Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Seriously, I Can’t Even Cope with Courtney Love

Look, you guys, I know there’s been all this drama lately with Courtney Love going insano on her blog and Perez Hilton calling her out on it and then her calling Perez out on shit and somehow now Madonna’s involved and blah blah blah blah blah and you haven’t heard a peep out of me about it and really what it comes down to is this: I have no space in my head right now for Courtney Love. I’m in a pretty stable place. I’m healthy and I’m happy and my world is solid. And I start trying to think about Courtney Love — you know, really think about her, get in her head, try to figure out where she’s coming from, so that I can say something pithy yet insightful that’ll make you guys go “Huh, I never thought of it like that before,” and what happens pretty quickly is that my world starts to get warped again. Even just trying to imagine the set of external and psychological circumstances that have resulted in Courtney Love existing and producing and spewing her silken web of crazy all across the Internet makes me dizzy and agitated and I lose my center. And then I think about poor little Frances Bean having been molded in this mess and it’s all just a little too real for me look in the eye.

So, ya know, E! Online has a nice synopsis, if you really think you need to welcome this level of insanity into your being. But please don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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  • I can’t read her ramblings. When I try, I feel like I am having a stroke.

    Poor Frances Bean. If that girl ends up slightly functional later in her life, she is stronger than I.

  • I abhor that useless cunt. I think she has a rotten soul. I’ve always hated her with a passion, always. I do like her one song Doll Heart, just the song. That one song. But her? She absolutely sickens me. Of all the celebs on my own do-not-like list, Courtney Love reigns queen of the roster, right there at the top. She’s crazy because she lives with some serious, dark private guilt, and throughout the years, it’s just rotted her out more and more and more…

    I feel awful for Frances Bean, having to grow up with that for a mother.

  • I have always felt sorry for Frances Bean ever since she was a little thing first being carried around by a clearly wasted Cobain, then being bounced around when her mom lost her, up to present day. Good thing her dad probably left her a lot of money because the therapy bills might one day be stunning.

    America needs to worry less about what happens when gay people marry and pay more attention to what happens when junkies marry. Because THAT is a serious blight on society and an insult to the institution of marriage!

  • Poor child. Honestly, I am surprised that Frances gets upset about things like blogs considering the hell she has endured at the hands of her parents. I would think at this point it would be like, “eh…Mom’s off her rocker and telling the world…c’est la vie”.

    I hope to God that she can overcome the insanity in which she was raised to be somewhat productive and positive.

  • poor courtney. no matter how much surgery she has, no matter how anorexic she becomes, she will always be just as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside. because -as my 9 year old niece likes to say- “inside COUNTS.”

  • qqk, that is sooo true. Her putrid insides seep out of everyone of her pores. I can’t even feel sorry for her, but I do feel sorry for her daughter.

  • I guess she is taking a page out of Michael Jackson’s book. But he did not learn that surgeries make you perfect it turns you into a monster, and she is headed in that direction. But who in Hollywood knows that beauty is never skin deep? It is what is inside that counts.

    I guess who ever criticises these stars have got to be stopped, first she is too fat, then too skinny, now to many plastic surgeries, they are all doing it because no one can keep their ugly mouths shut. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.