Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Everyone Has a Book Deal But Me


The creators of the (admittedly brilliant) super-fattening food website, This Is Why You’re Fat, have scored themselves an agent and are shopping a book deal.

Maybe it would help if I actually wrote a book.

Seriously, though, the site is genius.

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I am a huge fan of that site. And would seriously eat like at least a third of that shit. It’s all about moderation, people!! :)

    And I mean…. It’s kind of a book.. I wouldn’t be that jealous of a compiled picture book though.

    • Only a third?! As I scrolled down the page I was thinking to myself, “yum…yum…yum…yum.”
      Hamburger crust pizza? INGENIOUS!

      nobody likes a vegetarian —have you seen those t-shirts? hilarious!

  • I’m planning on buying it for sure. Think of dieting (which I am) and having cravings.

    “Ohhhh screw it, I want a piece of pizza! Better look at my book……..and craving gone.”

  • omg…that site is so brilliantly disgusting…my craving was gone in like ten seconds…I actually also feel a bit sick now, especially because of the amount of meat people (i’m a veggie) are able to consume…yugh!
    Absolutely Brills!

  • I think it’s hilarious that they put a smattering of lettuce in that…thing. Other than being the only food item in it that I can positively identify, it’s like they tried to throw in some infinitesimal amount of nutrition…and failed.

  • That site makes me feel like im going to be sick. It was gross. I hope people don’t actually eat that stuff.

    YOU however should get a book, cause it would be awesome and I’d buy it. (^_^)

  • Wow. I just experienced a new phenomena.

    1.) Mouth watering from hunger;


    2.) The “warm-drools” of nausea…

    …all at the same time.

  • want to know why america is so fat? easy: all-you-can-eat buffets and gigantic portions of everything. i don’t need to eat a burrito as big as my head, thanks.

    • I want a burrito as big as my head……..

      thanks for kicking off a preganancy craving quirky!

  • I visit that site about every day and it’s just great! If anything will keep you from having that fast food lunch at work, it’s that site.