Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Finally! Kendra Wilkinson Gets Her Own Show!


Oh, at last, at last!

We can be done with the boring Hugh Hefner and the sycophantic Holly and the rapidly aging Bridget and just FOCUS ON KENDRA AND HOW STUPID SHE IS.


It’s confirmed that E! will be giving Kendra Wilkinson her own reality show. The show will focus on Kendra fending for herself in this world (doing laundry! paying bills! BREASTS!) and planning her ill-fated marriage to Hank Baskett.

I hope she brings her grill!

21 CommentsLeave a comment

    • You are such an idiot! If you want to hang yourself over somebody just because you don’t like them. Hang yourself for a good reason.. if not just do it for me pl-eas-e


  • harsh – aren’t you the same age as bridget? who has managed to have no surgery or fillers in her face to date… at least she is natural and educated.

    Kendra has more money than she knows what to do with all for what? she should start a charity and give back. Something with a sporty worty edge perhaps.

  • Kendra is as, and sometimes more annoying than Holly. At least Bridget is the most tolerable of the three.
    I cannot stand Kendra, I would rather chew nails than watch her show. Her laugh, or fake laugh, is the worst ever.
    The old meth addict face still shows, she looks tore up in the face.

  • “BREASTS!”
    ahaha- Great line Beet.

    I hated Kendra. She’s just so…sporty. And obnoxious. Now, Holly, on the other hand, was great. I loved her desperate (not so) secret desire to off the other two and have little Heffner babies. I would watch a whole series of that.

    Also, does anyone know if the twins are going to have a tv show now? Because I will BOYCOT.

  • Why is this person always flashing her teeth? She can’t speak with out a toothy response. It is hard to watch her, but she is easier on the eyes than the other two.
    It’s nice that she broke away from Hef. I think is might get married on her new show.

  • I’m actually really looking forward to getting to know Hank Baskett via this show. I guess I can put up with Kendra’s annoying laugh to make that happen.

  • Bridget is an absolute angel. I watched the entire series with my best friend and we just couldn’t stop wanting to be her friend.

    She’s like a tripped out carebear person with boobs, and you can’t get better than that.

    (Also loved/empathised with Holly)

  • Oh, please. Every time I see a photo of Hef with Holly, Bridget and Kendra, I think of a joke: “How many blondes does it take to change a diaper?”

    Oh, wait! They’re all a joke.

  • Kendra will be so fun to watch, she says the funniest/dumbest things and you can’t help but laugh. She is the least fake out of the 3, I couldn’t stand Holly and Bridget, Holly was a biatch and all Bridget did was suck up to her. Kendra didn’t put on an act she was just being who she is, and if thats a hot plastic mess then it’s all fun and games.