Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Wow, I May Be Done with Paris Hilton

Two days in a row now, there have been photos of Paris Hilton doing stuff in LA on the photo services, and, two days in a row, I have been like, “You know what, I’m not going to pay for these. They’re not worth it.”

Daily Paris is over, you guys.

I’m not banning Paris by any means, but I think I’m ready to stop showcasing whatever she’s doing daily. I’m … dare I say it? … bored by her these days. Watching Paris Hilton do her grocery shopping in a $2000 outfit with a $5000 purse and a $200K car just doesn’t seem particularly relevant when most people can’t even do their Christmas shopping because they don’t have jobs or money.

Tonight I went shopping at Target with a friend to pick up a few gifts. “Wow,” he said. “There’s no one here.” And he was right. Mid-December, 8pm, no lines at Target. No problem finding parking. Plenty of parking. Everything was marked way, way down. In fact, there was very little traffic at the entire mall.

Have you guys been having the same experiences?

Are you doing less Christmas shopping this year?

How are you stretching your dollars this Recess-mas?

Regardless, we don’t need Paris Hilton right now, and maybe we never will again.

Your Daily Paris-es are over, as of today. I’m not expecting much backlash, frankly. And I almost never feel that way with you guys. ;)

50 CommentsLeave a comment

  • that was the sweetest post ever beet!!
    wow i didnt realize it was getting that bad over there.. im from the uk and everything that happens in the states happens here 3 months later… EVERYTHING. but the shops are super busy, everyones just whacking it all on the plastic to worry about it next month. eek. bad times.
    and RE paris, i rarely read the blurb with her photos you post… i just like laughing at her gynormas clown feet. they look quite normal and in-proportion to her body here. YAWN!

  • paris looks delicious here! but i do wish she was getting up to some slutty hijinks….as far as the shopping thing? i work in a mall and we have been SLOW AS HELL. talk about watching an economic slowdown happening right before your eyes. thursdays for us are usually the busiest day other than saturday, and i spent a good amount of time sitting on the file cabinet playing chess on our store pda.

    don’t tell :)

  • I’m glad she can afford shit like that with her idiotic pointless career…Oh is her career? does she have one? Or do her parents pay her off…? Lucky bitch…

    Right now my dads out of a job. He got hurt at work . He did drywall making less than 40k a year. He had to get surgery for a hernia and he has a bad back and something wrong with the joints or something in his shoulder. we are on WELFARE…and food stamps . I’m 16 and this year I won’t be having a Christmas…Well not a very good one . and we cant even afford those TARGET things that were “marked way , way down.” Anything for Christmas goes on the Debit card…We have no extra money. I get a coat this year , gloves , and a drawing pad I wanted from Hobby Lobby…I know I should be proud and happy I’m not dead …but I wish I was…It’s so fucking depressing .Really fucking depressing…All my dad does is bitch and yell . We don’t spend over twenty dollars on any presents…This month were skipping a truck payment. When we get money from welfare or however it works…all the money is going straight to bills ! No wear else , except maybe gas . There’s six of us …in a three bedroom house…It’s hell. For Christmas we have to buy things for my oldest sister (doesn’t live with us) her boyfriend and there two kids…She works at McDonalds and he is unemployed and she has MORE money than us. Even my lazy pot smoking cousin who works at Volunteers of America has more money than us . Right now , I’m lucky my parents have medical cards for us kids , or else I couldn’t go to the dermatologist . I have severe Atopic Dermatitis and I can’t survive without medicine.Literally.

    I just really hope we don’t have to live on the streets…
    I really have no idea what kind of job I’ll have when I’m older…I’ll be living in a fucking shack the way the economy looks . I can’t afford college let alone a fucking book!

    I really HATE rich people… Son of a bitches.

    • The best thing I can tell you is the truth. This christmas will suck, but you’ll get over it and maybe the next one will be better. The only thing for you to do is to get a job. Any job you can manage. If you can’t find one, then create your own job; walk dogs, babysit, shovel snow, bake cookies. Whatever you do just put all your energy into it. I think baking is a really good idea for the holiday (if you can) ask everyone you know and post fliers in those rich neighbourhoods (they have money to burn and pay you) and ask people what they would like you to make for them. Trust me they will be happy to make something homemade they can pass off as theirs. Im sure there are work abroad programs in the US. Look it up online or write your local politician’s office and ask them to find you something. Working abroad in the summer is the closest thing to a vacation you’ll get for now and at least you’ll be out of your house. Then when you come home you’ll know another language pretty well hopefully german. By the time you’re 18 you should be able to be a translator and you can make really good money, I went to university and I took politics and economics, but I actually got a good job because of my language skills. Obviously you dont have to do this, it is just more or less what I did and the best advice I ever got was “get a job”.

  • I’m really hoping for the day that you come to your senses about how much more worthless and boring Lindsay Lohan is than ANYbody you cover.

  • I only like to read about her when she does something extremely stupid or whorey. everything else is boring.

  • I personally LOVE reading the Daily Lohan posts, no matter how inane they might be. LiLo has always fascinated me, her and Britney Spears for some odd reason, but I have never, ever been interested in Paris, so I sure won’t miss not seeing lots of posts here anymore about her vapid ass.

    Rgarding the lack of Christmas shoppers lately, YES! I have noticed this same exact thing, I was just thinking about it yesterday, tripping on the fact that there’ve been no lines anywhere, the malls are eerily dead, there’s all kinds of parking, it’s – very weird, and such a huge, blatant sign of these deeply recessive times. It’s shocking how many jobs are being lost on a daily basis, day after day tens of thousands of jobs country-wide are being lost. It’s so, so scary. When is this going to stop? Seriously, the state of the economy right now is downright terrifying. Even millionaires are getting their homes foreclosed upon and are losing their jobs. It’s the saddest financial Christmas and saddest, scariest overall economy all around that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime.

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    I usually skip over posts about Paris because there’s usually nothing to read of interest. She has no talent, isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, and is only famous because her family is rich. Here’s hoping others follow suit.
    Maybe in protest, you could run the same photo of her over and over, and donate the money you would have had to pay the photo services to your favorite charity.

  • Yay! :D
    In Australia shops are PACKED and I’m spending more (now I’m out of school (ok, for 1 month so far), but yeah, I feel I should splash out ;) )

  • could you also never post anything on heidi+spencer either?
    i dream of a paris/heidi/spencer-free evil beet gossip site

  • ^^ That heidi spencer crap has already been banned. it was a great day, i even heard the angels sing.

    No more paris (or not as much?), i think the angels are humming…

  • My Christmas plans are not different than normal, but then apparently I’m not normal. We usually don’t spend more than $100 on presents. We’re more about food than anything else.

  • Did u come up with “recess-mas”, EB? That’s genius. No on Paris and totes agree no on heidi/spencer. But I do like lohan and of course brit posts :-)

  • I’m super sad this christmas, I can’t even afford to get presents for my boyfriend or familly. I just feel awful about it too, I love giving presents and it sucks when there just isnt enough money.

  • Dare I say it, but I predict you will one day say this about all celebrity blogging. You are a very intelligent woman, and while this celebgab is fun from time to time, I don’t see you doing it long-term. I can’t fathom someone like you in her 30s or 40s applying her talents to this. You should at least get involved writing for the Daily Show or Rachel Maddow or something like that, I mean, if you are going to stick to humor-ish content. Point is, eventually I see your whole life demanding more meaning. Just a hunch. I write this out of respect. And now, back to the fluff.

  • After 13 years as a stay-at-home mom I have had to return to work to support the family (no one is buying oak trim and he is no longer employed). For the last month I have worked in the toy department of a major department store and no one is buying much.. The only things we have sold out and need to stock nightly are the Vulcan guns, little girls spa kits, and chutes & ladders. Obviously, I’m not getting my brats much this year

  • I’m actually buying MORE this season. I never shop usually and I’m a bargain queen. I’m not even buying gifts-just regular stuff I needed anyway. Stores are literally almost GIVING stuff away this year. For people who were always pretty smart with money this is a great time to stock up on clothes, housewares, etc. There are tons of coupon codes for online shopping, coupons for in-store-all of which can be combined with sale prices. I haven’t noticed a lack of people at stores though. Downtown SF is full of shoppers from throughout the Bay Area as well as tourists. You’ll be hard pressed to ever find stores in that area empty at any time of year.

  • The only person we’re really doing Christmas for this year is our daughter. She’s totally getting spoiled. Everyone else on our list is getting $20 gift cards. Whoo hoo.

    I haven’t noticed that the malls are so much dead, just not packed like usual. I think if I walked into a target ghost town here I’d turn tail and run, just too weird.

  • Thank you, this will be a good holiday without the daily Paris. Now can we get rid of the daily Lohan and make it a great holiday?

  • I never developed an interest in Paris, but love Lindsay and Britney. They are easier to relate to I suppose.

    Anyway, I went shopping last night with coworkers for the family we adopted through work…the mall was deader than a doornail! Lot’s of sales but no one to buy :(

  • Thank you Thank you! No more Paris
    That’s the best xmas gift you can give us Evilbeet
    ALSO add

    heidi and spencer AND
    Lindsay lohan to your list

  • I went to the mall last week and it was insane. It was too over whelming for me to even shop. I felt like I needed to pick something quickly and get the fuck out of there. Which is no way to buy someone a christmas present. So, I bought everything online yesterday. =) and i love that almost everywhere has free shipping right now! woo.

  • Well, I agree that times are bad in terms of finances…but you would never know that if you were in Wal Mart with me the other day. The lines were huge, and the casheir made a mistake and had to ring all my stuff through again. I wasn’t bothered, but she looked like she was going to cry, the girl was so stressed! I work in retail, and business has been pretty steady…although customers seem to get angrier around the holidays :S. And yes, everything is on sale…a lot of retailers have started their boxing day sales early to try and drum up business. Regardless of the economy, however…anytime is a good time to forget about Paris Hilton.

  • why dont u do the same for heidi, spencer and linday lohan?

    heidi n spencer are stupid. lohan is not doing anything interesting.. waste of money

  • Recess-mas?????? aren’t you jewish? saying something about Hanukkah would be more appropriate, no? please don’t butcher CHRISTmas, a holiday that has been cheapened by people like you.

  • The only thing that could possibly make this better would be to add the Pratt Fame-Whores to the list. I think my tolerance for Paris is actually higher than for Spencer and Heidi.

  • Just for the record I’m not a big fan of the holidays

    1. I stop celebrating this crap 5 years ago when a friend got pissed off at me because I only spent a $100 and she spent $200. I gave her back gift and told everyone I was done with the holidays

    2. I’m going to sepnd “0” money for the holidays!

    3. I’m going to get my hair braided!

    4. I’m going to go with my life like always

    5. I’ll be celebrating tax season!

  • I’m actually spending more this year on my kids than I ever have. The older they get, the more expensive their gifts are, digital cameras, cell phones, ipods, shotgun. Luckily there are many sales/deals going on. Here in Houston there is no sign of a recession, it is a madhouse everywhere you go, and has been for weeks.

    The flip side to this is we’re not doing adult presents to an extreme. Of course I have to get something for my parents, and I’ll spend about 20 – 30 on my brother and sister in law. I don’t expect anyone to get me anything so I’ll buy myself something pretty. I’m going to spend the weekend baking cookies and making candy to take to my clients next week – I hate the whole ‘fruitcake in the mail’ thing. I like to do a personal touch.

  • ms- your comment…. hum. she was probably referring to christmas because its the main reason why everyone goes crazy shopping in the winter. channukah wouldn’t have made sense. And I am pretty sure that Jewish people are allowed to talk about christmas. i know a lot of jewish people who celebrate it. i mean, really. what is your problem?

  • i go shopping pretty often (about 2 times a week) either in downtown montreal (canada) or near my school with friends and the stores are actually increasingly crowded… people seem to be spending a lot of money, and the prices haven’t really gone down.

  • Things in my region (Philly) aren’t as busy as usual for this time of year, but it’s definitely not looking like a recession. Even though every day I come across someone else who has lost their job in recent months (much like myself), people are still spending money. We went to lunch at a local sportsbar-style restuarant at 3pm today, and it was packed! Packed with people who looked like blue-collar workers (sorry to stereo-type) who should’ve been working and not drinking at the bar.
    I don’t know if we’re all just taking the last chances we have to drown our sorrows in alcohol and more debt, or what, but it’s bizarre how bad things genuinely are, yet not enough people are seeming to grasp it.

  • I liked Paris, she represents all that is Hollywood, the entertainment industry, and sleze supported by money.

    Her gift to childrens hospital was enormous.

    The best thing about her is the hatred she inspires in so many people who post.

    Most of all she reminds me of the way people talk just after they buy a lottery ticket.

    Some day she will be relaxing and thinking about how much money she sucked from the stupid and how much fun it is to be rich.

  • I work in retail (call it the English degree curse) and am astounded by how quiet it is at times. Normally I complain about my job, but this year I’m grateful to even have one. My heart and prayers go out to everyone who isn’t as fortunate this holiday season.

  • I was at Toys R Us in Germany on a Saturday- plenty of parking and no lines even though there were just 2 cashiers working. I don’t know what it’s like in the touristy parts of Berlin but in the residential area where I live the malls are pretty quiet.

  • I’m so sick of this girl! It was funny two years ago but she is not interesting, she doesn’t do anything but paparazzi are still behind her! I just don’t understand! I live so much better without her in my life!

  • SHE NEVER FAILS AT LOOKING BAD. WITH all that money it kinda bother me how people still look cheap. she needs a stylist because she cant go around acting like a barbie doll that has tiny clothes. I see her ending up in a newer more modern circle f friends 30 years from now like M. jackson, and Elizabeth taylor. <3 miss taylor. at least she has class