Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jessica Simpson’s Performing in Bingo Halls

I’m just going to copy-paste OK! magazine’s article here, because I don’t think I could sum it up any better myself:

Oh, how the mighty have apparently fallen!

From stadiums to bingo halls, Jessica Simpson’s performance venues have apparently slid towards the less-than-glamorous: Bingo regulars at the 2,500-capacity San Manuel Indian Bingo & Casino in Highland, Calif., had to go elsewhere for their game on Nov. 13 when she performed there.

The hall’s florescent lighting, dirty carpet and fried-food odor is a far cry from the venues J-Simp played back when her album In This Skin sold 7 million copies.

“Jessica’s dressing room at the bingo hall was a little larger than a broom closet,” an insider tells OK!.

“There’s an iron, but no ironing board. There’s not even a fridge!”

I like how this article acts like the real victims here are the poor old folks whose Bingo game was displaced so that some washed-up floozy could do her singin’ and dancin’ act. Imagine the outrage if this were at London’s hyper-trendy Meccabingo! There is no justice in this world!

5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I have never been a fan of Jessica Simpson. The way she butchered the song ‘Take My Breath Away,’ was just cruel.
    She has legions of fans lined up for hours waiting for Jessica to sign cans of tuna, and her make-up line brought in millions.
    It seems that since her public ‘dumping’ of her ex husband Nick Lacey, Jessica can do no right! Shame!

  • She’s really not that talented,
    and unfortunately, this is what happens.
    There are a lot of blondes out there with big tits,
    it doesn’t mean they can act or maintain a singing career.

  • I don’t understand the hate. It seems to stem more because she divorced her husband more than anything. There seems to be a mind set out there she should have stuck it out & given up on her own happiness & because she sells tabloids & papers the media just jumps on the bandwagon. If you look at what they claim as Bingo halls & take into consideration other artists also that have approx same amount of people at there concerts & there income take Jessica is right in there. Of course you don’t want to look at that do you?
    How many artists out there never achieve super stardom but still can perform & love to sing. It’s the emdia trying to kill this girl more than anything as she still does have fan support & a lot of it.
    She can sing!