Listen, I am a nobody. I’m not famous, I’m not even notable. And guess what? There are no topless photos of me wandering around on the internet. Why? Because they inevitably surface. Remember ladies: Nips are never a Kodak moment.
The newest in the long line of Miss California’s woes, Christian Carrie Prejean now finds herself in a position of defending pre-surgery, topless photos taken of her when she was “a teenager,” or you know, two years ago. For someone who is so dedicated to spouting her values, I’m amused by this latest, totally predictable development.
Her titillating statement:
“My comments defending traditional marriage have led to intimidation tactics that seek to undermine my reputation and somehow silence me and my beliefs, as if opinion is only a one-way street.
“I am a Christian, and I am a model. Models pose for pictures, including lingerie and swimwear photos. Recently, photos taken of me as a teenager have been released surreptitiously to a tabloid website that openly mocks me for my Christian faith.
“I am not perfect, and I will never claim to be. But these attacks on me and others who speak in defense of traditional marriage are intolerant and offensive. While we may not agree on every issue, we should show respect for others’ opinions and not try to silence them through vicious and mean-spirited attacks.”
“I am a model. Models pose for pictures, including lingerie and swimwear photos.”
Yes, and strippers dance on poles and prostitutes have sex with people for money. Now that we’ve established that, maybe she can try to reconcile her “strong religious beliefs and value system” with taking naked pictures…
Whatever! It’s obvious some higher power had a hand in forming that body!
No, she is just a genetic freak. For every perfect bodied girl there are thousands of girls with too large of foreheads, thick ankles, etc
Politics aside – she’s a pageant queen, I literally don’t care on the opinion of any – she looked much better pre boob job/bad hair/whatever happened to make her face the way it is now.
I agree; she’s a much better “natural beauty.” I think she looks like Jessica Simpson in the early days…
she should use the “pope’s cool wit it” quote… Worked for Joanna Krupa,2933,510947,00.html
Did she just use the word “intolerant” in her defense? Seriously?
That’s exactly what I was thinking.
Can they take her crown from her for this? Cos I never wanna hear from her again.
Clearly she took these pictures herself…see her arm out of view holding the camera on the top right? And I have those undies and Im pretty sure I did not buy them two years ago from Vickys- prob a year. I just don’t like how she chooses to put her “Christian” values out there only when it is convenient for her.
Agreed. What kind of modeling gig was it that has random bathroom products in the shot? She is going all Disney tween star on us!
Don’t try and pull the “I am a model, they require us to pose nude/semi nude” stuff. I know that there are plenty of established organizations out there for people in the modeling/fashion industry with strong Christian beliefs. Those people involved in the organizations seek support for sticking to their “strong moral values” and not taking jobs that involve nudity or risque poses.
She is calling everyone else intolerant and offensive?
Don’t worry, Carrie! You always have a career on Fox News.
I like how she equates an attack on her stupidity/”poor judgement”/general hypocrisy with an attack on her Christian faith. Awesome, I say.
Typical “I will use my religion when it suits me” bullshit.
Amen. She is a “fair weather” Christian. even if she is a model and a Christian she can choose which jobs to take. Lame excuse. So does she have sex to, and a lame reason for having sex?
Yes, that hard member on the guy was a sign from God that she should ride it dontchaknow.
I can’t wait for the girl on girl soft-porn photos…
They’re not mean-spirited attacks Barbie. We’re calling you out on your own bullshit and it looks like you can’t hold your ground and are whining like a little baby.
Why does she have to like gay marriage if she doesn’t want to? It’s a free country, her opinion isn’t important and half the country feels the same way anyway so who cares. Why are you guys demonizing her like this? What’s next, pin her to a cross in a thong with a scarlet letter? How insecure are gays to obsess about this woman?
She never said she doesn’t want to like gay marriage. She used her religious beliefs as the argument for it. People are merely pointing out the hypocrisy of her words/actions.
‘What’s next, pin her to a cross in a thong with a scarlet letter’
holy mixed metaphor
and not only gays disagree with her, Marcia
It’s not about gay marriage. It’s about equal rights, for everybody. And it does matter that people support equal rights for everybody.
Marcia, for the millionth time this is so much bigger than just whether or not she agrees with gay marriage. Stop using the “she has a right to her own opinion” line for the gazillionth time just like every other fox person on this blog b/c we’ve already established that!!! NO ONE is saying she can’t have her own opinion. SHE CAN, OK? SHE CAN. IT”S A FREE COUNTRY. This is about more than that.
I love how you keep saying its about more than that, but then you neglect to tell us what else it is about. Tell us what else this girl did to have news bloggers and vicious bloggers out to defame her…other than to disagree with their opinion????!!?? Its like saying that someone with a gun against their head has a right to hand over their purse, or not to hand over their purse. There IS NOT actually a meaningful choice here.
If she would have handled this situation better she wouldn’t have all these people speaking up against her. There are people who don’t believe in gay marriage and they don’t have targets on their back because they can express their ideas well and know how to work well with people who differ from them. There is a way for 2 groups of people with different opinions to agree to disagree, but a response and action like hers will never lead to that because what she did was cowardly. She didn’t make a case and help people understand why she thinks this is right, she just hid behind a biblical excuse and that her parents told her so and then dashed off. Her comment was hurtful and you can’t say something hurtful and then run off, you’re gonna have people running after you after that.
Having an opinion is one thing. She wants to force her opinion on everyone else. If she doesn’t want to marry another woman, fine. But she is crossing the line with her desire to legislate my inability to do so.
Hated should never be tolerated under “free speech”. Religion is just an excuse to spout hatred about people who are different than you.
Yes, let’s rage on her because she *gasp* matured and made the sensible choice not to conduct herself as she did when she was a teen. She’s growing up, learning, and adjusting her behavior as a mature adult should. This photo isn’t even that bad. If I had that body I’d go to work like that, walking backwards everywhere and peeking into board meetings holding my chest like, “Oops, hi, how’d we do this quarter?”
Let’s be honest. Pretty much all this rage is coming from people who disagree with her stance on gay marriage. How about everyone calm down and discuss the actual issues instead of taking this unfortunate route. She articulated her stance on the issue and instead of her opposition using it as an opportunity for making a positive statement, they are instead behaving in a totally vulgar, immature, below-the-belt manner. Stoning her in the public square just because she publicly (and respectfully) disagreed with a popular and hotly debated social issue drags human kind down to the lowest common denominator.
I mean, but I’m all for behaving that way when it comes to dogging on celebrities for no good reason whatsoever. So carry on please.
You summed it up nicely for me.
Just because someone says they are a Christian, they are not saying they are perfect. They are saying that they are TRYING to live their life in a moral manner. No one ever gets it right all the time.
The girl answered her question, and explained why she felt that way. The fact that people did not like the answer is no excuse to attack her or berate her or so on and so forth. She’s become an easy target instead of the focus being on the subject.
Utter bullshit. You don’t need to be a Christian or religious at all to live a moral life.
Being Christian just means you justify your own hypocrisy. Most religious people are filled with hatred, intolerance, and even justify murder in their heads.
You’re way off Adverbs, I can’t believe you’re defending her.. that’s tremendously lame. We’re not stoning her or being below-the-belt like u said. If she thinks that she can go out there and pretty much slap the face of 50% or more of America and then get angry when we call her out on it and hide behind the “I’m not perfect” line, there’s no way she’s gonna get away w/ it. And you’re defending her like she’s apologizing profusely for what she’s done and saying she was young and naive- she doesn’t. Read her comment. It’s a neutral, non emotional almost nonchalant sort of comment that pretty much says “get off my back” and go away I can’t handle the pressure. You can’t start a huge heated argument and throw a virtual flameball into the crowd and then when people rebut tell em to get off your back. This wasn’t a slip up of hers. She believes it’s OK to act this way, get a boob job, whatever pleases her and suits her pretty little pink panties, but then bring religion into the picture and hide behind the “Bible says this” defense when something doesn’t directly benefit her. It’s selfish is what it is and I’m sure if there was a passage in the Bible against boob jobs, she’d somehow “miss” that verse and get it done anyways. But taking away rights of people she doesn’t like already is something she’ll back up with a bazillion verses and exxaggerate if need be because that’s what she wants. Nuh-uh lameass. Ain’t happenin. She’s being a complete hypocrite and she totally deserves to be called out on it. It’s not even a matter of pro v anti gay, it’s about how someone handles dealing with people who are different from her in a respectable kind way.
At the pageant, she said the EXACT same thing that Obama has said on this issue and she is demonized as hateful (she was asked about marriage, not civil unions, constitutional amendments, etc.). I have no idea what she has said since. Haters please note, I have more liberal views than Obama on this issue.
As far as those who who don’t like her, the more attention you give her, the more money she will make. If not for the overreaction to her answer, she probably would have faded into obscurity. Now she stands a good chance of becoming very well off.
I think some people are missing the point. It is one thing if she had left her views as her own personal opinion. People are entitled to have those regardless of who agrees or disagrees. The issue here is that she’s not taking responsibility for her opinion now. According to Carrie, her opinion is the church’s opinion. “Don’t disagree with my opinion because I’m just doing what the Bible says and if you’re against me, you’re against the Christian faith.” I’d have less of a problem with her if she didn’t use the church as a convenient shield. Now any attack on anything she says or does is considered an attack on Christianity. She’s made herself into a martyr.
I mostly have a problem with the hypocrites who demonize her and praise Obama (and many other liberals) who say the same things she says.
Obama also uses Christianity as a shield. In his own words:
“I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian, it’s also a sacred union. You know, God’s in the mix.”
So the people who are demonizing her and calling her hateful but profess love for Obama are holding a beauty pageant contestant who got a surprise question to a higher standard than the President who has a stock answer ready for this question. The same answer, the same reasoning behind it.
“Barack Obama told a San Francisco-based Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender group on Sunday that he opposes a California ballot measure that would ban same-sex marriage.
Prop 8 was added to the November ballot after the state supreme court ruled that a previous voter initiative barring gay marriage was unconstitutional.
“I am proud to join with and support the LGBT community in an effort to set our nation on a course that recognizes LGBT Americans with full equality under the law,” reads the Obama letter, available on the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club Web site.
Obama said he supports “extending fully equal rights and benefits to same sex couples under both state and federal law,” and called the measure a “divisive and discriminatory” effort to amend California’s constitution.” 2008
Oh and he also thinks that the states deserve to the right to decide for themselves. Look it up. No, him and beauty queen do NOT have the same views. He also has wanted to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.
I duno, google more. There is a lot more than the one anti-gay-marriage quote. You might learn something. Gay marriage is a huge hot button issue. A president who wanted to be elected would be an idiot to firmly speak FOR it. Do you know how many votes he would lose? The whole game is first GETTING into the office, and then seeing what you can do.
great work anon.
Yes, he has a habit of saying different things to different people and he’s said a number of times that marriage is man and women only.
The beauty queen also said she was glad that people can choose by state but that her personal opinion was that marriage was between man and woman. Same as Obama.
yeah— and Obama also said he thought it should be up to the individual states to decide (aka a way better answer to the question she flubbed)
Don’t understand why everyone always leaves this out of the Obama argument. Oh! Because it doesn’t suit their argument.
She said the same thing. She was glad that you can choose state to state.
I do not see any “attacks” on this young lady. I see a lady who posed topless and now regrets it. I personally do not support this self-righteous young lady. She in entitled to her opinion, but just because others do not follow her beliefs, does NOT make them “less than or wrong!” The only one who judges people’s actions is the Lord. It is NOT our place to impose our personal beliefs on others.
Right on! If you want to use the whole christianity thing as an excuse that gay marriage is wrong, what about the fact that God gave everyone the choice to sin (if u see it as that, and I don’t, I have friends that are gay) and by telling them that they can’t get married ur in effect taking away the right that God gave them to be “sinners?”
My personally belief is that if gay people have to pay taxes and obey the law like everyone else they should also have the same rights as every other person in the US
you tell ’em honey!
“…like jesus was like, totally… bffs with, like, mary magdalene, who was like a may-jah hoe-bag, like back in jesus-times, like, o-kay!”
like tot-al-ly gag me with a spoon.
for sure!
“and not try to silence them through vicious and mean-spirited attacks.”
um… you mean like taking away certain peoples’ rights? By saying god told you they were bad?
Look at her, and listen to her, this is the reason she did not win Miss America. She has fake body parts and thoughts that are not as deep as my gold fish’s. She complains when people attack her, but she did not have a problem making an anouncement that she was taking on a personal attack against a HUGE group of “Americans” She deserves to get everything she gets and I hope she calls into a hole to wait until people forget about her!!
im sorry for this but sometimes americans are sooo stupid… get a life, leave the girl alone, she has the right just like me to be against gay marriage, so stop bugging like 80% of the world… gay marriage… lol
agree 100%.
Carrie is Miss California and California voted DOWN gay marriage so she is in fact perfectly representing the people of her state. There is more to Cali than West Hollywood and San Francisco yeh know…
Now can please stop yakking about this woman? It’s boring. Where is the Lohan coverage?
Nothing like a good wholesome Christian picking and choosing what parts of the bible to remember when telling others what they can’t do. She needs to just f’ing stop talking already! She must have forgotten the part about VANITY being one of the deadly sins when she did some ‘modelling’ in a friends bathroom IN HER UNDERWEAR! And lest we forget the big fake tits, all the better to strut around in a bikini in. This broad is no different than any other holier than thow bible thumper.
My Jesus loves everybody, including my gay friends….and luckily for Miss Cali including my fake freinds with fake tans, tits and teeth too. :P
I think people are missing the problem here, it’s way passed her being against gay marriage it’s the fact that she, like so many other Christians, is choosing which passages and messages from the Bible to repeat in defence of their dislike of certain things.
There are two ways to take the Bible.
1. At face value; Take the over all message of just being a nice, caring, productive member of society and apply that to your life.
2. Literally; Believe whole heartedly everything it says, even the bits that contradict the rest of it (I’m not having a go that’s just what you get when more then one person write a book over a very long period of time) and become a religious zealot.
There should not be a third option of choosing which passages you want to believe just because it agrees with some prejudice of your own.
What are you guys talking about????? Thrusting her christian ideas out there??? She didn’t thrust crap!! She was forced to provide an answer in which she had to reference her beliefs to explain why she felt the way she did!!!! She IS getting castigated for this, and it is absolutely WRONG!! You can’t just pick and choose what to be tolerant of. If you are going to blast her for being intolerant, then you are no better than she is for refusing to tolerate her belief. STOP BEING HYPOCRITES!!! Tolerance is not just about tolerating people who believe similarly to you. IF SO THEN WHAT THE HE** IS THE POINT OF TOLERANCE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Just a hint, if you already support something that others do not, don’t pat yourself on the back just yet…because that is not the definition of tolerant.
Oh come on how ridiculous is this girl????? She speaks out against gay marriage because it’s “biblically incorrect” – how is posing topless in any way biblically correct? She’s a total total hypocrite who uses the bible as an excuse for being a redneck and completely backwards in a society that’s trying to move forward
she is so right. what does this pic has to do with anything? it doesnt prove anything to me…so what, models do it all the time, it doesnt mean they are sluts or have no religious beliefs. also i dont remember miss cali saying she was a prude. she just has a conservative opinion on a subject.
You know, I agree with her.
I guess it’s okay to do semi-nude pictures as long as they only provoke lust in the opposite sex ; )
Anyway, we should all just get over this and move on because otherwise we are just giving her exactly what she wants – attention, attention and attention.
Everyone knows who SHE is , who can give me the name of the winner of the pageant and her platform without looking it up?
So guess who really won?
she’s ridiculous
Ok so I can grasp why some people take issue with Christianity but I’m just curious why no one calls Islam on it’s blatant hypocrisy, misogyny and hatefulness towards gays. I mean come on folks, Islamic countries behead people for being gay, Christians just don’t accept them marrying. Which is worse? There seems to be an awfully unfair bias against Christians from the gay community which is rather ironic considering how much they chirp about “bigotry”. America now has what 6 states that passed gay marriage? Most European countries only have civil Unions so it appears this country is way ahead of the curve in spite of being a “christian” nation so I don’t get why gays in this country are so hateful towards Christians. Maybe gays and Christians should sit down together and talk this thing out.
Probably because they happen to ahhh live in America and not somewhere else.
Deal with the issues in your own country before tackling others.
You’re making it sound like gays in other countries aren’t fighting for the same rights, they probably are and even if they aren’t that’s ok if they don’t want to, maybe they are ok with how it is where they live.
And as for the Islam thing, I watched a documentary about gay Islamics and the sad thing is they are so brainwashed by their religion and their families that most of them think that they have a disease and something is wrong with them even to the point where they hate themselves and other gays. Obviously this does not happen to all of them and the ones who accept themselves usually end up moving to England or America.
I have to agree with her. I may not agree with her opinions but she is entitled to them. People are attacking her for thinking the way she does and it’s not fair to her. She’s just as human and just as free to have an opinion as the rest of us. She shouldn’t be attacked as a person for that.
This doesn’t look like a posed model shot. Looks very “put the camera timer on and take some shots for my myspace” style.
I agree, she took this pic herself in her bathroom mirror. I’d probably do the same thing. what’s the big deal here?
No matter what this girl was set up for failure. When she was asked that question she was either supposed to lie and appeal to the masses, or be honest and know she would win. It isn’t fair to ask these types of questions in pageant.
Although I do understand that it seems awkward to use your national fame to speak out against a major population, realize that she made a statement, but didn’t condemn anyone. She didn’t belittle, or make anyone feel like they were bad people. She simply stated that she didn’t agree with it.
However, when saying she didn’t agree with it and using morality as a shield, she set herself up to be judged as perfect. Obviously these photos don’t make her perfect. Yet, she hypocritically seems unable to acknowledge their immorality.
With that said, remember she didn’t belittle in her statements and she did have no right answer. Please be kind to her. Obviously you have a right to your opinion, but don’t cut her down so fiercely. She didn’t cut homosexuals down.
Let us not make her more famous.
NOTE: that was meant to say “would NOT win” in the first paragraph.
Again and again, it’s not hypocrisy on her part that she was standing up for her religious values while having these pictures in the past.
Clearly, she’s not perfect and faultless. Everyone (as in all, including religious people) commit sins (for whatever definition of sin you want to use) and it is unreasonable to expect Christians (or any active member of any religion for that matter) not commit mistakes in their life.
Ms. Cali merely fell short of what’s expected from her as a Christian. That doesn’t mean she should stop supporting her beliefs.
Obviously, none of these would have happened if she didn’t become an “anti-gay” icon. People asking for “equality” can be biased at times. And those who are asking for tolerance, in some instances, do not tolerate at all. Those who throws the “bigot” accusation are intolerant and take offense to the opinions and lifestyle of those who differ from their’s.
Wait, that’s bigotry right?