Today's Evil Beet Gossip


New York State’s Rensselaer County sent out hundred of absentee ballots with “Barack Osama” on the top of the Presidential ticket.

They claim it was a typo that made it past three rounds of proof-readers.

76 CommentsLeave a comment

  • it’s funny that b and s are not even near each other on the keyboard… and it says they’re only resending corrected ballots on request… i think that’s really dumb.

  • I just have to say that, reading your comments, any mention of “S and B” makes me think of Gossip Girl.

    I think that says a lot about the kind of person I am.


    And they’re only sending the fixed ones by request? Seriously?

    Below the belt. Wayy to far below the belt.

  • More fuel for the fire and propaganda.

    I think someone said it best when they said, “If voting really decided anything it would be illegal.”

    Just my opinion.

  • @ Beet or anyone alse why does that make you/her think of GG. (I don’t watch the show but I’m curious)

  • I feel bad that I didnt notice that the picture said Osama or that you had typed Osama until reading through a second time. I was like what Barack Obama on the top of the ballots? Whats wrong with that!?

  • Why does this not surprise me? There are a lot of absolutely FUCKING ignorant people in this country. It boggles my mind.

  • Aaaahahaha!! I find this hysterical!

    And yeah, Beet, I totally thought the same thing going through and reading, “S” and “B”…I was wondering if anyone was thinking the same thing. Glad to know I’m not the only one sitting on my couch Monday nites at 8 with my TV on the CW!! :)

  • beet, i read your comment about gossip girl and i was like “haha, that person is so cool! i’m gonna just see what their name is and then hop on down to the reply box and tell them so!”
    and then it was beet.
    this is why you write this stuff :]

  • I hope those three sets of “proofreaders” are looking for new jobs. This was either lazy or shady, either way, unacceptable.

  • Sure New York isn’t a swing state, but Rensselaer is up near Albany and there’s a strong republican presence.

  • I don’t even know what to say.
    This makes me want to just go to bed, and sleep…that’s how disgusted by it.
    The same feeling I get when people make dead baby jokes.

  • “Paula Says:
    October 10th, 2008 at 4:30 pm

    Osama, Obama same thing. You say tomato I say tomatoe. McCain all the way, and I’m from California!”

    – well now i understand what kind of person McCain’s supporter is .. : RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and ignorant too.

  • Everyone should request a corrected reprint so they’ll hit the state’s budget and piss off budget makers for the next year. Then maybe they’ll just hire one proofreader who can actually read, or at least isn’t some hilarious fanatic who thinks being a “maverick” is the best qualification for leading a nation.

  • Hahah I find it hilarious.
    Sure, it’s not a typo… more like a Freudian slip. :)

    I certainly didn’t notice it at first.

  • I am loving it. The republicans are showing what insane racist fucks they are and your country will EXPLODE with hatred if 1) Obama loses. 2) Obama wins.

    You country is so fucked. You guys are gonna eat each other up.

    Karma is a beyatch.

  • Donkey Punch, I don’t get it. From all your posts I know you’re not unintelligent.. maybe a little delusional, but certainly not without a few braincells. Which is why I can’t understand why you would even think to make such a generalisation like that… of course not all Republicans are racists, or even insane, so why say it?… plenty of Democrats have faults too, you know. But what really confuses me is that you don’t even live in the US, so how can you really think that your criticism of the GOP has any value?

    But hey, whatever, say what you want. I for one simply don’t understand it though.

  • Hey Douche Punch…. proof read your post my little liberal friend and maybe people can understand your dribble.

  • I love you, Paula!

    Donkey Punch, why are you even thinking that Republicans are racists? I am a PROUD Republican and I do not want Obama to win, not because he’s black, but because of WHO he is. He lacks experience! He’s so far to the left that it’s scary. The people in which he surrounds himself is outrageous.

    If McCain had the same ties to the same people as Obama the whole country would accuse him of being a terrorist. If McCain had the same qualifications as Obama, he would be considered way under qualified. If McCain attended a church for twenty years without realizing the pastor’s views, he would be considered stupid.

  • First, of all, some republicans are racist. That goes without question. I’ve heard personally heard many republicans say racist things (in all fairness, I’ve also heard democrats say racist things, just far fewer).

    Second of all, John McCain has some very, very shady friends. He’s expressed support for both G Gordon Liddy and Oliver North. Even worse, he personally gave money to the Contras in the 1980s.

    Not only that, but McCain had a close friendship and working relationship with David Ifshin, who, as a Vietnam protester, denounced the American war efforts on Radio Hanoi during the time McCain was a POW.

    Oh, and Sarah Palin spoke at the AIP’s convention last year. Her husband was a party member for years. This is a secessionist group who’s members have publicly cursed the United States.

    As for the question of experience, we each need to decide the level and kind of experience necessary to be President.

  • Conservatives need to look deep into their hearts and ask themselves what makes them a Conservative? All bullshit aside, what motivates you deep in your soul. The answer is either greed or hatred.

    You hate blacks
    You hate non-christians
    You hate the poor
    You hate immigrants
    You hate gays
    You hate non-Americans
    You hate anyone who doesn’t look and act the way you want.

    Pick any one of the reasons above. Just like a typical McCain supporter you will justify in your mind reasons why you can hate. You will trick yourself into believing you have a legit reason but deep down your reason is hatred.

  • Dunkey Dunce is 5′ 6″ (if he streches), lives with good old Mom and Dad in Kansas (or somewhere close to it) who reluctently gave him a room in the basement. He is waiting for the right moment to come out of the closet so he can get back on his stretching machine.

  • Donkey Punch-

    you are right about some of your claims, but its not really about your political party. it has a lot more to do with where you are raised and who you are raised by.
    but one thing is for sure, people in the the United States (I won’t say Americans because I learned in Spain that they people get offended if you say you are from America, because of the other countries and all)
    back to the topic- it is not easy living in the states and not being Christian (or Jewish) its not that I’m an atheist, i just treat people well and rely on karma. but telling people this they freaking act like they need to save your soul. it’s nutty. i don’t think that Jesus was the literal son of God so i’m obviously in need of their prayers.
    luckily, my MORMON parents could give a fuck and are just happy that i am thinking for myself. and lots of dems have the poor and are racist just against Hispanics instead of African Americans.

    and that totally wasn’t a typo. they know they are going to loose and are pissed about it. so now they want to piss us off too.

  • > you are right about some of your claims, but its not really about your political party. it has a lot more to do with where you are raised and who you are raised by.

    Do you really think that I believe as soon as someone decides to be a Conservative supporter they suddenly change? Don’t be ridiculous. People choose the Conservative party because they already are racist fucks and they choose the “white” party.

  • > You’re practically comparing Conservatives to Nazis.

    Many are fascists. Some are just plain old fashioned bigots. Others are just ignorant people who fear anyone different.

    In Canada recently Conservative supporters were running around cutting the break lines of cars if they had a non-Conservative sign in the front yard.

    You don’t get much more evil than that. Break out the brown shirts for the party of hatred.

  • that’s just low. There’s no possible way that was an accident. Somebody decided to have a little fun, but by interfering with an official ballot, they’re interfering with the democratic process itself, which is a despicable thing. The ballot is not for campaigning, it’s for a person to look at the names one last time, with no other influences, with nobody looking over their shoulder, and decide who they want as president.

    If you don’t think your guy can win at that point, then he’s not supposed to win.

  • Donkey Punch-

    I understand your point about suddenly switching parties, but I am happy to be able to tell you that I have a good friend that grew up very conservative- his dad worked for the CIA in the most Republican of times, he is now a Democrat! HE DID CHANGE!
    i know that this is only one person, but it gave me hope that maybe more people will seek information about politics instead of blindly following their parents views whether they be right or left wing.

    also, i have never really thought of Democratic Party as the ‘white party’. i think that it has more to do with the fact that Dems want to help people in poverty and Republicans wish to keep the wealth where it is. it just so happens that most people with wealth in the states are white. it sucks but that’s how it is. but really in the end i think that it is about them being afraid of poor people, whatever their race is.

  • Sadly, donkeypunch’s first comment is right. We’re fucked if we elect Obama, fucked if we don’t. I guess the question is how quickly we want nuclear (or nukular) winter to come upon us. Just the lesser of two evils. (I think I have to keep repeating it to believe myself.)

  • I don’t care what the ballot reads, I’m voting either Obama or Osama, I don’t give a rats ass about what the “Higher ups” want.

  • obviously on purpose! i was watching ac 360 today where that woman atthe repblican rally told mccain that she wouldnt vote for barack because he is an arab. Not only is she an idiot who doesn’t know that arab is a race and barack is black. its sad that people are so racist that they would never accept an arab as president. arab does not equate muslim or terrorist. im wondering now why im explaining this because the people who don’t know don’t care to know.

  • DarkEmpress, I wonder if she knew that most Arabs in America are Christian and are considered white by the government.

    Actually, I wonder if she actually understands what Arab means. I wouldn’t bet on it.

    By the way, I want an FBI investigation, including lie detector tests for all involved in this fiasco.

  • Don’t get your panties in a twist….the American public doesn’t pick the president anyways!

  • To DarkEmpress….first of all, read up on Arabs. Second of all, I guarantee you that an Arab in the White House would not be good…I don’t care how many years they lived in America, that heritage runs deep…whether they ever stepped foot in MENA or not. And yes, I do know what I am talking about from first hand experience. And no, I’m not rascist….I’m voting for Obama.

  • Donkey Punch

    “In Canada recently Conservative supporters were running around cutting the break lines of cars if they had a non-Conservative sign in the front yard.”

    Okay, that’s rickdonculous! Give me the link to that news worthy fact.

    And I want a Canadian link so if it’s not being reported by a Canadian news team, I would have to call that BULLSHIT!
    Next thing you know you’ll be saying it’s true that Canadians live in igloos and that they don’t any other season but winter.

  • And I honestly don’t think that was a mistake, but I doubt it really had anything to do with McCain himself, or his actual team of whatever.

    It was probably a McCain supporter working on the production of these ballots, and probably pretty high up for it to actually be printed that way.

  • The man is not muslim, he has respect for other religions, something people in the states need to accept. I’m tired of jesus soul savers trying to tell me where my soul is going, and I’m catholic.

  • @ purplemonkeypaws:

    @ brit

    Sorry, but you completely misunderstood many of my comments. I certainly will take part of the blame…I don’t claim to be the greatest communicator.

    I meant people choose a party that reflects how racist or hateful they are. If you are a bigot then chances are you are Conservative. I was calling the Conservative party the “white” party because generally that is the type that support them. Good ‘ole boys that would have supported the Confederates and slaver.

    The Civil war never ended…it just got a little more polite.

  • Nothing to say about my link and the fascist behaviour of some of your Conservative friends?

    By the way I am Canadian.

  • Obama’s two economic advisors are former Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac CEO’s who may have pulled strings to give Obama a “heads up” on the recent government bail-out plan.

    You look at Obama’s economic advisers, the guys he has counted on from day one and who have raised him a ton – and I mean a ton – of money: Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson, both of them are waist to neck deep in the mortgage debacle.”

    Both Raines and Johnson have served as CEO of Fannie Mae, with Raines taking over from Johnson. Both are key political and economic advisers to Obama.

    “How can Obama go out with a straight face and saw it was Republicans who made this mess, when it is his key advisers who ran the agencies that made the big mess what it is?” says a Democrat House member who supported Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. “It’s his people who are responsible for what may well be the single largest government bailout in history. And every single one of them made millions off the collapse that are lining Obama’s campaign coffers.”

  • Wow, should that even be allowed to be called a “typo”? Whatever, Obama haters can try all they want. Obama is still going to win.

  • Check out the relationship between these McCain staffers and Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac.

    Mark Buse, McCain’s chief of staff, worked as a lobbyist for Freddie Mac

    Rick Davis, McCain’s campaign manager, was president of a group that defended Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from regulation. His lobbying firm only recenly stopped working from Freddie Mac.

    In other words, neither candidate can claim independence.

    It’s all a big mess. No one can deny that.

  • i love this ballot. it’s the first time a black guy has appeared over a white guy in print since that black dude that burned himself with a crack pipe, richard pryor?, was billed over a whitey, gene wilder?, in that stupid fucking movie about them on a train. i’m voting for the black guy as he was way funnier and able to bullshit better.

  • ps; donkey punch

    i would leave this board if you did, but since that’s not likely to happen, i guess i’ll stick around to make sure everyone knows how fucking stupid you are. i’m guessing you’re on welfare, or can’t wait to be.

    we all already know obamas gonna be our president, so fucking get over it. when his minions show up at your door with their black panther armbands on and throws you on the streets, we’ll see if you’re happy whose cock you chose to suck you fucking idiot. it’s obvious you’re not losing your ass in this crash because you’ve already been on the government tit and can’t wait to suckle some more. dick.

  • So? I’d still vote Osama! At least he’s not as extreme and has less bodycount than any Neo-Con government the US ever has had or will have.

  • Thanks for posting this Beet. Im thrilled to see so many responded, because voting fraud is a serious problem in this country. If you have the choice, fill out paper ballot over automated. The companies that make the machines are major supporters of the Republican party and have left out/ mis spelled threatening competitors, etc. Beet you’re awesome!