Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Travis Barker’s Just Happy to Be Alive

The drummer is opening up about his horrific plane crash last month, which killed two close friends and has left him severely burned. He’s chatting with Us Weekly. (Not to be macabre, but how much do you think they paid him to score that interview?)

I hate planes,” Barker said in an interview with Us Weekly magazine. “My biggest fear ever is to be involved in a plane crash, so when that happened … well, I’m just thankful to be alive! I’m just grateful to be here at all.”

Barker was released from a Georgia hospital last week and is now being treated at a burn center in Los Angeles. He said he was too afraid to fly cross-country, so he arranged to travel by bus with his father and ex-wife Shanna Moakler to keep him company.

“I am doing the best I can possibly be,” he said in the magazine’s latest issue. “I’m so anxious to get out of here. … I’ve just been in surgery after surgery. I have third-degree burns basically from my feet up to my waist and both hands. One of my hands has second-degree burns and one has third-degree burns.”

“I’m trying to have a quick recovery and play the drums again and be able to hold my kids again,” said Barker, who has two children, Landon, 5, and Alabama, 2, with Moakler.

Here’s to a speedy recovery for you, Travis!!!

25 CommentsLeave a comment

  • HAhahaha the little boy shoving the rice krispies square in is mouth!
    It’s almost as big as his head! Sooo cute, it makes me miss my son…

  • I hope that he can resume normal activities soon, and that when he is ale to hold his children agan, he does not do so with a ciggarette dangling in their faces!

  • me …I’m pretty sure that is NOT a recent pic.

    Alabama? Wow. Worse than Egypt from yesterdays post.

  • tigerlille …are you sure thats a cig? The way his jaw is poked out it looks more like a straw or lollypop. Though thats a pretty big stick for one. I think its the straw from that juice box in his hand.

  • I know this is veering away from the topic..but why do celebrities need to walk aound carrying at least 2 kids dangling from their arms (think Angelina Jolie)….wat abt Madonna carrying David Banda who I think looks gigantic even for Madge’s humongous muscles……just a thought

  • It’s not a cigarette, it’s the plastic covered straw that came with his daughter’s juice box.

  • this is not a post plane crash picture… if you read the article.. he’s still in the hospital and holding his kids….NOT gonna fly for probably at least a year with third degree burns on his hands..

    poor guy

  • Good to see him with a cigarette around kids. We need more role models like him to keep the tobacco companies in business.

  • Good to see him with a straw in his mouth for his son or daughter’s organic milk. Give the guy a break, he’s not Britney.

  • I doubt this is a recent photo of him. With second and third degree burns on his legs, I guarantee you he’s not wearing any clothes yet!

  • re; tigerlillie

    yeah, it looks like a cig at first, so you’re forgiven. what is obvious though is that his kid has just finished smoking a bowl and has the munchies big time. yowza!

  • With kids that age, sometimes it’s either carry them or put them on a leash.
    I wonder if haaving so many tattoos complicates the whole surgery/skin graft process?

  • I think another reason they carry their kid’s is to keep them safe from the crowds and paparazzi. Obviously this is an old picture and not a cigarette!

  • i knew someone that had awful burns and a ton of tats. when they did skin grafts, they ended up having to like move parts of the tats around.

    it might look kind of cool.

    and that’s clearly a straw in his mouth. people shouldn’t jump to conclusions so quickly. i think he’s a good father. and those little ones are precious.

    i would probably hate the name alabama too, except for the amazingness that is true romance <3

  • @ coral……. I guess you could just call Honor… Hon… as in Honey…. I don’t know, that name sucks.