Today's Evil Beet Gossip

OJ Case in Jury’s Hands

The O.J. Simpson sports-memorabilia case has concluded testimony and has been handed over to the jury.

Quote of the week goes to Clark County District Attorney David Roger in his closing arguments: “In the state of Nevada, we are a civilized society.” Thanks for clearing that up, Champ. Because I did some things a couple years ago in the bathroom of rumjungle that left the civility of Nevada a little murky for me. Not, like, O.J.-Simpson-would-be-justified-in-stealing-sports-memorabilia-from-me murky. Just, like, it’s-gonna-hurt-to-pee-tomorrow murky.

Simpson and his co-defendent, Clarence Stewart, face life sentences if convicted.

Oh, please, Lord, I don’t ask for much, and you totally failed on the pony thing, so it would be really awesome if O.J. could go to jail forever for this sort of dumbass shit after being acquitted of double homicide.

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Oh the irony of it all. October 3, 1995 OJ got away with murder and now, on October 3, 2008 there is another shot at justice awaiting him.

  • This is could all be so easily resolved with this simple formula: Fred Goldman + large caliber hand gun.

  • LOL @ Senor Loco! I would hang around for the verdict, but I have to go watch the leaves fall. Chuck totally nailed it!

  • He who laughs last…laughs last! OJ finally got what was due him for the past 13 years. Guess he won’t be thumbing his nose at the justice system anymore.