Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Exit Polling on Prop 8

From‘s exit polling:

First-time voters cast their ballots against the proposition by a 64 percent to 36 percent margin. The rest of the electorate favored the amendment 52 percent to 48 percent.

Californians who attend church weekly voted for Proposition 8 by an 83 percent to 17 percent. Those who attended church occasionally voted 40 percent in favor and 60 percent opposed. Californians who never attend church were 14 percent in favor and 86 percent against.

College graduates opposed Proposition 8 by a 57 percent to 43 percent margin. Those without a college degree favored it, 53 percent to 47 percent.

African-Americans voted for Proposition 8 by a 69 percent to 31 percent margin. However, 55 percent of white voters and 52 percent of Hispanics voted against the proposition.

As of right now, at 10pm EST, Prop 8 has 53% yes votes, with 25% of precincts reporting.

We’ll stay tuned. FINGERS CROSSED. I want tonight to be a night about CHANGE and HOPE, but that’s gonna be hard if such a hateful proposition can still get traction in a state like California.

49 CommentsLeave a comment

  • i’ll just be so sad. i had so much confidence that it wouldn’t pass…HATE IS NOT COOL!!! i hope there’s a turnaround…

  • prop 2 passed in florida, which was similar, although not quite as harsh as 8 in california. despite obamas win it still makes this election a bit bittersweet for me.

  • Please can the hate rhetoric. If the presidential election has taught us anything, it’s that people package their position on issues using inflammatory semantics instead of thoughtfully discussing those issues.

  • I KNOW kt….. I am very happy about Obama… but I am still very worried about prop 8….. it just tugs at my heart. (UGH and prop 4 too.. that is also very close)

    It makes it worse because I live in California. It’s just so sad.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed….. sigh… I guess it wouldn’t be an election if SOMETHING didn’t make me cry.

    And Alan… a lot of people really do believe that discrimination = hate. We just do. I am sorry if you disagree. (I mean, isn’t a crime caused by discrimination known as a hate crime? The two terms are definitely linked). I believe taking away a right from a person, because they are gay, is hateful. I just do.

  • I really hope this prop is defeated…. I want to see some of my friends get the chance to marry (legally). It’s not fair to take that away from them.

  • Seriously. I don’t understand how gay couples having the right to marry affects the proponents of Prop 8 at all. They have to wake up– it’s 2008! This proposition is discriminatory. Even the GOVERNATOR is against it.
    I’m from the San Francisco and Berkeley area and the vast majority of people I’ve met are against Prop 8. I guess I just fooled myself into thinking that the rest of California is the same. If Proposition 8 passes, I can honestly say that I have never been so disappointed in this state.

  • Yes, discrimination is tantamount to hate. What else would you call it? Discrimination takes place because someone wants someone else held down, thought less of, cheapened…i.e., it reveals the definition of the word:

    1 a: intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury

    And the biggest of this is fear. Of what? Disproven ancient thought processes that gay = pedophile? Gay = deviant? Gay = immoral?

    How in the world does a couple being married instill fear? Anger? A sense of injury? To what? Tradition? Tradition was a woman was OWNED by her husband, no rights, no money of her own…at one time the man could have more than one wife…

    Tradition was a black could not vote. Why? Because they were untrustworthy? Ignorant? Shiftless? Yes, that was a “fact” borne out by Obama. Please…

    A woman couldn’t vote because she also was incapable of the thought process needed to judge what is right…no intelligence, etc.
    Guess we should speak to the successful women of the world…

    And last but not least…marriage is based on a religious foundation. Last I checked the government is supposed to practice separation of church and state…the Prop 8 and all like it are unconstitutional from the outset.

    But that won’t stop the fearful…they will keep at it. Pity…they are committing the true offense as theirs is real and meant to harm and suppress while the community they fight just wants the right to live in peace.

    Wonder who God will look kindly on in the end….

  • What is wrong with those black people? African Americans have spent hundreds of years in this country fighting for equality, and they still want to talk about the racism and prejudice but they vote to spread hate and prejudice toward gays? Shouldn’t the black community know how it feels already to be denied basic human rights??????

    new law voted in by me: if you are ignorant enough to spread hate and prejudice, you shouldn’t have the right to bitch about people being prejudice to you. meaning, if you voted for prop 8, you are no longer allowed to use the race card when you bitch about how people hate you because you are black, or fat, or hindu, or whatever else people are prejudice about these days.

  • Agreed! I thought day would be a day in history when we’ve overcome a barrier. Racism and homophobia are BOTH forms of hate. I’m really disheartened by the African-Americans voting for Prop 8.

  • It’s not about race, hating, discrimination, equality, or prejudices it’s about the institution of marriage being with a man and woman. Have your relationship any way you want but don’t change the institution of marriage to fit your criteria, and then what to teach it to little kids in kindergarten. What’s that all about??????

  • What exactly is the “institution” of marriage?
    Show me 8 out of 10 marriages that haven’t failed in some way, in fact show me just 5…

    Gay people should have the same rights as straight.
    Because they are no different.

  • Ahhrg forgot the rest of my comment.

    Some people argue that gays should not get married as it is a religious thing, I’m not religious and wouldn’t want a religious ceremony does that mean I can’t get married?

  • I believe in gay rights and their right to get married. But I also believe in the acceptance of the views of others. They have the right to discriminate, and so do we.

    America, and the world at that, would be a much nicer and harmonious place if we are just accepting of the differing views of others. We wouldn’t want them to impose their views on us, so why should we impose ours on them? By saying that they are blind and full of hate, aren’t we harboring and proliferating the notion of hate as well?

    They may not be hateful people just because of this belief. When people do horrible things, it doesn’t make them horrible people.

  • What the hell? When people do horrible things it absolutely makes them horrible people. Angela, you make no sense.

  • tell me, have you ever yelled at someone and not meant it? said something mean and wanted to take it back?

    i have done horrible things. but i believe i am a good person. if you believe in the inherent evil in people, that’s a very sad world to live in.

  • There is a HUGE difference between yelling at some one etc and denying someone basic human rights

  • Gay people should be able to marry the partner of their choice just like anyone else. Is that too much to ask? I mean, if George Bush can marry a (high functioning) Down Syndrome, so should Cynthia Nixon be able to.

  • hey to wow–

    WATCH COMMERCIALS MUCH?!??! hahhaahhah

    do you believe everything that the television tells you? jesus christ. you really think they are going to sit down 5 year-olds and be all, look, a man can marry a man— it’s cool. like on the first day of school. after nap time, and before finger painting…….


    if you’re so fucking worried about that, send your kids to religious school…. then they can brainwash them in any way that you choose.

    god, you act like the prop was for “whether or not we should teach 5 year olds about gay people in school”

    ((((FURTHERMORE…… seriously….. what is the big deal with teaching children acceptance at a young age??? how did this become the big issue??? WHAT THE FUCK AMERICA))))

  • You know, Obama is against gay marriage. He outright said it in a debate. Simply no way to get around it. Can’t have it both ways, folks.

  • It has nothing to do with “hate” or “phobia”. I’m so sick of those exteme words being used for a desperately silly cause. Now you all should try to focus on the words: ACCEPTANCE and SURRENDER as people have VOTED and don’t want marriage to be anything but a sacred bond between a man or a woman. AMEN. I’m with Wow on this.
    Be gay if you want, just shut up about it.

  • It has nothing to do with “hate” or “phobia”. I’m so sick of those exteme words being used for a desperately silly cause. Now you all should try to focus on the words: ACCEPTANCE and SURRENDER as people have VOTED and don’t want marriage to be anything but a sacred, and usually religous bond between a man or a woman. AMEN. I’m with Wow on this.
    Be gay if you want, just shut up about it.

  • also Lynn, I’m pretty sure if someone was trying to stop you from marrying the person you loved you wouldn’t see it as a ‘desperately silly cause’
    you want to talk about silly causes?? ‘silly’ is what you are to go out of your way to deny gay people the same rights as yourself. what the hell does it have to do with you?????????

  • I am a supporter of gay rights. I am not a supporter of gay marriage. I am not a supporter of straight marriage, either, if that makes a difference – at least, not in the sense that the word “marriage” is used to confer special civil privileges on two committed individuals. Committed gay couples deserve the same rights and benefits as committed straight couples. To deny them these rights is discrimination. However, I understand that for many Americans, the term “marriage” has religious AND civil meaning, which is why I believe that “marriage” should be a religious/social institution which does not necessarily have any legal meaning and “civil unions” should be entered into for the purposes of the state. I think that this should apply to ALL couples regardless of their sexual orientation.

    BTW – Our future president happens to agree with me:

    Barack Obama has said that he supports civil unions, he is against gay marriage. In an interview with the Chicago Daily Tribune, Obama said, “I’m a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman.”

    He said he would support civil unions between gay and lesbian couples, as well as letting individual states determine if marriage between gay and lesbian couples should be legalized.

  • Damn….

    Helen bitch slapped Lynn in the face and then came back around and kicked her in the crotch. I aint messing with Helen anymore.

    But I have to agree with Lynn on the “Hate” thingy. It’s silly and ignorant to call “supporting prop 8” equivolent to HATE. And before any of you ride my ass before I can get some coffee… I don’t support prop 8.

    Most people who voted for it are scared and ignorant and most people who voted against it are selfish hypocrites. Either way it cracks me up.

  • First of all, being righteous and Christain is not at all narrow-minded. Never has been nor will it ever be. And I won’t EVER shut up. Maybe Helen if you had a brain you had have something more interesting to say.

    I am not personally denying anybody anything. (Again, get a brain.) There was no vote on alleged “gay marriage” where I live this election.

    Helen, you sound like you are really hurting over this. I understand “gay marriage” to be mostly about civil and legal rights. Civil unions would be a different issue, maybe you should consider that. If you love another woman, why are you so intent on imposing yourself on everyone else. It is SILLY and offensive.

    People want to preserve some integrity in society, and honor marriage as a holy union between a man and a woman. Obviously, most Americans are against homo anything.

    Even if gov’t were to ok whatever gay marriage is, churches will not, nor with God. Deal with it. Do what you want, just don’t do it in everybody’s face.

    Hope you find some peace, Helen….you could really use it.

  • I think TSS is on to something there…

    “Most people who voted for it are scared and ignorant and most people who voted against it are selfish hypocrites”

    The sad thing is it’s probably pretty darn close to the truth.

  • It’s not a desperate cause. 40 years ago, people thought equal rights was a lost caase. 90 years ago, people thought the right for women to vote was a lost cause. 150 years ago people thought abolition of slavery was a lost cause. 275 years ago people thought the freedom to simply NOT BE CATHOLIC was a lost cause. And just like all those times, we, gay or straight, are going to have to rally and protest and fight for our rights.

    2 out of every 3 marriages results in divorce within 7 years. If ANYTHING corrupts the institution of marriage, it is straight couples. How can people, who most of the time get into marriage too quick because we are raised to be a desperate, emotionally needy nation, think it is right for them to cheat on their wives and beat their kids and divorce and do all sorts of things, when there are people fighting for their right to simply have a valid marraige

    and btw, I have two gay friends who have been committed for ten years. They are both virgins because they are VERY Christian. They know that God loves them and they live very good moral lives. I believe god wants to see them get married. Also, wouldn’t it be sad for them to never be able to get it on? lol. but really.

    The next thing you know they will be taking back abortion, then divorce, then freedom of religion, and maybe since the economy is so shitty the people will vote in a law to start using illegal immigrants as slaves. Because that’s just where we’re going if we think it’s alright to deny 10% of the population basic human rights.

    Obama may not believe in it, but I believe he will do what his country asks of him.

  • The bible only mentions that homosexuality is wrong twice in the whole bible. once when talking about sodom and gomorrah (how the hell is that spelled? its too late for me to figure it out.) and once somewhere else where it simply says a man shall not lay with another man.

    it says three times in the bible that it is a sin against god to eat shelled seafood like lobster and crab and shrimp. Looks like all you people that think gay marriage is against Christianity but still enjoy going to Joe’s crab shack after church every sunday have a lot of re-evaluating to do.

    All sin is either equal, in which case, you will burn in hell for any small sine (but isnt the point of christianity that god will let your sins go if you accept him? I know plenty of gays who accept him.)

    or some sins carry bigger weight than others, in which case, everyone god is way more concerned about the people who lied and cheated on their wives today than a gay person.

    Christians, you can’t have it both ways. Remember that when racism and sexism were prominent, it was justified in the Bible too. It’s a social issue, not religious. With acceptance socially, the church will accept it too. get over it.

  • “Be gay if you want, just shut up about it.” Seriously?
    Okay, Lynn…You’re totally right. For all of the people who have ever felt discriminated against, they should probably just shut up.
    Be black if you want, just shut up about it.
    Be a woman if you want, just shut up about it.
    Be disabled if you want, but just shut up about it.
    This is ridiculous. What century are you even living in?

  • For all the folks here who say that they are anti discrimination and “hate”, you sure have no problem spewing hateful words at those who feel different than you. How about respecting a persons right to a differing viewpoint rather than being in full attack mode.

  • Wait a second… they were suposed to vote against it.. right?? Everybody was suposed to say no to prop 8.. So no, in that case im not disapointed.. lol.. Sorry bout the fuck up..

    I think we should all be equal, and i dont understand what is the big deal about gay people getting married, they just want the best for their partners in case something happens.. And we should all understand that, we all want the best for our loved ones, dont we?..

    You guys heard about Grey’s anatomy? They fired Calli’s girlfriend, because they didn’t want the lesbian relationship on TV.. That’s fucking retarded i think.. It’s ok to show lesbian relationships when it comes to porn, that’s totally ok.. And it’s ok to have all kinds of ridiculous shows on TV like CSI which is too sexual and explicit at times, and it’s ok to play horrible shows like (damn i can’t remember the name of the show now..) that one with the serial killer, with a whole buncha hookers, and rape, and sex, and of course lots of violence, and blood, and ah well.. All of that shit is ok to have on TV, but OMFG how are they gonna play a lesbian relationship, that is not even explicit, and it’s suposed to be abut love??? That is completely fucked up, ain’t it?..

    I hate it, im not gay but my best friend is, and i just can’t understand why people have to be so damn judgemental instead of trying to see that they are just the same, and what they do in bed is none of our buissnes..

  • The difference, lala, is that it’s being presented as a deviant behavior, a mark against what is “acceptable” and “right”. To whom? Those who are not gay? Apparently. Gays must accept, without questions, straights. It’s a given. Would that it worked both ways.

  • What would be best is if marriage was ABOLISHED!

    It is a church institution and there for has not right here in our country under the separation of church and state.

    I’m gay and I find it offensive that you would say that we are “they are just the same” because we are not!
    We are amazing different, in an awesome way.

    This just annoys me to no fucking end……

  • Now, kinky, you know Tako meant that every human is entitled to the same rights…bringing your “interesting” take on things to this thread now? I think there are more religious people here in this thread…you might get that reaction you seem to be searching for. Bravo!!

    I think I’ll go figure out where it’s 5:00 in the world and pretend I’m there….a good shot might help. Probably not…but if I’ma gon’ “sin” by supporting the gays I might as well enjoy the hell out of it. At least my Book of Life reading will be eventful…along with some of the ones who enjoyed their brief time on earth as the definitive answer to all. Heady stuff…ruling the world and opinion….

  • Marriage is what you make of it.

    Marriage is not just or only a religious ceremony. I am not a religious person and I am married. My husband and I had a civil ceremony, and we are recognized, under the law, as married. If you look the word marriage up in the dictionary, there is no mention of it being a religious union.

    And Kinky, I think you are full of crap. I am sure you don’t think you are, but I certainly do. In what way does my marriage effect you? You can run around and sleep with whoever you like and have as many people (male or female) in an open relationship as you like. It has no bearing on me.
    I get the sense you have some deeper issues going on there, like abuse or abandonment.

  • @ Indigo

    “I get the sense you have some deeper issues going on there, like abuse or abandonment.”

    No I just have strong opinions. My parents had open relationships and also saw no need for marriage. I had a wonderful childhood. I completely think that if everyone lived freely the world would be a better place. And saying I was abused or abandoned is fucking ridiculous.

    But marriage originated in the church! ugh… I don’t think anyone will ever understand what I’m trying to say.

  • @kinky

    OK, my bad, I am just trying to figure out where you are coming from. I get the whole I am anti religion. I am opposed to organized religion, it causes nothing but problems and more often than not, in my experiences, it gives people an excuse to judge other people, which is completely hypocritical.

  • Obama and Biden are against legislation at the federal level for gay marriage. They believe the states have the right to decide for themselves. However, as Democrats, they both expressed opposition to prop 8. Look at the break down of who voted what. Uneducated religious people voted yes, educated (religious or not) people voted no. Thank god the first time voters mostly voted no. Speaks volumes of the future generation I am a part of. Looks like finally acceptance and love is overpowering fear and hate, now we just wait for the older generation to die off…

  • Well, if people want to preserve some integrity in society by protecting the “sanctity of marriage”.. why don’t we just ban DIVORCE? Divorce surely goes against the marriage and the entire idea of a “holy union”. So why don’t we ban it? BECAUSE IT’S RIDICULOUS… just like banning gay marriage is ridiculous.

    I seriously though California was better than this. I thought we were more open-minded and welcoming.. but I guess I was wrong.

  • OHmyGOSH at Lynn’s comments… I can’t believe they slipped under my radar…. JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ lady.

    “Obviously, most Americans are against homo anything.”

    JEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ. pppppsssssshhhhwwwww. That is awfully nice of you Lynn.

    At least, in my state of California, it’s not like prop 8 passed with 100%. It was clearly very split. It’s just simply not true.

    AND no one is saying that gay people should be allowed to get married in churches. That is up to the church. But the government is for all the people of our country. It does not pick and chose which citizens that it wants to protect.

    I found all of your comments just appalling. They really made me sad. Just… SO many things that you wrote… just felt like a knife through my skin.

    Oh and “Be gay if you want, just shut up about it.”

    MANNNNNNNNNN. And you claim to be religious (I believe?) What on earth church do you go to? That is scary. I thought religions taught people to be nice and good.
