Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“Oh my God, it’s hysterical. It’s almost going to take away the fun from actually being able to say one day, ‘I’m pregnant!’ Stop stealing my thunder, motherfuckers! … I’m on the verge of it in some way—or it’s something I long for.”

Jennifer Aniston, opening up about pregnancy rumors in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly.

She also addresses how Vogue put her “What Angelina did was very uncool” quote on their cover. “I was just surprised that Vogue would go so tabloid,” she said. “I was bummed. But you almost expect it. Big deal. Done. Next.” (For what it’s worth, Jen, Vogue is grasping at straws these days, and it’s looking like Anna Wintour’s going to be forced out in a humiliating coup that’ll have everyone who’s ever worked in fashion breaking out the champagne.)

Anyway, I’m continuing to totally dig Jen’s approach to life, and loving each and every interview she does. TEAM ANISTON, yo!

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  • OMG dude. She said Motherfuckers.

    I love LOVE how she looks on that cover, altho the dress is kinda….weird…and the puppy is cute, but seems to be to extra. Unless she was looking at the puppy or something. But since she’s not, it looks like they photoshopped it in.

    I still believe she said motherfuckers. That’s….you know…weird. I mean coming from someone who said, “uncool” to describe a woman that shattered her marriage? I’d expected something like “you silly tabloids, you!” or something equally kindergarten teacher/male nurse-ish.


  • MoFo’s! Ok, that totally wings the pendulum for me. I might be able to commit to liking her now. Stay tuned…hahaha

  • One thing, how long ago was Jen/Brad? Will she get over it? she looks great, still has a viable career, dating a (jerk) with a big, hmmmm, personality. Life should be good, get over Angelina, it’s time. I can’t believe she didn’t think Vogue would go ‘there’ to sell copies.

  • I like her. I say “motherfucker” and “uncool” all the time, it’s not that bad of a word. The C word would’ve shocked me but not MF.

    And she doesn’t keep bringing it up, it’s that no one will let her live it down.

  • I don’t like her. It will take A LOT of real quotes from this girl to get me to that point. Nice start. That dog looks weird.

  • She’s awesome. Marley & Me and He’s Just Not That Into You are going to be huge hits (see On top of that, I’d love to curl up on the couch with her and a beer and just hang out… she seems really grounded. It’s sad that everyone tries to manufacture some sort of war between her and Jolie (whom I also like for different reasons!)

    P.S. Beet, that damn Disney DVD ad on the sidebar is going bonkers and keeps redirecting me to that ad while I’m trying to type this. It’s driving me crazy and I’m going to defrost Walt Disney’s head and punt that motherfucker into the Pacific. (Nod to Aniston with that last part! :-) )

  • I don’t like her, she can eat froot loops and fart during an interview, I still won’t like her… bout TEAM MOTHERFUCKERS

  • She does seem like she’d be cool in real life, but I’m just so sick of her! The tabloids will not give this gal a break. And if she’s serious about wanting to get pregnant, she better get on the baby-makin’, she’s running out of time.

  • maybe she will get over it if people fucking get over it. they’re the ones still making it an issue! stop comparing her to that “do-gooder” all the time. jolie’s probably only doing all that humanitarian shit to make up for all the shit she’s done to other people. maybe fishlips should stop flaunting her stolen man and family around so that the public will stop harrassing jen.. and making the public think jen’s not getting over it. you guys are all telling her to get over it when you guys are the ones who need to get over it! leave jen alone.

    and i just noticed their initials..
    jennifer aniston = J A
    anjelina jolie = A J

  • seriously, finally a quote from her that didn’t annoy me to no end. way to go, jen. I dislike you less.

    oh and i think this is the best picture of her in forever.

    I am still Jolie for life, but at least Jen isn’t making me cringe right now. So I guess that’s impressive. But I will still laugh when Mayer dumps her again.

  • That Vogue article was so good. “40 is just 35 plus 5.” Damn straight…my new attitude. Love this pic of her and the puppy. Yellow labs rule. She always looks so sad/hurt to me and without the twinkle she used to have in her eyes when she was photographed with Brad. She sorta had it in the St. Judes tv ad she’s been in lately. Can’t wait for Marley and Me…read the book, it’s “can’t put it down/don’t want it to end” awesome!

  • I don’t really think she actually wants a baby… but I feel like she may feel like she SHOULD want one. Seems like that to me, at least. She’s 40… time is running OUT, girl. Celebrities may have more money, but you can’t deny the blatant fact that you’re supossed to have a child BEFORE shit starts to go awry.

  • ew, Shes not attractive, looks or personality. Besides, you know she would trade places with Angelina in a second, if she could, Jennifer can stop acting like shes sooo happy with her dull life.

  • Im with Down Unda. Your site is being attacked by roll out aliens that interfere with the submit button. (Here’s how to get around that: just leave the thread and come back in–it should changes the ad on the side.)