Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lady Gaga Wants to Take a Ride on Your Disco Stick

Here’s the hyper-sexual video for Lady Gaga’s latest single, “Love Game.” Seriously it’s pretty much just her having dry sex with the Village People on the NYC subways. That’s the whole thing.

But I have to admit that this song is what got me into Lady Gaga. Awhile ago I asked you guys to submit songs for a jogging playlist, when I was first getting into running (the final list is here — sorry, it’s U.S. only), and a bunch of you suggested this song. I’d never really heard of her, but I checked it out, and all I had to hear was “Let’s have some fun / this beat is sick / I wanna take a ride on your disco stick” and I was like, “I love this girl.” I checked out the rest of the album and ended up loving most of it. I love hyper-sexual women! Own it, chica!!!

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Gotta disagree with you beet. It’s an irritating song! There’s nothing of herself as a person in her music. However, I will humour you and listen to the whole album as a testament to your usual taste.

    Long time reader.. first time commenter.

  • Ew she is such a nasty skank. Her ‘clever’ lyrics make her sound like a premium rate sex line. I love hearing her on tv telling everyone how smart her lyrics are and the difference between her and every other spanx wearing skank is that her lyrics are smart which makes it okay for her to thrust her ridiculously made up face at the camera in a vogue way. aye right. when i see her groin muscle in her dumb ass unitards it makes me dry retch

  • Please, she’s an unoriginal piece of garbage and I’m so sick and tired about everyone saying how “original” she is. She’s just like all the other wannabe hipster girls in NYC I see everyday. Her song “Just Dance” is about when she was at some club and did too much coke and was tweaking out. So all she could do was “Just Dance.” I can’t wait until her 15 minutes is over and she goes back to whatever dumpster she crawled out of.

  • I would in a heartbeat…I dig her even with funny bow tie hair and all…great sense of humor, an actual groove to her music & doesn’t take it all too seriously…& she’ll be around longer then 15

  • A super skank with zero sex appeal, I know many women won’t get this. She is more like a clown that dresses funny and looks wired so I guess you can call it entertainment. I hear she is really appealing to gays but as a straight guy she is is truly repulsive. And women consider her ultra skanky. Yes it is original and I can see she works very hard at it. But again very repulsive in all the ways that count to a guy. She has an attitude that is highly repulsive to straight guys.

  • no shes just plain gross. shes just some chick tryin to be madonna and for some reason ppl r actually falling for it. she is weird, slutty, and not talented enuff for ppl to stay interested because even when u grind and basicly hav sex on stage that often its still gross and boring