Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“I don’t know right now, because my mom is being cheap. She’s trying to get me in one of those Smart cars!”

Miley Cyrus, when asked by Ryan Seacrest what kind of car she’d be getting for her 16th birthday.

53 CommentsLeave a comment

  • CHEAP? Smart cars are even expensive for us regular folk. What a douche, she deserves a bike. A fucking peddling bike. She obviously doesn’t know what it means to be lucky to even have money where she can afford things. I hope she spends through her cash so fast she’s broke. DUMB BITCH. I would love a smart car!

  • oh wow, what a tough life you lead there Miley. You know, not every 16 year old gets a freaking car for their birthday, I certainly didn’t, nor did any of my friends. Good luck with the Smart car, I’m sure it will be total torture driving that around.

  • I got a bus pass and an outdated map for my 16th birthday.

    Her mom was probably thinking, “Hmm.. 16th bday huh…. What should I get the Dumb Bitch ???”

  • Well, if you can’t have a smart daughter, get her a Smart Car.

    Then again, this girl has made her family a ton of money (lots more than that never-been, has-been father of hers could ever have made by himself). I bet she gets some little sports car or some huge SUV and proceeds to total it within three months.

  • Why doesn’t she buy her own fucking car? If Mom is being so, “cheap.”

    I’m sure some car company would giver her a car for singing one of her irritating songs for a commercial.

  • jk, you took the words right out of my mouth! “Well, if you can’t have a smart daughter, get her a Smart Car.”

    her moms wants SOMETHING smart around the house!

  • Those smart cars are so goofy looking – it’s like I HAVE to stare at them…they may be economical but they just don’t look safe – I like to have a bit more ‘car’ around me in my car, just in case…

  • What a little effing spoiled brat! What’s wrong with her parents -are they trying to create a first-class bitch? Cause it’s working.

  • I imagine her parents control her money. If they didn’t, Miley would probably have a collection of diamond-encrusted trucker hats or something.

  • Only thing I can say in her defense is the bitch makes her own money, so technically she should be able to buy her own desired car, but what a wench for saying that is a cheap car! great fucking roll model for all your, I guess, POOR fans who don’t even get a car for their 16th birthday.

  • Try driving a 1979 Honda Civic with 200K miles on it spoiled brat! Although, that car was pretty sweet!

  • yeah right miley, I know you have a miata hidden somewhere around your compound…
    I am 19, and I still dont have a car. I have to SHARE it with my mom. GOSH MY FAMILY IS SOOOO CHEAP I DONT KNOW WHY I SITLL LIVE WITH THEM….

  • One correction, “smart” is with a lower case “s”. If you are intelligent enough to wear your seat belt while riding in one, they are one of the safest cars on the road. You are riding around in a roll cage.

  • She should be happy her perents are even considering getting her a car. For my 16th birthday my mom says i’m getting a bus pass.

  • 1) Hasn’t she already ordered a Mercedes in September or August? It had to be ordered in advance, as she wanted all those extras like parking assist.

    2) What about that Smart Car in March? The convertible with some silly slogan on it “Miley – Girls Night Out” or something equally ridiculous.

    Honestly, I have to say that – personally – I wouldn’t wish for a Smart Car to drive, as they look like rollerskates for elephants or muffineers on wheels. But if I got one… as a present…

    Miley is a spoiled brat who is in dire need of a reality check. And it seriously unclassy to be quoted on the fact that one believes their mother to be cheap.

  • smart cars suuck ass
    they look like crap :l
    its her money if she wants a better car she should get one
    shes a celebrity no celebrity wants a smart car
    i sure as hell dont
    the enviroments screwed already 1 more smart car wont help it ;)


  • i can’t really stand her, i’m sorry. THis quote just tripled how much i dislike her.

    I didn’t get a car on my 16th birthday, and i turned out just fine.

  • This chipmucked cheek bim needs to just shut the freak up. I can’t stand her, can’t stand looking at her and she sounds like she is singing with a freaking cold. It’s scary to know that this idiot is a role model for young girls. She’s a redneck riding the Disney card.

  • OMG a Smart car CHEAP there so expensive and whats wrong with them there good for the environment god miley what about the people who cant afford cars u should get a bike instead

    i still lyke your songs tho

  • well that’s what you get when you put your daughter on the stage…
    spoilt, obnoxious, all too knowing…

  • Like, oh my god, wouldn’t it be totally lame to use my position of fame an influence to be a role model for environmentalism? That would be almost as sucky as a being non-super sexualized teen role-model. Gag.

  • how about a brandnew cuntmobile… and they have just the right color too. spoiled fucking brat blue

  • The only thing this self-centered, spoiled brat deserves is a huge slap in her grotesque face.

  • miley muffin top sighting. your left, her right. have your stylist get you some pants that don’t bring out that puberty fat, sweetie.

  • i’m sorry miley, but i have to agree with everyone. smart cars are very expensive and they’re good for the enviroment. you’re mom is probably concerned for you and you probably won’t even drive the car. you’re actually very, VERY lucky to get a car for you’re 16th birthday. so just stop calling you’re mom cheap cause it’s stupid

  • how unfortunate, to only be getting a smartcar!
    i bought my own car from my cousin when i got my license, its a 95, got it for a grand. ive had to put about 3k into it over the last 3 years, and my parents have helped at times. i know people who’s parents bought them expensive cars, including a girl who wrecked 3 cars and her parents kept on buying. maybe the comment was a joke, but i’d advise her to be grateful for a car, especially in these economic times, where many people cant afford cars. most kids, yes, miley, you’re still a “kid,” are lucky if they get a car that works that they dont have to work their bums off for, one that gets decent milage, and doesnt have a lot of problems.
    i would love a smart car, but i dont expect my parents to buy one for me. i understand that hers can afford it- great! no sarcasm. i think its great if people can afford to gift those they love with things that make life easier. i just wish miley cyrus would realize how lucky she is to have this, especially to have parents who seem to be nurturing and supportive, let alone able to buy her a car. maybe she does already know this, and i know everyone makes offhand remarks that can be taken badly.
    still, be thankful, hun.