Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Evil Beet Exclusive: Kevin Federline Tell-All with People Magazine Hits Stands THIS WEEK!

Evil Beet has just received EXCLUSIVE confirmation that Kevin Federline sat down with People magazine to do an interview about HIS side of the story.

And he’ll be featured on the cover of their upcoming issue!

We haven’t heard much from Kevin since he and Britney divorced, but he’s been busy behind the scenes, battling for custody of his kids and being their primary caregiver as Britney focused on getting healthy and creating a comeback.

So now — as Britney releases her big comeback album! — Kevin’s finally ready to shed some light on what things have been like for him and the boys these past couple of years.

I CAN’T WAIT to hear what Kevin has to say about the boys and what his life has been like recently. Kevin has done a pretty fantastic job of transforming his public image from the perceived jackass in the relationship to the superhero who we later learned was trying to save and stabilize Britney’s otherwise insane life.

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  • For crying out loud! Hasn’t he done enough to Britney? He has her kids and her money. Isn’t he supposed to be a dancer and a rapper?
    I wonder if he will mention his ‘other’ children? You know, the ones he walked out on to be with money maker Britney. It is Britney’s money that allows him the luxury to parent. I hope he give her proper credit.

  • okay tia, i think you meant to say hasn’t he done enough FOR britney. he has her kids because she was totally unable to care for them, how the fuck can you act like that’s a bad thing. brit also had the luxury of her own money, but didn’t do very well with it. so give him some proper credit.

  • and i’m also seconding bsm. i never cared about her in the first place and have just been hoping this crap dies down, but it seems to be multiplying instead.

  • I’m team Kevin all the way. I’m so sick and tired of the “poor little Britney” bullshit, her new album is just like all the others – “watch me writhe around pretending I’m sex on a stick”, she is a selfish, self centred self obsessed person who got the hots for some less than bright back up dancer and bought him. He’s stepped up when she kicked him out once she got bored and is raising four kids – if you bother to read the gossip columns than just stare at them through your Britney coloured glasses, you’d see him out and about not just with the two he has with Britney but his first two – and he’s on good terms with his ex-partner. I haven’t seen his cock, his balls, his crazy pink wig or anything else, he’s just getting on with his life. About time he had a chance to speak out. He’s been far more civilised than “poor little Britney” over this whole tragedy.

  • Totally fantastic how a guy becomes something special just because he’s doing what is expected of him. Parent his own kids. How extra-ordinary. Here’s what would be totally jackass–coming out of the wood work around the same time your crazy chick is just getting back to “normal”—to talk about YOUR (selfish) side (feeding the networks with fabricated drama because you know he won’t bite the hand that feeds him but the networks have a way of prolonging the mind numbingly nothing special as a “Special” ad hominem).

    Papa Zao, is THIS the only thing that could get you network time? Your Ex-wife and your kids? How manly.

  • I never buy those mags. The last time I did was 3ish yrs ago, when Katie was 1st hooking up with Tom. (And that’s because I was going on a longish car trip) Anyways I say that because I think I’ll buy this copy of People. Love or hate him (I go back & forth) I find him interesting.

  • Fuck him. He irritates me. No matter what ‘good’ he does now, he ditched his OTHER babies’ mama while she was pregnant. That’s a no-no in my book. Now he wants a parenting award for acting like a human? He can suck one.

  • Hey Tracy, Britney KNEW he was with someone and went off with a guy who was willing to leave for her. How come she doesn’t cop shit like Angelina does? How come it’s Kevin and Angelina who are bad nasty people but Santa Britney the total fuck up who keeps lighting your fires.

    No there is nothing special about him raising his kids, what’s special is that he’s willing to allow someone certified as bat shit crazy anywhere near his kids even though she’s a) locked herself with one of the kids in a cupboard and od’d on meds, b) finally allowed to take her kids interestate and one of them ends up in the hospital… What’s special is working through it through the courts and not through the tabloids unlike his pap whoring ex wife who is willing to whore her kids out every chance she gets and who is allowed to moan on about how hard it is to parent on her own when she sees her kids maybe once a week because that’s all she can handle. He and his ex-partner, of the first two kids, still communicate, still raise their kids together. No one here was gobsmacked by Princess Britney finding it “hard” on her own in Glamour magazine.

    I am so beyond sick of the cult of Britney, Love you EB but I’ll be back when you’re addiction to BritBrit the total loser is over.

  • I’m not fooled by Federline and his little so-called “tell-all” story, whatever it may be. I have loathed him from the start, and my mind sure as hell isn’t changing.

  • He’s not doing her any favors, by allowing her to see what is rightfully hers–her kids. He’s not doing the kids any favors–by allowing them to see what is rightfully theirs–their mother. Nothing special. He’s not doing anything special by looking out for their security in the process–which he has.

    The jackass thing to do would be to make things way more difficult then they have to be through the courts. Now that would be very special.

  • UGh I hate KFed. I was hope he would just fade into the distance.

    God those kids are going to grow up and look back at this time in their parents’ lives and be like WTF. It’s bad enough having a mother going through her personal problems so publicly, but then to have a dad then share “his story” about their lives.

    I don’t care if this has been “hard” on KFed. Maybe he should stop having so many kids if he doesn’t want to take care of them.

    Sorry I sound so angry… I have always just loathed him. He seems like such a sponge. God, it’s like Larry Birk-whatever, who keeps selling stories about Anna Nicole’s kid. Like…. get over it. Let it go. You are not helping your children.

  • K-Fed is a opportunist and knew from the start that Britney was his meal ticket for life!

    What kind of a man leaves his pergnant girlfriend at 7 months ?
    Fair enough Brit Brit was a hoebag for going there when he was in that position, but you know damn well Kevin was going to leave Shar for the Brit train!

    Ofcourse he has taken care of his boys, he knows which side his bread is buttered! the only reason he is telling his side of the story is becasue he is getting paid, pure and simple and he still has to pay maintenace for his first family!!

  • Wow it is amazing to me how people still hate on this guy when it really seems like he’s stepped up to the plate for the last year. Sure he did something sleazy but how sleazy is it to sleep with a guy who has a girlfriend and 2 kids? Soooo tired of Brit and Angelina getting a get out of jail free card on being man-stealing whorehounds.

    There is nothing special about taking care of your own kids, although it does seem like one ought to get an honorable mention for taking over sole custody when the children’s mother is spending every night puking drunk in public, ODing on anything she can get her hands on, bringing the sleaziest of the sleaze into her house and into her kid’s lives (Sam Lufti, anyone?), having massive breakdowns in public and in private, and in general going off the deep end in such a scary and dangerous way that her children must be kept 100% away from her. So it’s also about taking care of the kids, keeping them out of the public eye (ever notice how we never saw any pictures of K-Fed with the kids but the minute Brit has them, their confused little expressions are dominating the tabloids as she parades them all about town?), hoping and praying that you don’t have to wake up one day to tell them that their mommy is never coming home because she’s DEAD which is what I think 95% of the world thought she would be soon.

    The man may not be a saint but these were some pretty drastic circumstances and he stepped up to the plate and kept quiet and kept the kids safe and away from the insanity while Brit was a public train wreck for almost a year. Why shouldn’t he get a chance to talk about that experience and how he managed? She’s already been interviewed basically talking about how he was a throwaway husband and showing no respect for how he took care of their babies while she was looping the loop and doing nothing but partying and going nuts every night. I feel bad for him because it’s obvious there’s a really decent and caring side to him but no one is ever going to see him as anything other than Britney’s toolish wanna be rapper ex. But maybe you guys should mud-sling on him after you’ve spent a year watching your babies’ mom go publicly crazy and see how well you handle it – and if at the end, there might be a thing or two you’d like to say. Team K-Fed because the man deserves some credit for f_ck’s sake.

  • krz said “cock”.

    okay, im hardly on the K-Fed bandwagon. he made it hard NOT to laugh at him when he was with her. the goofy clothes. the sports cars. the rap career.

    but he was hardly a loser, people. he was a very successful dancer. to be a dancer on britneys tours is quite an achievement in the world of dancing. so id say in his craft, he was very successful.

    he also stepped up to the plate when he needed to. he stayed out of the spotlight. he did not bash her in the press. he doesnt seem deserving of all the hating. lets not vilify him even further before the article even comes out.

  • It’s his responsibility whether she’s straight or whether she’s a bat. Nothing special. He should be there. Period. Just because he isn’t a saint, doesn’t mean Britney or the red herring Angelina get a get out of jail free card. Actually they all reap what they sow sooner or later. It doesn’t make either one a saint because he’s the “devil.”

    What is honestly out of this world is this attitude that she’s supposed to be a good mom, it’s expected, but if he’s a good father, it’s godly (bc of this irrelevant factor and that irrelevant factor). Yeah society is in the crapper. We’ve become so complacent with these sucker for a father figures, they come and go and it’s normal, that when they do what they are supposed to do–be there—it’s oh so special. Oh my, he took the kids in the face of all that because it made it all the more harder for him. Pleeze, but a chick with growing pains, a mid-life crisis, living under a magnifying glass looking to burn her for how unlike the Brit Brit we knew she is with Kevin, who feels emotionally abandoned while he’s perusing his pipe dream of a career, pregnant with a second child only a year apart from the first to fix marital problems no doubt, divorced a month later after the birth of her second child, parenting with Post Partum Depression (who knows what else), a sleeping pill/pain killer addiction is sooo easy. To compound by a personality predisposed to a rebellious easy come easy go, child-like personality, with a tendency to take on the identity of stronger males or her love interests. A nanny wouldn’t elevate what made it harder for her to parent—her emotional state. What? That’s irrelevant? Then so is most of what made it “hard” on baby Zao.

    He did invite US mag to cover the kids over the course, but that’s irrelevant too. If she weeps, he could really be the one to do the right thing when she supposedly isn’t by weeping– be a man and take one for the team–say I don’t think I want to talk about it at this time. She’s the one with a problem, he is the one who is supposed to be more balanced. I would give him the Nobel Peace Prize and a Grammy for if he did that.

    No matter what. There is a reason why Anna reached out to Britney because she saw something in Brit that she knew of herself. So much similarity between the two. Batty Hick Britney balled with Matt Laure and, many months later (supposedly after Pappa Zao’s help, Papa Spear’s lovin, Papa Roudolf’s “care,” lawyers, and doctors) she’s still balling. All three males she had issues with and they are representative of the hard lined forces that keep her in her spiritual prison. They can slap some lipstick on that pig, it’s still a pig. They can cure her pink wig with more wigs that no longer represent what she is but who she used to be when the paycheck was comin in. She’s still broken through her own fault and the fault of others.

    Anna never looked better in the days leading up to her death.

    This is my last post on the subject. I’m not a Britney faniac, I just don’t like to see people who gained fame on such weak grounds held up to the pressure to preform, when they are obviously not all there. Not funny anymore. They should stop worrying about a comeback of an album she already created. They should worry strictly about her own comeback–let her fade into obscurity. Then if she comes back, she comes back. If she doesn’t, then she finds another hobby.

  • an excerpt from the interview:

    Q: How did you react in January when Britney locked herself in the bathroom with Jayden and was later taken to the hospital on a gurney?

    A: That whole night is a blur. You want to talk about one of my lowest points of depression, that was probably one of them. I was very, very worried for her ’cause I care about her. That’s the mother of my children. Just because I’m not in love with her doesn’t mean that I don’t love her. I’m definitely rooting for her. There’s nothing more that I want than for her to be in the best health and doing what she loves to do.

  • why didn`t kevin get a custody of shar kids oh oh wait i guess because shar dont have money to pay for child alimony.