Today's Evil Beet Gossip

American Idol: Interview with the Stylists


So I’ve always thought it was kind of bullshit when the judges criticize the outfits of the AI contestants, because we all know those bitches have stylists. I guess whether they choose to listen to them or not is their own decision. But‘s Natalie Broulette sat down with Miles Siggins and Soyon An, the Idol stylists, for a chat about what goes into getting these kids stage-ready, and what their personal styles are like.

Natalie Broulette: What’s the collaborative process with the contestants like?

Miles Siggins: We discuss what they’re singing and what they think they’d like to wear, and we start from there. Even if people have a general idea about what they want to wear, it does kind of change once we go shopping. And because it’s a competition, it’s totally up to the guys what they want to wear. I can’t force them to wear anything.

Soyon An: The way I work with the girls is I kind of pull aside a few looks that would be good for them, so that we can make the most of the two-hour shopping time. They come in with their idea based on their song choice or whatever they had in mind, and then we do fittings. Whatever we don’t find in the fitting, whether it be a pair of pants, shoes or accessories, we go out and shop for.

And as for when the judges talk shit about the outfits? Stylist Miles weighs in on that: “The main person that criticizes is Simon, and I think a man who wears a gray v-neck sweater and jeans and boots should concentrate on commenting on things he knows about. He’s a very savvy man, but I don’t think fashion is one of his strong points.”

You can check out the full interview here.

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Allison looks awesome here. I’ve always liked her outfits, whacky and eclectic though they may be. I like she and her stylist do a great job of projecting her personality.

    Same for Adam, although he could come out in a sweatsuit or nothing at all and I’d be good with it. Especially the nothing.

  • I can’t figure out what’s up with Allison’s hair….it looks fake. Is that her real hair or a weave/wig?

  • Adam wearing nothing at all?? …uh, excuse me now, I’m going somewhere private to salivate…