Today's Evil Beet Gossip

What’s the Rush?

Why does everybody insist on running everywhere these days?

It’s so annoying.

Ryan Reynolds has announced that he’ll be running the New York marathon on November 2.

He’s doing it to support people with Parkinsons Disease, like his own father, as he details in an open letter published in the Huffington Post, which, I have to admit, doesn’t totally suck and, for once in my life, I’m not going to be snarky about the writing skills of a Hollywood actor.

Seriously, though, I kind of have it in my head to train for the Rock ‘n Roll half-marathon in Phoenix in January. I’m kind of tiptoeing toward it. Right now, I’m just working on running three miles without dying. We’ll see what happens from there. My friend Trish and I are trying to train together, but every time we plan to run together, it rains. Winter time in Seattle is maybe not the best time to train for a half-marathon. But if I’m not going to have a baby out of wedlock like all the stars, at least I can run a lot of miles like they all do.

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Beet, I’m toying with running a half marathon in Jacksonville, FL, in February for breast cancer. I found this website that will help you, no kidding. I’m on my third week and it is making running so much easier than I first thought. You should try it out…It’s called the Couch to 5K Running Plan and it’s designed for people who don’t run but want to.

  • I can relate…

    I ran the Mexican marathon once to support cross-eyed Mexican midgets… I was beating those little fuckers too… until we got to the damn hurdles… *sigh*

  • Ok, that letter was awesome.*sigh* Great, now he is even more attractive to me than ever. Grrrrr, and he had to go and marry Scarjo. Oh wells, I guess I can wait the 6 months it’ll take for that to be over.

  • well…when your last movie was “Definitley, Maybe,” you might want to continue sprinting towards the hudson river with a pair of concrete sneakers.

  • Beet,

    As to the weather-learn to love Gore-Tex.

    As to the baby out of wedlock-when and wnere do you want to concieve? ;)

  • I live in Portland and I run on the treadmill at my gym and when it’s not raining I run outside, sometimes I even run in the rain if it’s not too bad. It’s not that hard to train for a marathon in the Pacific NW. Well, training for the marathon is, but finding a way to do it isn’t.

  • Yes–embrace Gore-Tex and other waterproof, wicking materials. Two out of my last 7 marathons poured rain. (read: 26. 2 miles of running with headlights). Train in the rain, snow and shit and come race day you don’t even notice.