Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Happy Birthday, Grandma Zelda!

Today would have been the 75th birthday of my beloved Grandma Zelda, who died of lung cancer — after surviving breast cancer — when I was in sixth grade.

My grandmother was beautiful. She met my grandfather as a teenager. A strikingly handsome war hero, my grandfather was the man all the nice Jewish girls in Chicago wanted to land. From what I hear, Grandpa was quite the player until the day he met my grandmother, at which point none of the other girls stood a chance. He was bowled over by her beauty and her kindness, and they married soon after.

I inherited the beauty, for sure. I don’t know what happened to the kindness. Maybe my sister got that.

My grandmother, in the short time I had her with me, taught me a lifetime’s worth of lessons in living, loving and dying with grace and honesty and dignity. And I know she’s spent every minute since her passing watching over me and guiding me. I felt her presence in my life starting the day after she died, and she’s never left my side since.

Grandma, I haven’t had a cigarette in four months now. I know how happy that makes you.

I love you, and I miss you.

21 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Zelda – thats a really beautiful name…adn their story is sooo romantic!!!Happy Birthday to her!! :)

  • There is no heaven or hell. There is only this life so better enjoy it while you can.

    Do not let your life be run by what you were brainwashed when you were a child.

  • They don’t leave you. They always live on in your heart. The fact you wished her a Happy Birthday proves she’s alive and kickin in there; and, you’ve not only inherited her looks, but behind the “mean mask” her kind heart….because kind hearts can never forget the people that touched them, and they are always willing to touch right back. I’m sure your in-and-out beautiful grandma is touched by the way you keep her, and she will always keep you.

    That’s not brainwashing. That’s love.

    Happy Birthday Zelda! (I like her name too. Best game ever!!)

  • Very Sweet Beet! I just quit smoking too. Not necessarily by choice, but because I just found out I’m having a kid… but I am really going to try to stick to it and not start back in 9 months

  • Donkey has spoken. He has graced us with his decree. Tell us Donkey, when do you think the human race will end?

    Happy birthday grandma Zelda!

  • awww this was so sweet:-( i love my grama so much too!! it was the part about the not smoking cigarettes anymore and how proud of you she would be that really got to me!! happy birthday Zelda! <3333

  • well, that’s sweet – but isn’t the line. “I inherited the beauty for sure” kind of poor form- a little conceited, don’t you think?