Today's Evil Beet Gossip

These Two People Are of the Same Species


I don’t know who Kimberly Locke fell in love with, but Valentino Garavani is definitely the Eighth World Wonder in my mind. How a man can know so much about fashion and so little about spray-tanner remains a complete mystery to me. Is this a disease? I think this is a disease. I’ve mentioned it before. I think he has the spray-tan version of an eating disorder. He just doesn’t get that it looks bad past a certain point.

Valentino was, of course, on-hand for the LA premiere of Valentino: The Last Emperor. Also there: Anne Hathaway, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, Nicky Hilton, Janice Dickinson, Rose McGowan and Shanae Grimes.

28 CommentsLeave a comment

  • At first I thought he was just a weirdly orange dark grandpa (yeah, a famous one but still a gramps) but I opted to believe he was somewhat dark by nature, but then I saw his hand! Anyways I believe he must have an obsession or maybe ppl from his generation believe that darker skin is prettier so he tries to achieve beauty :)). Still it’s ridiculous but I’ll say he can do whatever he wants to bcz he is Valentino and his dresses are pure feminine magic!


    • it actualy is a disease called Body Dismorphic Disorder or BDD, previously known as Dysmorphophobia. it manifests its self in different ways depending on the person, with this guy its tanning. i have a girl friend who has it and she plucks all her eye brows out because she thinks they are too bushy but now she literaly has no eye brows. its a little bit like OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) where someone can be obsessed about a lot of different things but someone with BDD centers around one or a few physical characteristics that the person is dissatisfied with, usualy for no good reason. its actualy pretty common and seems to be related to plastic surgery addiction.

  • Yikes!

    I’ve noticed that sometimes we get little pop-up boxes with captions that appear when we mouse-over the picture. (I think either the alt or title attribute is set within the img tag.)

    Seems like we usually got such helpful info in Soleil’s posts. I would very much appreciate such useful info in other posts. I’m sorry, but I just don’t know who the fuck some of these people are. (Sorry for the poor grammar – it’s late, and I’ve had several Coronas.)

  • I love Anne Hathaway…. she’s not only hot and (seemingly, based on televised interviews) funny (search Youtube: “ROVE – Steve Carell & Anne Hathaway interview – Get Smart” and tell me she isn’t awesome!), but she’s got a smile here that says “I so want my photo taken with the grabby orange dude so I can show my friends.”

    • LOL… exactly what I was thinking….Oompa Loompa doopity doo….I’ve got a little secret for you…… tan gone wrong (on soooo many levels)

  • Granted, he looks bad but it does not help that he is having his picture taken next to Casper the Ghost’s fucking sister.

  • OMG he looks like he’s been dipped in chocolate. I can’t believe he walks out of the house like that. And is it me or could Anne Hathaway be Joan Crawford’s and Liza Minelli’s love child?

  • Is it Halloween already? It’s a ghost and a jack-o-lantern side by side!!!
    I do like the milky or even pale skin color but this motherfucker is straight up carrot orange.

  • He looks like a creepier less attractive Jerry Stiller crossed with a sphincter. I don’t understand how anyone could simultaneously have a mouth that tight and eyebrows that high.

  • Has anyone thought that maybe he just ate too many carrots? That’ll turn ya orange, I’m told.