (in many cases also giving up nearly all worldly posessions), they are probably NOT thinking:

        OMG, this looks, like, soooo hawwwwt.

        Unlike, I would venture to say, Miley.

  • It just seems to me that Miley is into the sort of gay-ish dressing guys (no offense to Nick and Justin because I don’t want them to be offended :D) but yeah..I don’t know how I feel about this so called “relationship”

  • you all realize this is nothing more than a publicity stunt to get the world (i.e. young tween girls) excited about the upcoming jonas brothers tour and album which is about to drop. not to mention miley cyrus’ new movie that gets mentioned everytime news of her and nick have been mentioned in the last few days….(yes, i’m a major celebrity gossip nerd and didn’t think the day would come when i’d know so much about the tiny tween tots)…..they’re a great team alright…for publicity whoring.

  • OH jeese. It was meant to be. I wonder what her pal selena will have to say about this?
    yes, i creep demi lavato’s twitter… sue me

  • damn. i think she’s trying to tell us she’s spiritual. not only is she rocking the rosaries, she’s got some prayer beads on her wrist as well. maybe she’s exploring other religions? …. all at the same time?

  • I smell “publicity stunt” all over this…and please, a skinny Jonas brother over Justin “his hotness” Gaston? You seriously gotta be kidding me Miley!

  • Is she mad, the other guy was much hotter :o
    Ps – I like her hair. But her face, yes.. but I have a fat face too *sobs*

  • i say miley isvery hot and kevinsucks i bet u never met her b4 don t be a bser and can write bout 911 conspiracy its clear gov’t caused it