Today's Evil Beet Gossip

So, Like, Exactly How High Was Shenae Grimes at the Gemini Awards?

Hint: Your guesses should use “lines” as the unit of measurement.

51 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I went to school with people like that. They also said “ohmigawd” a lot.

    Not sure she’s coked up/cracked out–she just might be from LA.

      • Dear Sarah,

        You didn’t miss a hyphen in your em dash. It’s just that, sometimes, WordPress will only understand spaced em dashes, rather than the normal em dashes we prefer in print media, academic papers, and the Chicago Manual of Style. It varies from site to site, of course, but in general, if you don’t put spaces on each side of your two dashes, the WordPress CSS will incorrectly render your “double-wide” as an en dash — which is to say, a shitty little impotent hyphen.

        Your forever friend,
        Grammar Nazi / Technophobe

      • Yup, she must be Canadian because she didn’t sound rude, didn’t wave an American flag, and didn’t murder any innocent civilians with one of her thirteen guns?

  • I dont know, i mean she deffinitely looks weird, althougth thats the first time ive seen her being interviewed…she could just be an obnoxious airhead chick…same difference.

    altho, i dunno at some points she does look like a crackie….

    • i see it in a lot of things. it’s in her eyes, how they are darting around and opening up really wide and closing. it’s how she is phrasing everything. she even seems to be kind of sucking air thru her nose and twitching her nose. its the oral fixation, how she is acting with her mouth. seriously. has to be coke.

      • i concur! the evidence is all there – you pointed it all out perfectly…that’s nuts how coked out she is, intense!

  • I don’t think she neccesarily portrays “crackie”, I’m just thinking real annoying and hyper – I, sadly, know people who behave like that and they’re not taking anything. They’re just obnoxious.

    • i don’t need to take anything to behave like that
      just ask my friends :)
      oh, the number of times my friends told me how they’d been asked if i was on something just because i acted weird

  • Are you guys mad?! of COURSE she is on coke! you can tell by the way everything is way over dramatised and how wide her eyes go all the time. The mouth and tilted head also give it away BIGTIME.

  • You really need NASA’s REAL TIME SATELLITE TRACKING of Human Exposure to Fine Particle Pollution to measure that upper level.

  • Watch how intensely she watches him while he’s asking her questions…FOCUS…FOCUS…FOCUS. Either coke or she suffers from mania…because I am like that when I have a manic episode.

  • Now I feel all twitchy. I kept waiting for her to rub her nose but instead she just kept flip, flip, flipping her hair. Argh.

  • u think she’s nervous but then her behavior is pretty obvious for a coke-head. i used to work with a girl and she acted exactly like that all the time. i always though she was one of those peppy high energy girls but found out later she was doing coke like all the time. EW. feeling all dirty.

  • I feel like any commenter on her who has done coke, or has hung out with anyone doing coke, will all agree that she is high. It seems so obvious to me.

  • She’s just… stupid. Really. Most of these actor people are only in it for the exposure and publicity — not because they have any real talent. I like the quiet celebrities.

  • No, she’s pretty spun. The girl was on a good one there, fuckin’ high like planes. My god, I got a contact high just then merely from watching that short clip. How exhausting it is to watch a coked-out person trying to talk. Exhausting.

  • whiteee girl for suure
    _________________________________ x 20=how high she is on coke.

    how dissappointing. i bet she is freaking out that this vid is out, and she look slike a complete moron.

  • ugh. putrid washed up trick hasn’t yet even waded through the mediocrity…sorry i just hate the overrated, puzzling who’d you fuck to get through the door types.

  • check out the hand movement she does when she’s describing how crazy her life is!! o so definitely coked up. but quite funny with it

  • … shes past weekend user!! maybe she will make it into rehab before she becomes the new lindsay or before she gets a new nose?!

  • This definitely looks like she is on some sort of stimulate, her body language makes me lean toward that. HOWEVER, there are definitely people who act like that on a regular basis. Plus, there are some people who are naturally stimulated, not necessarily to this extent, but put in an event like this, the outcome would be similar. OR, she could suffer from some sort of mental problem, one that makes her manic.

  • AHAHAHAHAH! I have a 20 second video from one of the few times I did blow and I was totes talking out the side of my mouth and using exaggerated “ohmg, i Know, Riiiiggght?” voice.

    Not to mention, she accidentally used her old show, Degrassi’s, tagline to describe 90210 when she was like “well, you know, ‘we go there’, right?” and then you can see she kind caught herself too late. No cokey before the interview miss!

    And no, I never spend Friday nights watching a sh*t-ton of degrassi.

  • If by Canadian you mean a cokehead then ok lol

    She is too obviously on blow here its crazy.
    From someone who use to do it a lot and whose around people who do it, she is definitely definitely on a heck load of blow. probably good stuff too with the money she’s racking in.