Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Just Because

My dad just forwarded me an email about a debate going on between two churches in the Southern US about whether or not dogs can go to heaven. The best part? The debate is happening via their signs out front. I had to share it with you guys.

Dogs DO go to heaven!!!! I know my little Charlie is up in heaven with my grandma, looking after me and Leo and the kitties. No debate in my mind. Sorry, Presbyterians!


85 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I’m not very religious, but THAT is amazing!!!!!!!! That catholic church totally wins.

  • “All rock go 2 heaven” LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
    %%$&^& cant comment coherently XD … DOL!!!!

  • Hate to break it to you guys, but this is fake. It was made with a sign generator online…

    I’ve seen them around many times, this one included, and you can tell because you can see that all the pictures from each church are exactly the same shot….

    It’s still very clever and quite hilarious, but it’s definitely fake. :)

  • According to Snopes, they were created using a church sign generator website. Funny email, but not true.

  • hah.
    my idea of religion’s very unique.
    i was raised catholic, converted to presbyterian,
    and now i go to church once a year.
    my grandparents are buddhist, and my best friend is hindu.
    i mix a little of each religion.
    as far as i’m concerned, if the good you’ve done outweighs the bad,
    or the bad was with good intention for all, regardless of what you are,
    you’ll be going to heaven.

  • Moral of the story: Heaven isn’t heaven unless my old kitty is there waiting for me. :(

  • it is a fake, you can tell by the lighting for how it is exactly same in each photo, the reflection of the tree is consistently the same.

  • Even if its fake it still made me laugh! Love it! As a Catholic and dog owner I believe all dogs go to heaven ;)

  • LOL! I don’t care if it is fake – it made me laugh when I really needed to.

    And it reminded me of a story my mother told — for real, a relative and a friend of my mother’s (Southern Baptists) got into a debate over whether or not there would be kittens in heaven. Clearly there is a grain of truth somewhere in this story.

  • Yes, I was raised Southern Baptist and I was always told dogs don’t go to heaven. I say, what a crock! I’m so sick of religious people deciding who does and doesn’t get into heaven. (not that I believe these church signs are real, but it gets my hackles just seeing it, although it is funny.) It’s presumptuous (sp?), judgemental & fear based.

    My dogs and cats who have passed are in heaven, whatever that looks like. That’s also presumpuous, to know exactly what heaven is.

    Whatever, getting off my soapbox and going to bed.

  • Jesus saves…….but who does his investing? Seriously, go Gay/Lesbian dogs go to heaven?

  • God made all creatures great and small so of course there will be animals in heaven – and God may as well use the ones that are already on earth as supposed to creating new animals just for heaven.

  • um, hate to break it to u guys, but i went to catholic school and dogs don’t go to heaven. i was pissed too.

      • And neither did anyone else on earth, regardless of their religious beliefs, so unless you’ve been there & seen for yourself how the hell do you know? I also went to Catholic school and was raised in a strict Catholic household, but I have always believed beloved pets will be waiting for us in heaven.

      • You can believe whatever you want , but then you wouldn’t be a Catholic. The church says no pets in heaven, so there are no pets in Catholic heaven.I’m just statin’ the “facts”.

  • my goldfish is in heave, what did he ever do that was evil to not go to heaven, eat the forbidden fish-flake?! says:

    That has just put I giant huge big fat smile on my face! That is my favourite thing to read ever! Haha! What legends! “All rocks go to heaven” – actually laughed out loud! Totally undermining the opposition with giggle-worthy results! Hahaha! Well done! :)

  • I went to a Catholic school and I was getting tired of all the religious brainwashing bullshit. One day in class our parish priest was there discussing heaven and the afterlife, etc. He said something along the lines of, “The afterlife in heaven will be be so great the our minds will not be able to grasp such joy.” I politely put up my hand and asked, “Does that mean all the beer and blow and hookers I can handle?”

    I got suspended for five days, but it was SO worth the look on the priest’s face.

  • Heaven, if it exists, is filled with boring white people and suffers from too much bureaucracy. Hell is a much more fun place. People actually party and have sex there.

  • I’ve seen this before, but it still gives me a smile, fake or no. Actually – how nerdy am I? – the first thing that clued me into it being a fake was that it’s Catholic doctrine that animals have no soul. I debated it at length with the Religious Education teacher at the Catholic School I went to. Oddly enough, the question that floored her was, if they have no soul, why are they called animals, when ‘animus’ is Latin for soul?

    You might enjoy this quote from Terry Pratchett’s The Last Hero:

    “Few religions are definite about the size of Heaven, but on the planet Earth the Book of Revelation (ch. XXI, v.16) gives it as a cube 12,000 furlongs on a side. This is somewhat less than 500,000,000,000,000,000,000 cubic feet. Even allowing that the Heavenly Host and other essential services take up at least two thirds of this space, this leaves about one million cubic feet of space for each human occupant- assuming that every creature that could be called ‘human’ is allowed in, and the the human race eventually totals a thousand times the numbers of humans alive up until now. This is such a generous amount of space that it suggests that room has also been provided for some alien races or – a happy thought – that pets are allowed.”

    • Thats weird that catholics believe pets have no soul, cause our local catholic churces in my city have “pet blessing” days where you can bring your animals for the priest to pray over lol.

    • I thought of that quote also! yay discworld!

      and yeah, even though its fake, its still hilarious.

      I do like the concept of dueling church signs.

  • Oh, for just a minute there until I read that it was fake, I LOVED Catholics. Oh well, it gave me a good laugh.

  • I don’t care that it’s not true, it’s still hilarious.

    I can’t wait to die and be re-united with my dogs and my old rock collection.

  • guys these pics are photoshoped,, that`s not a real debate.
    all the pics are identical…
    but it`s kinda funny too.

  • Obviously someone had fun with photoshop but… Dogs are animals? Really?!? What are we? superheroes? Last I heard we were still animals too. If religion really preaches and debates this kind of bull, they’re all fucked.

  • While this is OBVIOUSLY fake, it’s still pretty funny.

    Hate to break it to you Beet but, according to the bible, your Charlie’s nowhere near your grandma…. unless they’re buried together :/

  • Wow, that photographer must have returned to the same place, at the same hour, and took the photo from the same angle after every change. How talented and devoted of them! And those cars happened to always be in the same location. How regimented their schedules must be! And God must have made sure the lighting remained the same and that changes in wind patterns didn’t upset the foliage. How omnipotent! Some atheists would argue that the series of photographs are the result of work in photoshop, but look! Each photo is cropped slightly different!

  • Of course, all dogs go to heaven!…along with all the innocent children who love them. BTW, dogs are the ONLY creatures God created that provide us humans unconditional, unselfish love and devotion. Dogs will die for their loved ones, just like Jesus did. If there were no dogs in heaven, heaven would be incomplete. And let it be know that Heaven is COMPLETE ecstacy, which includes our dog companions, best friends and family members. If you don’t believe me, look for Harley and me on the other side…we’ll be looking for you! :-)

    • “Heaven would be incomplete” without dogs…? If God exists and is who he says he is, then Heaven exists and it is what he says it is. It’s not what we would like it to be…I’m sure it’s far cooler. This is almost like debating what kind of music they play in Heaven…do we even know if there are radios/ipods in the Kingdom? I certainly look forward to finding out, God willing. In the meantime, my concept of Heaven is based on how the creator of Heaven explains it.

  • Are you kidding me? Who is the first one to greet you when you get home? No matter what type of day you had, good or bad, your “pal” is happy to see you! Jesus is love and the Good Lord blessed us with animals to make our lives more beautiful. It is ashame that anyone would doubt whether all dogs go to heaven. If you doubt whether all dogs go to heaven, you are doubting the beautiful creations the wonderful Lord has blessed us with. Hello? Give me a break! I believe there are a few humans who we could classify as animals if you want to go there!

  • There’s a reason G-d spelled backwards is Dog. Dog’s are our four legged angels and watch over us just like the angels in heaven.

    I know my Ginger is in heaven!

  • What a lame joke :( . Lame photographer, lame photoshop artist, lame sarcastic atheist. Be more creative! Be more thoughtful! Be more considerate!