Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“Hearst Corporation, which my family owns, continues to host parties even as it folds magazines like CosmoGirl. It seems excessive … At least Hearst recently cancelled the company Christmas bash. It’s time to work through this crisis, not party through it.”

Renowned business guru Lydia Hearst, in her Sunday column in Page Six magazine.

35 CommentsLeave a comment

  • The company holiday party is probably a drop in the bucket next to the salaries of some of the top executives, and doing stuff like that is bad for morale. It gets me how heads of some companies look to cut anything that won’t hurt them personally.

  • cj is 101% right. And maybe Lydia Hearst should attend her family’s parties and take advantage of the free food. She’s so skinny it’s not even funny.

  • She is so F’ing ON IT!!!
    Every time there is a quote from her, I’m like- YEAH no shit!

    Paris could take some notes from her, she’s very intelligent!

    • you are not alone

      I love this dress on her and she looks so gorgeous in it. Also skinny people have the right to dress sexy.

  • shez not too skinny . i mean what the fuck?look at her arms and legs they sure as hell dont look anorexicc. she just has a weird torso is all.

  • puhleese, she is way more than skinny! she looks like shes trying to fit into the frame of a 12 year old girl… i will admit tho, she probably looks fine when shes in normal clothes, that dress does not do anything for showcasing her body… it looks like someones slashed the front of it…

    i absolutely agree with cj. she should have her family give up some of their large salaries before cancelling the christmas party… and the thing is, the economic crisis is only going to get worse if people get scared out of buying/doing anything because of hearing about how bad it is… its a vicious cycle, people!

  • Nah- the real question is WHAT is that. Is IT even human? And why is her pubic bone so high up? Weird look in all.

  • she is sooooooooo not over skinny. look at her arms and face. her mother is slim it’s obviously genetic. not every skinny person is anorexic grow up

  • Lydia, eat a sandwich!
    Or at the very least, chew up a copy of CosmoGirl – you ought to have a few extra copies lying around…

  • laura, theres no way you can say shes not overly skinny. look at her! she must have a BMI of , what, 6?? no way thats fucking genetic. My mum was overeight, its not gentetic that i’m overweight too, i just have a genetic disposition to put on weight quickly.
    but i’m fat because i fucking eat too much, not because of who my family are!!
    why is it, when its a celebrity who’s severely underweight, her family dont take her into hospital? cant her family see she’s no where near a normal weight?

  • Her hair and makeup look hideous.

    She’s naturally skinny. Look how narrow she is and her arms look muscular. The dress is beautiful, but I think the lines are ruined by the natural physique of her chest, ribs, and stomach.

    My husband is naturally skinny. His ribs and sternum could cut glass.

  • I’m pretty sure that’s what the aliens will look like if they ever visit the earth. That thing is not human. And it’s ugly too! :)

  • OMG feed this girl a lasagna and an entire loaf of garlic bread, stat!

    remedial tiramisu treatment may also be in order.

  • @ Laura:
    you are srsly delusional.

    This girl is right though. I know there are people at hearst who dont make much and blah blah blah… but she is right. I mean cosmogirl being shut down is going to affect a lot of jobs and if they are partying it up, well that just makes them look awful. I dont know much about whats going on @ hearst, but I dont think she should be ridiculed for writing this.