Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Barack Obama Locks Down the Smoker Vote

Okay, my days of being politically undecided are over.

I’m voting for Barack Obama, who admits, in an upcoming issue of Men’s Health magazine, that he’s been smoking cigarettes on the campaign trail.

“There have been a couple of times during the campaign when I fell off the wagon and bummed one, and I had to kick it again,” he says. “But I figure, seeing as I’m running for president, I need to cut myself a little slack.”

I love it! A Presidential candidate ADMITTING to SMOKING CIGARETTES!!

And then he offers advice for folks trying to quit smoking: Eliminate “certain key connections – that first cigarette in the morning, or after a meal, or with a drink,” he says, speaking from personal experience.

Oh, Barack Obama. You truly are a candidate I can relate to.

34 CommentsLeave a comment

  • That’s a good point…. I guess I’ll vote for Obama as w……


    McCain just admitted to wearing tricked out FUBU gear and smokin chronic in da hood….

    Man…back to square 1.

  • Your days of being undecided ended with your twittering. lol. Besides it’s was known he was a smoker trying to quit before that article. Which brings me to the Daily Show and their “Jewish Panel”–sep 29 episode–hilarious when the smoking is brought up.

  • Yeah, Laura Bush has never admitted it!

    The press have snapped pictures of her outside of the
    white house but I think they tried to get those stopped.

  • SoI have this problem that everytime I try to quit smoking, I am fine for a couple of days and then like, totally crumble, and chainsmoke three in a row. Same with any diet- I say I wont eat carbs and three days later I am eating a big plate of spaghetti and bread and cookies, all in one sitting.

    So yeah, Barack, I hear ya

  • Then if he gets into office, he needs to lift the no-smoking in restaurants, bars, and basically any public establishment ban in Ohio.

  • @ keightlynn

    Yeah right, that will never happen. I wish it would though.

    I doubt all the anti smokers would ever let that one go through.
    I never understood why anti smoking people are so fucking annoying, I can’t smoke in bars, restaurants, on work property, public places, etc.

    Where does that allow me to have my fucking smoke? All I want is a place where I can smoke without all these anti smokers complaining, I mean even when I’m outside…you don’t like the smell of smoke? GO STAND OVER THERE AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE BEFORE I RIP YOUR THROAT OUT AND YOU ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT! GAWD!
    okay I’m done now, I just needed to get that out.

  • @ purple –
    you sound like you need a cigarette…

    I too am sick of the bans. If I want to go to a bar and drink, I do not want to have to get up and go outside to freaking smoke. If I want a cig with my after dinner coffee, I should be able to do so.

    I say we open Smokers ONLY bars. But then of course the non-smokers will complain that we are violating their civil rights or something whiny like that.

  • @ Eyes of Green

    You know, that would probably be a great business idea, but, I think the anti smokers would ruin it for us all….

  • Actually, hookah bars are a good place to go. You can still smoke there because they don’t sell food or drinks and tobacco products account for 90% or whatever the number has to be of their sales, and a lot of times they are b.y.o.b. It’s a way we’ve dealt with the smoking ban in Chicago.

    Well, sort of. I’ve never gone to one. I still go to regular bars and walk my ass outside in the freezing cold.

  • For some reason I think smoking tobacco out of a hookah would kill what is left of my lungs… :)

  • It’s like there is some kind of discrimination against smokers or something.

    When I go bowling, I expect to see smokers. And now that their gone, it’s just weird.

    And no one likes smoking outside in Ohio winters, or in the rain. When I worked at Sams Club, the “designated smoking area” for employees was a good 150 feet from the entrance of the building! And it had no shelter, just a random picnic table on the sidewalk! RETARDED!

    Pshhh, the smell of smoke my ass! Even before I started smoking, I loved the smell of a menthol cigarette, IMO, how could you not say they or a swisher sweet does not smell good?

  • at pruplemonkeypaws
    Where does that allow me to have my fucking smoke? All I want is a place where I can smoke without all these anti smokers complaining, I mean even when I’m outside…you don’t like the smell of smoke? GO STAND OVER THERE AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE BEFORE I RIP YOUR THROAT OUT AND YOU ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT! GAWD!

    That had me laughing out loud. That’s so something I would say

  • My brother worked for Wm. Morris and said that there are things going in them that no one knows about. And, science hasn’t caught on that there are problems with our bodies that currently aren’t associated with smoking.
    Anyone ever notice how some older smokers are all wrinkly!?!? Why???

    They are literally getting away with murder. Someday it will be outlawed.
    (that ought to get everyone doing it! haha!!!!)

  • Oh no, eyes of green, you don’t have to smoke a hookah. You can smoke regular cigarettes. I’m not a big fan of hookah smoking. I always thought it was weird. It’s like a bunch of non smokers who like to hold fruity smoke in their mouth for some reason. Honestly, now that I think of it, all the people I know who enjoy smoking a hookah every now and then are people who do not smoke cigarettes. Weirdos. I don’t get people who aren’t self destructive…

  • purplemonkeypaws,

    please, take a step back and reread your post. You’re angry to the point of threatening violence – all because you are no longer allowed to indiscriminately harm the people around you, in the course of getting your fix.
    Do you see what’s wrong with this picture?

    The ‘fucking annoying anti-smokers’ are not out to get you, they are protecting themselves from you. You are not a hard-done-by minority, you are a fairly-done-by minority. It just took a while for the law to catch up with public and medical opinion.
    If it makes you so angry, then that nicotine monkey on your back has really got a tight hold, hasn’t it?

    Topic? Nice bit of spin, Obama. Admits to a vice, but doesn’t condone it. Actually, his attitude is sensible & realistic.

    Can the rest of us vote too, please? The choice of the next POTUS is far too important to be left to just Americans… ;-)

  • It’s kind of funny that a smoker would threaten to rip someone’s throat out for complaining about the smoker, um, smoking. You now, because of the whole cancer thing.

  • And so it begins, the smoker vs. anti-smoker drama.

    I still say it’s discrimination, I should have my right to enjoy my smoke where ever I want.

    Next they’ll outlaw tanning beds and alcohol.

  • keightlynn,

    in the UK we’ve had two recent incidents where smokers reacted violently to being asked to obey the law. One murder, one attempted murder. A man was shot dead for asking a group at his friend’s club to stub it out (his killer just got life). And two men pushed a woman on to a railway track after she’d had to speak to them for the third day in a row about smoking on the platform.

    So I find it hard to shrug it off when a smoker gets so angry about their ‘right’ to smoke where they want to. It just makes me shudder, and wonder when the next addict with rage issues will take them out on an innocent person. Which is why I got snippy with purplemonkeypaws. I’m not saying purple is that kind of person, but it’s a worrying attitude. Even if it was a joke. It isn’t funny when people are actually being attacked.

  • @ Tarn

    I don’t smoke although I used to for a number of years. Almost everyday when I walk past the building next door after work my coworker complains to me that she hates walking by the smokers because she has to smell it. THAT and similiar attitudes piss me off! It really isn’t that big of a deal- you are not going to get lung cancer from walking by someone smoking outside and frankly I think the emissions from all the cars driving by constantly as you walk down the street are more harmful and just as smelly. Sometimes poeple just pick a topic and bitch, bitch, bitch even though they’ve already won so much by getting bars and restaurants to go smoke free. I don’t miss smelling like smoke after the bar but I do get pissed off with the incessent bitching and whining about smoking – especially when all the smoking is now happening outside and people are not stuck in a room with it. I don’t like how smokers have become demonized.

  • iloverainy,

    I had a choice about going to bars and restaurants which allowed smoking, but I can’t avoid using the streets, walking past bars etc. with crowds of smokers outside, or entering public buildings and offices with smoke clouds right outside their doors. It stinks, it makes my hair and clothes stink, and it pisses me off. So I’m with your co-worker on that.

    But I usually don’t bother mentioning it, because smokers (and apparently, ex-smokers) get so bent out of shape. They think non-smokers should shut up about it because, as you say, we’ve ‘won so much’. When it’s pointed out to them that no, the restrictions haven’t got rid of the problem – they’ve just moved it outside, where more people can be affected by it than ever go to bars or eat out… well, they just get all defensive and irrational. And there’s no point arguing with an addict about their addiction.

    And ok, maybe no lung cancer from a five-second exposure, but anybody who walks around a city every day gets a lot more than that when it’s added up. Just in the ten minute walk from the station to the office, I get plenty of lungfuls of smoke I don’t want. A smoke-free breath is a rare event. So that’s 100 minutes a week. And I’m not counting the extra on weekends and evenings out.

    As for comparisons to car pollution: there was a British study a while back which found that a person walking down the street behind a smoker breathes more dangerous, carcinogenic particles than a person walking beside a heavily-polluted road. The study concluded that it was a good idea to cross the road to avoid walking behind smokers!

  • Wow. Your voting for someone because they smoke? …I *just* love the assinine reasons people come up with as their reasoning for voting for a candidate. DUMB.

  • Basically anyone can come out with study that agrees with prevailing “wisdom” and not be challenged AT ALL about the scientific validity of the study. They are meant to create an atmosphere of hostility towards those smokers who somehow refuse to get with the program and quit.

    Common sense would tell you that walking behind someone who is smoking acigarette cannot possibly be more harmful than car exhaust. The amout of smoke is MINISCULE relative to all other contaminents in the air. Ever walk by an outside food vendor around lunch time? That’s some serious fumes. Yet no one seems concerned about this.
    Basically people believe what they want to believe. Right now its fashionable to hate smokers, and it gives people a sense of superiorty to discriminate against them. There it is. There’s really not much more to it than that. Seems there always has to be a lower class to look down upon.

  • I don’t know how Obama will handle his job. Stress and all… Isn’t the White House a federal building… HE CAN’T SMOKE IN DA HOUSE!!!


  • I’m with the smokers on this. I even go out of my way to find places that are sort of “hidden” to catch a three minute smoke in the middle of the day, and when someone happens to find me tucked away behind a dumpster I still get the anti-smoker glare. It’s rediculas. If cigarettes are legal then the actual act of smoking should be too.

    All I want is a designated smoking area. Some place I can stand and smoke where I will be left alone. Go ahead and put up big floresent signs so the anti smokers can go around and let smokers be.

  • I’m in favor of forcing everyone to smoke but not to admit to it to anyone in public. What the hell, we’re going to have healthcare paid by someone else anyway. All hail the new regime.