Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Wait, Let Me Get This Straight-Two Pregnant Wives In One House?


I don’t know if you watch Iron Chef America, but you really don’t need to be a fan to appreciate, or be horrified, by this story.

Iron Chef star, Cat Cora, is pregnant with a boy.  So is her wife.  They are due three months apart and the babies will join the two young boys they already have.  Just let this sink in for a minute.

“Iron Chef’s Cat Cora has a bigger surprise than the unveiling of her secret ingredient on her hit Food Network show; She’s expecting her third–and fourth–sons! “It’s really crazy!” the chef, 41, tells OK! Most unusual, Cat will give birth three months after her partner, Jennifer Cora, 37. “We decided that having them a year apart is harder than having kids as infants together,” Cat says of their planned pregnancies. Their four children have the same sperm donor but Cat says,” [Jennifer] carried my embryo amd [sic] I carried hers. It’s like surrogating, but obviously all of our kids are equal.”

No marriage should ever have to endure simultaneous implanted uteri.  Two women with hormones, stretch marks, two active kids and no guy to blame?  There.  Is.  No.  Justice.

Anyway, congrats to the happy couple who may or may not be legally married (Yay California!).

32 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Congrats to them! I bet they are better parents than MOST of the U.S! I can’t stand criticism against gays and their children….can’t they be happy too?

    • Sorry about your childhood, Jenn. I’m not big on criticizing gay relationships either, but I’ll take your bet on parenthood. MOST (your emphasis) parents in the U.S probably wouldn’t make the comment “It’s really crazy!” about their meticulously planned pregnancies. Unless, possibly, it was. This has nothing to do with gayness and everything to do with ego-driven gimmickry. Of course they can be happy. Question is, can the kids be?

      • I don’t really understand your point? Maybe you can elaborate? I just thought they said it was crazy because it sounds odd, having two pregnant moms at the same time.

        I don’t know if we could say it’s a gimmick. Maybe they just want their children to be close in age, and why not? They have two uteruses. Might as well get most of the pregnant stuff all done at once.

      • I had a wonderful childhood; thanks for your support! I included the “gayness” for the fact that it’s TWO women (coupled) having a child within months of each other…the children will be fine too…I don’t think these women are gonna pop out kids just for the hell of it; they have to have some sort of passion to raise them! Besides, by the time these kids are teens, it’ll be perfectly normal to have a set of parents of the same sex…think about it.

  • Holy crap! How did this all slip by me? I guess Food Network isn’t a gossip-y as I wish it were! I totally watch ALL that shit. (Remember, food can be like porn for chicks with eating disorders..heh.)

    I agree with Jenn…they’ll probably be really supportive of each other, rather than dealing with a dude who doesn’t “get it”. I think it’s awesome.

  • Hmmm. Did they swap embryos to ensure that they are both biologically connected to the kids? Or am I overthinking? This way, the mom that gives birth is and will always legally be the mother, and the egg donor partner can always prove that she biologically is the mother… Interesting custody case somewhere down the road.

    • When my husband (not sure how he found out) told me about this last night, my very first reaction was “I wonder if they swapped eggs?” I bet you absolutely nailed it with the reasoning. And it makes perfect sense to me.

    • They went to all that trouble (i.e. switching embryos, timing, etc.)?

      That’s just sheer idiocy. They have more money than brains.

      • There’s more to it than that. They were going to have to use IVF anyhow, since there was a donor and women who are aged 37 and 41. So why not just swap the egg? I doubt it was much more trouble than they were already going through.
        And as was pointed out, this will solidify parental rights and such. It was a smart move, IMO.

    • I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought so, they look so very alike, with those gorgeous brown eyes!

    • Really now. Is it necessary to call her a “lezz”?? Do you call other heterosexuals “heteros”? Come on. While it may not seem like a big deal think about the way you speak – it could matter to some people. Everyone, not just you, should rethink the way we speak. We really are a mean society…

      • Keep in mind, you’re reading a “GOSSIP” website. Pretty sure I just read Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox referred to as ‘Fuckwits’. Seeing as she IS, IN FACT, a lesbian, I hardly think it was an insult to her character….or cooking abilities.
        Some things are meant to be taken with a grain of salt.

      • No, it’s not a hate term and it’s not a big deal. It’s taking the time to think about how we talk to each other and about each other. I’m not saying that Nora is a hater, I am simply saying that we shouldn’t define people by who they sleep with. I realize this is a gossip site and it’s all about poking fun but discrimination (even in it’s smallest forms) are so ingrained people hardly realize it. It’s one of the reasons that gays have a hard time in this country. That’s all. No harm true…a better way..absolutely.

      • calling someone a “lezz” is hardly a good example of our mean society. lezzy is a cute, affectionate nickname. in my opinion. words carry different connotations for different people. i personally don’t find lezz any more offensive than dyke and lots of lesbians call other lesbians dykes.

    • but KD that was one of the main points of this article. That she is gay. Her, and her wife’s situation, is interesting and unique, and that’s one of the reasons why

  • y didn’t they just adopt? egg and sperm donation just really grosses me out. if i never knew who my real dad was i would be pissed as shit at my mom(s)

    • so they should adopt because egg/sperm donation grosses you ok?

      maybe they want their children to have a part of themselves, which is how a LOT of hetero couples feel, obviously.

      and adoption can be super difficult for gay couples.

      oh and the most obvious thing I missed. With adoption, the child still would not only know who their biological father was, they would also not know who their biological mother was. how on earth does this change anything?

  • So sorry, gotta do it

    When those boys are older all their friends are going to want to stay at their house. Two hot chicks making out — a wet dream for many a young boy

  • There forty? doesnt anyone else think that is a little old? Think of the children first not your needs! Then One says that lezzie’s is offensive yet another says that all males are insensitive and not supportive? what? Yeah its all cool and shiek to be gay, further the species yea.